Antibacterial Activity of The Leaf and Stem Bark of Irvingia Gabonensis

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Bacterial resistance to antibacterial drugs in the treatment of some

bacterial infections has become a serious threat, consequently causing

untold hardship to patients and a challenge to healthcare practitioners. The

antibacterial activity of cold, hot water and ethanolic extract of stem bark

of Irvingia gabonensis was evaluated using Agar-well and Disc diffusion

method. Tetracycline was used as positive control while distilled water and

ethanol as negative controls. The organism was susceptible to ethanol

extract with the diameter zone of inhibition range between 15mm-25mm in

well-in-agar method and 10mm15mm in paper disc diffusion method. The

Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal

Concentration (MBC) was 200mg/ml respectively. Saponins, flavonoids,

tannins, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinones, phylobatanins and alkaloids

are the phytochemical elements detected from the I.gabonensis bark stem

extract. This study suggests that the bark extract of I.gabonensis has

advantageous antibacterial properties. Further exploration of these plant

substances will possibly unveil its potential use for medication of ailments

caused by the test organism.




For a long period of time in history, plant has been valuable and

indispensible sources of natural product for the health of human being and

they have a great potential for producing new drugs [1,2]. Even today

people who live near to the forest use plant product to cure chronic

diseases. According to the World Health Organization, plants are a source

of compounds that have ability to combat disease, antimicrobial, antiviral

and antifungal activities [1, 3]. Day by day new dreaded diseases are

arising. The rise of antibiotic resistant microorganism is one of the severe

problems in health care system of the world and infectious disease are the

second most serious causes of death worldwide [1, 4]. Therefore, new

drugs have to be found in order to combat such diseases and it is essential

to find new compounds that have antimicrobial properties. The search for a

better and lasting treatment for most human diseases including microbial

and parasitic infections has remained an active and interesting exercise

since human existence. There seem to be no answer to this scourge with

the emergence and reemergence of cases of resistant strains of pathogens

[1]. However, the development of safe, effective and affordable drugs for

treatment and prevention of major health problems in developing countries

is mostly a neglected challenge partly due to limited basic knowledge and

lack of adequate economic return on investment in pharmaceutical firms

[2]. The rise of antibiotic resistant microorganism is one of the excessive

issues in health care systems of the world, and infectious disease is the

second maximum critical cause of death worldwide [3, 4]. In step with the

World Health Organization, plants are sources of new compounds that have

the potential to fight bacterial activity [3, 5]. Therefore, new drugs ought

to be observed with a view to fight such diseases, and it is far important to

discover new compounds which have antibacterial properties. Thus, there

is a heavy reliance on traditional medicine in Nigeria and other developing

countries. Tradition of many countries in the world originated from the age

long links with nature and natural products from plant materials. These

days, people who live near the forest use plant products to treat chronic

illnesses. Concerning the above certainty, it's far profitable to display

screened plant species that have the above attributes to synthesize new

drugs [3].
Curiously, African mango (Irvingia gabonensis) bark stem extracts have

documented inhibitory action against numerous bacteria and fungi [6, 7].

In Nigeria, extracts particularly from the bark are used to treat hernia and

yellow fever and as an antidote for poisoning [8]. Kernels of I.gabonensis

are used to treat diabetes. Preparations from the bark are rubbed on the

body to alleviate pains and are applied to sores and wounds to aid healing

and to alleviate toothache. Extract from stem bark is also used to treat

diarrhoea [8]. Potential mechanism of action is membrane disruption by

terpenoids and inactivation of microbial adhesion, enzymes and mobile

envelope carrying proteins by means of ellagic acid-like compounds [6].

Escherichia coli is a gram-negative facultative anaerobic rod-shaped

bacterium generally discovered within the intestine of heat-blooded

organisms (endotherms) [8]. Most Escherichia strains are harmless, but a

few serotypes can initiate extreme food poisoning in humans and are very

often responsible for product recalls because of food infection [9]. The

harmless strains are part of the normal flora of the intestine and can be of

benefit by producing vitamin k and preventing pathogenic bacterial

colonization of the intestine [10, 11, 12]. On the contrary, E.coli causes

acute gastroenteritis mostly in infants but also in adults [13].This study

aims to analyze the antibacterial property of extract from the stem bark of

I.gabonensis against pathogenic E.coli implicated in diarrhoeal infection. In

addition, the minimum inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and the minimum

bactericidal concentration (MBC) were obtained. For the past two decades,

there has been an

increasing interest in the investigation of different extract obtained from

plants as a source of new antimicrobial agents [1] Medicinal plants are

plants in which one or more of its organs contain substances that can be

used for therapeutic purposes [2]. Majority of rural dwellers do not have

access to modern health care, so the mostly depend on medicinal plants

to prevent or eliminate diseases ([3]. Occidentalis species belongs to the

genus Cassia and the Family Caesalpiniaceae. It is called Stinking Weed,.

In Hausa, it is known as “Rai dore” . In Igbo it is called “Osiisi” while

‘’Gaya’’ in Nupe. It is an erect herb, commonly found by road sides,

ditches and waste dumping sites. Cassia occidentalis has many

applications in traditional medicine. All the parts of the plant have

medicinal uses. Tradionally, its roots leaves, flowers and seeds are used

as laxatives and purgative [4]. Phytochemically, the aqueous extract of

Cassia occidentalis contained tannins, anthraquinone, sterol, cardiac

glycosides, saponin and alkaloids [5]. Previous works have shown that C.

occidentalis leaves exhibited In vitro antibacterial, antimalarial

and antihepatoxic property [6]. The seeds are brewed into a coffee

like beverage for asthma and flower infusion is use for the treatment of

bronchitis in the Peruvian amazon [7]. Although the flower infusion was

reported to be used locally for the treatment of bronchitis in the Peruvian

amazon, literature survey revealed that the flower extract has yet not

been screened for its antimicrobial activity. Therefore the study was

carried out to determine the phytochemical and antimicrobial activities of

C. occidentalis flower extract on selected bacteria namely, Klebsiella

pneumoniaea, Staphylococcus aureus Streptococcus pneumoniae,

Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

2.1 Collections of Plant Materials and Processing: The Leaf and

stem bark of plant materials

Irvingiagabonensis (Bush mango tree) were collected from Umuagara

Izhiamgbo village of Ohaukwu Local Government Area of Ebonyi state,

Nigeria. The plant material were examined and authenticated by Dr. C.V

Nnamani of Applied Biology Department, Ebonyi State University Abakaliki,

Nigeria. The plant samples were transferred to Microbiology Laboratory

Unit for processing. At arrival the leaves and bark were washed with

distilled water to reduce the bacterial load and also were size reduced with

sterile knife in order to facilitate drying. The plant parts were dried at

room temperature in order to prevent loss of active constituents which may

be thermo-labile and drying was continued until constant weights obtained.

After drying, the leaves and bark were separately grounded using sterile

mortar and pestle and electric grinder into fine powder and was stored for

further use.
2.1.1 Preparation of Extracts: Here, 100g of powdered

Irvingiagabonensis leaves and stems bark were extracted using ethanol,

hot water and cold water according to [14].

2.2 Qualitative Determination of Phytochemical Components of

Leaf and Bark Extract of Irvingiagabonensis: The following

phytochemicals were qualitatively determined in leaf and bark extracts

Irvingiagabonensis namely: tannin [15], alkaloids [16], saponin [17],

phlobatannins [18]. Anthraquinones [19], flavonoid and cardiac glycoside


Isolates: The bacterial isolates (Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus

aureus)were sub-cultured on nutrient agar plate and incubated at 37°C for

24 hours. There were re-identified using gram staining and conventional

biochemical tests such as catalase test and coagulase tests [20, 21].

Gram Staining: Gram staining is of a great importance in the

recognition and identification of gram positive bacteria and gram negative

bacteria.A smear of isolate was made on a clean glass slide and allowed to

air dry then the slide was passed through a Bunsen flame for 3 times

to heat fix. The slide was flooded with crystal violent and it was allowed
to stay for 30-60seconds. Thereafter it was washed off with distilled water,

then theslide was flooded withlugol’s iodine and was allowed to stay for 30-

60 seconds, it was washed off with distilled water. Thereafter the slide was

flooded with acetone (alcohol) and was washed away immediately with

water then slide was flooded with safranin and was allowed to stay for 1-2

minutes and it was allowed to air dry for 10minutes. The dried slide was

placed under microscope and was viewed with X100 (oil immersion)


Biochemical Test: The following biochemical tests were carried out

Catalase Test and Coagulase Test[20], Methyl Red Test [21] and Indole


Preparation of 0.5 McFarland Standards: Firstly, 1% chemically pure

sulphuric acid was prepared by adding 1ml of concentrated sulphuric acid

on99ml of distilled water in conical flask. Also 1% of barium chloride

solution was prepared in another test-tube by adding 0.5g of dehydrated

Barium chloride to 50ml of distilled water. Then slowly, with constant

agitation, 0.6ml of Barium chloride solution was added to 99.4ml sulphuric

acid [20].
Standardization of Inoculums: Suspension of inocula was prepared in

test-tube from the stock culture, which were maintained on nutrient agar

slant 40°C. the density of organism inoculated on to the media for

susceptibility test was determined bycomparism with the turbidity of 0.5

McFarland and standards.

According to the manufacturer’s specification in 1000ml flask and

sterilized by autoclaving at 121°Cfor 15minutes.

herbal extract by carrying out antimicrobial screening

2.3 Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing: The test organism were

checked to know whether they are susceptible to the using the extracts

and by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and

minimum bactericidal concentration(MBC).

2.4 Antimicrobial Screening of the Extract: 20ml of sterile nutrient

agar was poured into the sterile Petri- dish and allowed to gel. The surface

was flooded with 2ml of 18 hours broth culture standardized according to

National Committee forClinic Laboratory Standard (NCCLS, 2002) by

gradually adding normal saline to compare its turbidity to McFarland

standard of 0.5 which is approximately 1.0x10 6cfu/ml. the surface was

allowed to dry and sterile No.4 Cork borer was used to bore six holes of

about 2.5cm equal size on the surface 0.1ml of the extract at different

concentrations of 6.25%w/v, 12.5%w/v, 25%w/v, 50%w/v and 100%w/v

was dropped into each hole and the plate was kept for about 1hour at

room temperature and incubated at 37°C for 18hours. The diameter of

zones of inhibition was measured after incubation to the nearest

millimeter(mm). The experiment was repeated three times and the mean

diameter was taken. Amoxicillin 25mg/l was used as control [14]

Minimum In hibitory Concentration (MIC)and Minimum

Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) Determination

The Minimum Inhibitory Concentration: This was determined by

Agar dilution method Ten milliliter (10ml) volume of double strength

melted MuellerHinton agar at 45° was diluted with equal volume of

the test extract in graded concentration (50%w/v, 25%w/v,

12.5%w.v, 6.25% w/v and 3.13%w/v). These were poured aseptically

into sterile Petri-dishes and dried at 37° for 1hour with the lid slight raised.

Standardized test bacteria (10 cfu/ml) were aseptically 6 inoculated on the

surface of the media/agar for each concentration of the test plant extract

[14]. These were incubated at 37°C for 18 hours.

The M.I.C value was taken as the least concentrations of the extract

showing no detectable growth.

The Minimum Bactericidal Concentrations: This was determined by

transferring incubated organism from the concentration that showed

no visible growth from the M.I.C determination into a sterile

nutrient agar. These were incubated at 37°C for 72 hours. The least

concentration of the extract that showed no bacterial growth on the

surface of the medium was taken as the M.B.C.

2.5 Determination of Antioxidant Activities: The anti-oxidant

potential of the methanolic extract was determined on the basis of their

scavenging activity of the stable 1,1diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH)

free radical. DPPH method is most widely used and easiest method to

determine antioxidant activity [12]. DPPH is a stable free radical

containing an odd electron in its structure and usually utilized for

detection of the radical scavenging activity in chemical analysis. The

aliquots of the different concentrations (1-500 µg/ml) of the extract was

added to 3 ml of a 0.004% w/v solution of DPPH. Absorbance at 517 nm

was determined after 30 min, and IC 50 (Inhibitory concentration 50%)

was determined. IC50 value denotes the concentration of sample

required to scavenge 50% of the DPPH free radicals [13].

At first 6 test tubes were taken to make aliquots of 6 conc.(1, 5, 10, 50,

100 and 500 µg/ml). Plant extract and tubes were determined by UV

spectrophotometer. IC50 was determined from % inhibition vs concentration


2.6 Determination Antibacterial Activities: Nutrient agar media was

prepared by adding water to a dehydrated product that contains all the

ingredients. Practically all media are available commercially in powdered

form [14].

Three types of discs were prepared for antibacterial screening: One

gram sample extracts was dissolved in 10 ml of ethanol to prepare sample

solution, 0.03 gm/10ml gentamicin standard disc used as positive control to

ensure the activity of standard antibiotic against the test organisms as well

as for comparison of the response produced by known antibacterial agent

with that produced by test samples, and third one was a blank sample

(only ethanol) which was used as negative control to ensure that the

residual solvents was not active. Specific organisms were inoculated into

previously sterilized nutrient agar media, mixed thoroughly and transferred

immediately to the sterile petri dish in an aseptic condition. It was stored in

an incubator for about 24 hours to allow the proper growth of microbes.

Prepared sample solutions were applied to the corresponding cups or holes

with the help of a micropipette. The plates were then allowed to stand to

diffuse the sample solution into the antibiotic medium at room temperature

for 2 hours. The plates were then incubated at 37EC for overnight. After

proper incubation, clear zones of inhibition around the point of application

of sample solution were formed. These inhibition zones were measured by

slide calipers and expressed in millimeter [6].



For Antioxidant Activities Test: In the present study, methanol extracts

of the leaves of C. procera showed potential free-radical scavenging

activity but aqueous extract showed very little free-radical scavenging


Fig. 1: DPPH Scavenging Assay of Trema orientalis compared with

Standard ascorbic acid

(absorbance vs concentration)
IC50 of the methanol extract of C. procera was 121.25 µg/ml which

indicated the strong antioxidant activity of the plant extract. However the

aqueous extract showed mild antioxidant activity. DPPH Scavenging Assay

of C. procera compared with Standard ascorbic acid absorbance vs

concentrations are shown in Fig. 1 & % of inhibition vs concentration are

shown in Fig. 2.

For Antibacterial Activities Test: The result of the antibacterial activity

measured in term of diameter of zone of inhibition in mm. Standard

antibiotic discs of Gentamycin was used as standard comparison purpose.

Both extract showed antibacterial activity against both gram positive and

gram negative bacteria. Aqueous extract showed higher anti microbial

activities than methanol extract. Inference can be drawn that the

antibacterial constituents are present in the extract in moderate

concentration. Antibacterial activity of methanol and aqueous extract of

leaves of C. procera are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Antibacterial activity of methanol and aqueous extract of leaves

of C. procera

Diameter zone of

inhibition in mm



Methanol Aqueous

Gentamy extrac extrac

cin t t

Name of(30µg/ (500 (500

bacteria well) µg/wel µg/wel

l) l)





cus aureus 21 9 12

Staphylococ 18 9 10


Staphylococ 32 - 22




Streptococc 21 - 10

us pyogenes





shigelloides 14 6 7

Shigella 24 9 10


Vibrio 28 9 9


Salmonella 31 - -


Shigella 21 - 10

Shigella 23 - -


Shigella 24 - 9


Pseudomon 27 - 10



Table 2: Identification of Bacterial Isolate

Biochemical Test Observation

Gram reaction Gram


Catalase Negative

Oxidase Negative

Indole Positive

Table 3: Characteristics/Percentage (%) yield of the Plant Extract

Plant Part Solvent Weigh of Percentage Colour of

t Yield Extract


Irvingia Cold 29.9 64.4 Pale

gabonensi water Yellow

s Stem


Hot 26.0 56.5 Pale

water Yellow

Ethanol 7.5 16.3 Dark Yellow

Table 3.1: Antibacterial Susceptibility Test of I.gabonensis Stem Bark

against E.coli Well-In-Agar Method- Diameter zone of Inhibition (mm)

Conc. Cold Water Hot Water Ethanol


200 - - 25

100 - - 23
50 - - 21

25 - - 21

12.5 - - 15

NB: - =No Antibacterial Activity. Diameter of well = 6m

Table 3.2: Antibacterial Susceptibility Test of I.gabonensis Stem Bark

against E.coli Paper Disc Method- Diameter Zone of Inhibition (mm)

Conc. Cold Water Hot Water Ethanol


200 - - 15

100 - - 12

50 - - 10

25 - - -

12.5 - - -
N.B = No Antibacterial Activity. Diameter of well = 6mm Control

Tetracycline (250mg/ml) = 27MM Ethanol = - Distilled Water = - Table 4:

Antibacterial Susceptibility Test of I.gabonensis Stem Bark against E.coli

Tube Dilution Test (Determination of Minimum Inhibitory Concentration)

Inhibitory Concentration)

Conc. (mg/ml) Ethanol

12.5 +

25 +

50 +

100 +

200 -

N.B. + = Growth Observed (not turbid) - = Growth observed (not turbid)

Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC). Ethanol Extract =


Table 4: Phytochemical Screenings of Ethanolic Concentration of

I.gabonensis Stem Bark

Phytochemical Extraction


Cardiac glycosides ++

Flavonoids +++

Anthraquinones ++

Alkaloids +++

Tannin ++

Phlobatannins ++

Saponins +

Phenols +++

+ = Detected amount present

++ = moderately present +++

= noticeably present


The antibacterial activity of ethanol, cold water and hot water extracts of

stem bark Irvingia gabonensis against Escherichia coli, an organism

implicated in diarrheal infections was investigated. Ethanol, cold water and

hot water were used as extract solvents. Cold water extract produced the
most yields (64.4%) followed by hot water extract (56.5%) and the

ethanol extract (16. 3%).This may be as a result of the fact that active

components of the stem bark are more soluble in organic solvents than

polar solvents [21]. In this study, the antibacterial susceptibility screening

tests using well-in agar method showed that cold water and hot water

extracts of I.gabonensis stem bark had no antibacterial activity at the test

concentrations of 200mg/ml, 100mg/ml, 50mg/ml, 25mg/ml, 12.5mg/ml

respectively. Only the ethanol extract demonstrated significant antibacterial

activity against E.coli with a zone of inhibition in the range of 15-25mm in

the well-in agar method. Paper disc diffusion method showed that both

cold and hot water extracts of the plant sample were both inactive against

the test organism as in the case with the well-in agar method. However,

the ethanol stem bark extract showed slight activity for 200mg/ml,

100mg/ml and 50mg/ml concentrations respectively. The antibiotic,

tetracycline (250mg/ml) as a positive control had a zone of inhibition of

27mm while distilled water and ethanol as negative controls had no zone of

inhibition. The cold water and hot water extracts of the plant sample were

both inactive against E.coli in the paper disc diffusion method as well as

the well-in agar method. This could be due to the fact that the active
compounds in the extract being insoluble in polar solvent [21] present in

smaller concentration or does not exist in both the hot and cold water

extracts. The antibacterial activity recorded in this study agrees with

previous report by Kuete et al. (2007) who stated that fractions and

compounds isolated from the stem bark of I.gabonensis prevented the

growth of 6 gram positive bacteria and 13 species of Gram negative

bacteria including E.coli [6]. This study is also in line with that by Barry and

Thomsberry. (1985) who reported the pharmacological activity of 2, 3, 8-

tri-0-methyl ellagic acid isolated from the stem bark of I.gabonensis against

Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria including E.coli [23]. However,

Fadare and Ajaiyeoba (2008) stated that crude methanol extract of the

stem bark of I.gabonensis was inactive against E.coli and other organisms

tested [24]. In their study, methanol was used as extract solvent and it

might be that the active compounds in the extract are also insoluble in

methanol. The phytochemical screenings of I.gabonensis stem bark extract

showed the presence of saponin, flavonoids, tannins, cardiac glycoside,

anthraquinones, phlobatannins alkaloids and phenol [25].Therapeutic

packages of stem bark of I. gabonensis have been extensively suggested in

various studies [26, 27, 28, 29], while medicinal use of stem bark of I.
gabonensis is presumably as a result of the presence of alkaloids and the

synergistic effect of other bioactive agents that are

available [30]. It has been reported that tannin can hasten up recovery of

wound in an inflamed membrane; this may be due to its antiseptic nature

in reducing bacterial infection in wounds [31]. In a previous study, saponin

was mentioned with notable pharmaceutical importance due to its

affinity to compounds like sex hormone, diuretic, calciferol (Vitamin D),

steroids and cardiac glycoside [32].


DPPH is the best, easiest and widely used method for for testing

preliminary free radical scavenging activity of a compound or a plant

extract [12]. In present study, methanol extracts of the leaves of C.

procera possess strong antioxidant activity. However the aqueous extract

showed mild antioxidant activity. The free radical scavenging property may

be one of the mechanisms by which this drug is effective as a traditional

medicine. Most of the tannins and flavonoids are phenolic compounds and
may be responsible for antioxidant properties of many plants [15]. So, this

activity may be due to the presence of phenolic compounds (tannins and

flavonoids) present in the extract [16]. Crude methanol extract of C.

procera showed antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus,

Staphylococcus epidermidis, Plesiomonas shigelloides, Shigella dysenteriae,

and Vibrio cholerae on the other hand aqueous extract showed

antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus

epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Streptococcus pyogenes

Plesiomonas shigelloides, Shigella dysenteriae, Vibrio cholerae, Shigella

Flexner, Shigella sonnei and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Both extracts did

not show any activities against Salmonella typhi and Shigella

boydii. In fact, both methanol and aqueous extract of C. procera shown

significant antibacterial activity against few grams positive and gram

negative bacterial strains. The reputation of C. procera as a remedy for

different microbial diseases traditionally including diarrhoea and dysentery

was supported by the antibacterial screening tests.

Irvingiagabonensis (bush mango) contains chemical constituents which

posses antibacterial activity against E.coli, the causative agent of diarrhea,

fatal dehydration, urinary tract infection and bladder infection and

Staphylococcus aureus causative agent of skin lesion such as boils,

pneumonia and gastroenteritis. The eye infection, diarrhea, healing of

wound and inflammation of testicles. The chance to find antimicrobial

drugs were apparent on both the leave and bark extract, therefore, the

plant could be a source of new antibiotic.

The stem bark of Irvingia gabonensis (bush mango) contains chemical

compounds which pose antibacterial activity against E.coli, the causative

agent of diarrhea, deadly dehydration, urinary tract infection and bladder

infection. The antibacterial activity demonstrated by this plant therefore

justifies its traditional medical use in the treatment of diarrhea.

Toxicological studies of this plant can be formulated into a useful drug for

the treatment of E.coli infections. The prospect of finding a new

antibacterial agent in the stem bark of Irvingia gabonensis is therefore


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