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From my point of view, studying online has both advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, focus on its benefits, studying online helps students to have the
coordination between learning the lectures and searching for study information on
the internet, which can increase study efficiency. Besides that, non-verbal study is
probably the safest and most propitious way to cultivate knowledge without
stepping outside. Secondly, the harmful side of this method of study, studying
online accidentally decrease the students’ concentration in the lectures due to the
impact and attraction of online games, social media, and chatting box,… Studying
in a noisy environment, not like school makes the student distracted by noise and
unexpected annoyance. Moreover, studying indirectly diminishes the interaction
between students and teachers, causing diffidence when studying face-to-face.
Furthermore, learning through electric devices also causes inconvenience if there is
a problem with the transmission line. In short, online learning is an effective
learning solution during the epidemic season, only if students have enough self-
discipline and high concentration.

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