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Personal Development Plan

Diana Stoica
Personal Development Plan

Name Current function Manager

Diana Maria Stoica Executive Management Assistant Mihaela Zaharia

1. Personal mission: what do I really want to achieve as a person / as a

A personal mission:
– gives direction in your (career) choices
– makes you more aware if you are doing good
– can be translated to personal intermediate goals and your action plan to avoid disappointments

When you formulate your personal mission, we advise you that you do not think about a specific function, but rather
about the expectations that your dream job should meet. It is a collection of elements you like in a job, knowing what
is important for you. For further information / tools, you can have a look at the appendix.

What do I really want / is important in my career. (Keep you core qualities and core values in mind.)

My personal mission Feedback of my supervisor New insights?

Lately I’ve been doing an evaluation and
I coming to some conclusions about
myself and my career. I really like what
I’m doing now, but I cannot say I find
myself 100% in this assistant position.

Being an introverted person, I often

encountered situations that did not
make me feel comfortable. And I am
more of person who likes to have a clear
vision of my task, a certain calendar.

Organizing events are a passion for me

and I really like to organize them, but at
company level things are a little

I think in the past, the only problem was

that I wanted to take on and do many
new tasks at once and I lost my focus.
Most likely, a new person like Laurentiu,
would have been very helpful. He could
free me so I could take over big
customers from Peter.

I can help to take over the complex

clients from Peter, maybe in this way he
can do other steps further.

But I kept thinking and came to the

conclusion that I would like to go back to

Because I attented to many trainings,

such as excel and power BI, and only
recently I had the opportunity to put
them into practice, I would like to have a
focus on that too.

2. My personal ambitions: what do I want to achieve in my career?

 On long-term (>= 3 jaar)

– As a person (personal leadership, personal effectiveness, relationships, work-life balance)
– In my profession (specialism)

My personal goals Feedback of my supervisor or New insights?


- Deliver the quality of my work;

- Push myself to do better daily;

- Focus and attention on the

tasks to complete them on
time and without mistakes;

- To become a Business
Controller, and to take over
from Peter all his work. For
example, to be able to do from
start to finish everything
related to the project for
Professional Services.

- Earn a new certificate or

 On short term (1 to 2 years)

– As a person (personal leadership, personal effectiveness, relationships, work-life balance)

– In my profession (specialism)

My personal goals Feedback of my supervisor or New insights?

- Change my current position
to Controlling and explore
the career I interested in;
- Increase my salary by 15%
(1 to 2 years) ;
- Trainings to develop my
- Use my knowledge and
learn it better in practice;

- Achieve Inner harmony and

satisfaction; balance;
- Communicate with my
coworkers more;

- Buy a house.
3. Input from my supervisor (or mentor)

Advice for career and development


4. Development action

Formulate the actions SMART.

Do not define too many actions at the same time (great Journeys start with small steps).
Ensure that actions are ambitious but realistic.

Goals. What do you want Actions you propose Feedback Commitments Timing
to achieve? What do you supervisor
want to develop?

- I just want to get - My desire is to get

the most out of involved and give
the opportunities everything I can to
I’ve been given. have excellent results.
To become the
best version of

- I will look for some

- I want to develop trainings that will
my help me develop my
communication skills;
and organizational

- Commitment and
determination to do
- Quality work the job; stay focused
and follow the
schedule; avoid
multitasking; prioritize
work according to
Appendix: tools to define your personal mission

 Inspiration for personal mission statement

 Core qualities and important skills: where am I good at?

Core qualities are what we call the qualities that most typify the person. They are the qualities that are typically 'you', the ones we
own from the moment we are born. Qualities shouldn't be confused with skills. A skill is something you can learn, a quality is
something you have. However, there is always a link between skills and qualities. A person, who possesses the core quality
“empathy”, can further develop his or her listening capabilities. Someone who has the quality of vigour can further develop the skill
of decisiveness. Do you find it hard to define your core qualities? Get inspired via the following links!

How do I see myself? Feedback that I receive from my Where are the differences? How do I
manager / mentor / others? explain those differences?

I think I am a total genuine and

natural person. I am patience,
multitasking, curious to find new
things, and determined to achieve
my goals.
I consider myself a dedicated
professional person an I really enjoy
my work.
I am interested in developing some
technical skills and in maximizing use
of my talents to add value and
contribute more to my department.
I enjoy working in a team
environment an I get along well with
I have an open mind to learn,
because in my opinion in this field
you have to adapt to new things
every time.

 Core values: where do I stand for?

Core values are deeply rooted convictions that filter our vision, and our judgment, of ourselves and of others. Where qualities say
HOW you do things and in what you are good at, values explain WHY you do things. Core values are the reasons to explain the why
of your actions. Do you find it hard to define your core values? Get inspired by the following link!

What affects me? When do I react What are my core values? How do these values give direction
emotionally? to my career? What elements are
essential for me in my job?

- Financial part;
- The insecurity of my
- Determination; - I believe that determination
professional path in this - Learning; and learning are 2
moment; important keys to creating a
- The behavior of the people I
- Loyalty; strong and successful
work with; - Honesty; career. That means that you
need to have clarity of
- Persistence; purpose and a direction.

- Loyalty and honesty can

help build relationship with
others people around you.

- To grow my career and to

achieve success, I need to
take constant action and I
must complete all of the
steps required along the
way. It is not often easy,
maybe sometimes I will face
challenges, but I just have
to keep persisting.

 What gives me positive energy? (And what brings me down?)

Write down the moments when you Do you get feedback from your What patterns do you recognize?
felt energized by the task you were manager or colleagues when they Energizers? Energy drainers?
doing. And what are the activities see you are working passionately or
that demotivate you? when you are having a hard time
(feeling less energy)?

The part I like the most is organizing Yes, I get feedback from them. I think that drainers cannot be
events. It gave me the opportunity to avoided in our life, but we can look
learn new things and each event was for way to eliminate or reduce them.
a new challenge.
Most of the time I spend on activities
Stress usually brings me down, when that energize me and I try to feel
I feel a I have a lot of things to do in positive and hopeful.
a short time. The fact that tasks
come from different people and ad
hoc sometimes, it is a little difficult
for me.

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