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Precis Solution

Nizar Hassan, a Palestinian filmmaker, produced two documentaries about Israeli

occupation of his homeland. In the first documentary, he brought out the irony in Israeli
celebration of freedom after they displaced the indigenous population. It put Palestine in
perspective. His second documentary is a long but excellent narrative that pays homage to
Palestinian's struggle. The epic highlights the needs of the oppressed not to become
dehumanized like their oppressors. Such avenues of film, art and literature can save the
persecuted people from destructive resentments. Nizar's work got recognition and praise.

Comprehension Passage

1) Why does the doctrine of power set by neo-imperial America deny space to
The doctrine of power set by America denies space to counselling because the need for
waging pre-emptive wars is the neo-imperial American doctrine that only considers the
country's perceived interest. Whenever US deems its national security at risk, it denies
any room for counselling as it resorts to aggression and kinetic force.
2) What is the essence of ‘moral equivalence’ whereas war has no moral

As pacifists argue, there is no moral justification for war. However,

neoconservative talk-show host, Bill O' Reilly drew on the fallacy of moral equivalence to
push for the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. The way he argued for war, among others,
manifested the logic of a hyperpower.

3) Why do the countries occupied and under the tutelage of hyperpower have
no peace?

The countries occupied by hyperpower have no peace because the invading forces
do not make substantive space to nurture institutional democracy. In Afghanistan, for
example, the Taliban regime was replaced with the warlords who failed to democratize
the country, plunging it into a renewed chaos.

4) Arguably Europe and hyperpower US are at cross purposes over the concept
of war. Are they? Why?

Yes. Europe and hyperpower US are at cross purposes over the concept of war.
This is evident from the fact that the US invasion of Iraq in 2003 demonstrated that
some European counties, at least, did not agree with the manifestation of American
hyperpower in pre-emptive use of force against Iraq. One of those EU countries, France,
did not see the invasion as just war.

5) What Topy Blair meant by ‘wise counsel’, and did it prevail?

Tony Blair, as Prime Minister, expressed the need for restraining American's
hyperpower - through wise counsel. This policy, however, did not work and the events
took ironic turn as Britain participated in the invasion of Iraq.


Both Syed Ahmed Khan and his distinguished as well as enlightened son Syed
Mehmood treated the British as their equals and of equal stature. This is contrary to the
subservient and obedient behavior - in line with pro-imperialist designs - promoted by
the British Raj that had widespread following in the subcontinent. The incident of Agra
Darbar in 1867 was well known to the whole Indian nation, and not just the Muslim
India. Syed Ahmed Khan had stayed away from the Court because the Indians had been
given seats inferior to the British officials. A medal was to be conferred upon Syed
Ahmed Khan at the Durbar. Williams, the Commissioner of Meerut, was later asked to
present the medal to Syed Ahmed Khan at Aligarh railway station.

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