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Prepared by: Busesa Community Development Organization

P.O. Box 89
Kibaale District
Tel: +256-782952757/+256-700564578
Project Profile

1. Project Title: Application for Funding Support towards mobilization for

Sustainable house hold income activities program and
good community health in kibaale district.

2. Project Applicant: Busesa Community Development Organization

P.O. Box 89
Kibaale District

3. Project Contact Person: Mr. Lubega Richard

Executive Director
Busesa Community Development Organization
P.O. Box 89
Karuguuza – Kibaale District
Tel: +256-772523279/751051182

4. Project Legal Holder: Busesa Community Development Organization.

5. Project Duration: 3 Years (April 2019 – March 2022)

6. Project Target Beneficiaries: 3,240 Rural poor households in Kibaale district

7. Project Budget: Ug. Shs. 617,850,000


1.1 General Background

Busesa Community Development Organization has been involved in the implementation

of community development programmes since early 2014 when it initiated a pro-poor
focused Sustainable Agriculture Programme and community health initiative in Matale
sub County. A total of over 12,000 rural poor small-scale farming households with
about 15,000 people have been supported. These households now enjoy multiple
benefits of embracing improved health conditions,ecological farming like improved
security backed by healthy foods, improved incomes and overall improvements in the
general standards of living.

Since 2014 Busesa Community Development Organization adopted an integrated

community development approach that emphasizes holistic development. Under this
approach the promotion and mobilization for Sustainable house hold income
activities program and good community health is one integral part of rural
livelihood improvement. The other parts are improving access to clean and safer water
to rural communities, SACCO and improving access to basic health services using the
Community Based Health Care (CBHC) approach. The four pillars (Agriculture, Water
and Sanitation, SACCO and Health) of the Integrated Development Approach being
promoted by Busesa Community Development Organization guarantees all round
development that re-inforces each other. This approach has led to the realization of
rural transformation in many rural poor communities of mainly kibaale district where
it has been successfully implemented with local funds and support from Infectious
Disease Institute (IDI), (Kitara Civil Society Organization Network) KCSON and local
government. The plan for Busesa Community Development Organization is to expand
this approach to many rural poor communities in Kibaale District and beyond so that
they can overcome food insecurity, hunger, poverty, health and be able to attain good
living standards.

Since January 2016 Busesa Community Development Organization expanded her

development programme activities in the whole of Kibaale District using local
Mobilization for sustainable house hold income activities program and good
community health will complete the entire cycle of the planned Integrated
Community Development Programme for Kibaale District. The mobilization for
Sustainable house hold income activities program and good community health
will however be implemented as a programme in its own right administratively (for
purposes of reporting and accountability to the relevant authorities).

The proposed target area of Kibaale District is predominantly rural and poor.The
initiation of Busesa Community Development Organization at the development scene
of Kibaale was a timely undertaking. The communities of Kibaale District had for long
requested Busesa Community Development Organization to extend her services to the
whole District area but this has never been possible because of the lack of resources
and the fear to over-stretch the capacity of the organization. Busesa Community
Development Organization has got some local funds with qualified, experienced and
dedicated staff that can run a programme of any magnitude. It is only the other
resources that are lacking that this proposal is seeking to rise.

The Infectious Disease Institute (IDI), local government and Kitara Civil Society
Organization network (KCSON) have been unique partners that supported the staff
capacity development effort of Busesa Community Development Organization.
Through the Capacity Building of the staff and Board Members have had opportunities
to learn from their peers within Uganda and the East Africa Sub-region. It is through
this learning and sharing that Busesa Community Development Organization has
become a respected development player in the Agriculture, SACCO, Water and Health
sectors in Kibaale District.

1.2 Experience and Capacity of Local Implementing Partner

Busesa Community Development Organization is a reputable pro-poor community

development organization based and operational in Kibaale District in mid-western
Uganda. Busesa Community Development Organization has wide experience in
implementing integrated community development programmes in Kibaale District
where it has successfully executed a number of programmes in Health, Water,
Agriculture, Education and the Environment. Busesa Community Development
Organization has been very active in the integrated community development sphere
since 2014 when it started implementing Integrated Community Development
Programmes in Matale sub county. Since this time the Integrated Community
Development Programme for Kibaale District locally funded is a vivid example of our
engagement in integrated and participatory community development initiatives.

The work of Busesa Community Development Organization currently benefits well over
325,000 rural poor people in Kibaale District. This work, mainly in Agriculture, Water,
Health, SACCO, Environment and the school health sectors is funded by local resources
got from Busesa Community Development Organization projects. Busesa Community
Development Organization support clearly reflects the confidence we have in the work
in areas of community development.
There is a team of 15 staff at Busesa Community Development Organization who are
well trained, experienced and dedicated to promoting community development
programmes. Together with the well over 1,500 Village Extension Agents (CRPs, CHWs
and TBAs) trained by Busesa Community Development Organization, our field staff
have been the engine behind the great success registered by the organization over the

In Kibaale, Busesa Community Development Organization enjoys a very cordial

working relationship with the political and technical leadership of Kibaale District
Local Government and the Sub-county Local Governments in her area of operation.

The wide use and belief in participatory development approaches makes Busesa
Community Development Organization a key partner of the community in its
development efforts. Busesa Community Development Organization too, considers the
community as a very essential partner in the rural transformation efforts. This synergy
will be carried into the proposed project and to all other projects of Busesa
Community Development Organization as has always been the case.

Globally, Busesa Community Development Organization enjoys a very warm

relationship with a number of local supporters.
Through the various programmes of Busesa Community Development Organization
briefly mentioned in this section, the beneficiary population has been able to reap
many significant benefits. There has been improved food security and incomes among
the lower segments of our communities, there has been reduction in incindences of
common diseases, there is environmental regeneration and above all the hitherto poor
now live better and dignified lives. Empowerment levels mostly among women have
drastically improved and their place in society is finally being re-established. There
are many other achievements in many forms and this is what will continue to drive
Busesa Community Development Organization to remain committed to the rural
development programmes and approaches as outlined in this proposal.

1.3 Previous and On-going Partnership

Busesa Community Development Organization has been in partnership with Infectious
Disease Institute (IDI), Kitara civil society organization Network (KCSON), District and
sub county production teams.To date about 12,000 rural poor farming households have
been directly supported with knowledge and skills in animal rearing fish farming new
agricultural skills and getting involved in SACCO. Many of these households enjoy
improved food security, better incomes and elevated social status.


2.1 Problem Statement

The proposed Mobilization for sustainable house hold income activities program
and good community health will be implemented in an area where the farming
practices among the predominantly peasantry community are very poor. This has
continued to cause problems of food insecurity, poverty, poor health and
environmental degradation. The major cause of this precarious situation is limited
modern and appropriate farming knowledge and inadequate environmental awareness
and concern. The problem of environmental degradation is further exacerbated by
increased pressure on trees for firewood and charcoal in both urban and rural areas
because of the rapid increase in population.
The Government extension services machinery in Kibaale District is very weak and
highly un-reliable and this leaves the farmers and rural communities with no
alternative but rather to continue with the traditional farming methods which are
quite inefficient and destructive to the environment. This situation was very evident
during the recent field assessment carried out in the area as farmers confessed they
take a long time to see an Extension Worker! Some communities confessed that they
have never seen an Extension Agent in the last five years.
The high poverty (low incomes) situation make it difficult to most households to access
appropriate farm inputs and paid services from private providers who are very few and
expensive. For about 5 years now Busesa Community Development Organization has
been intervening on the above problems with outstanding results. This intervention
was, however, limited to only Matale Sub county till to date.

2.2 Project Goal

The overall goal of this proposed project is to “Improve the standard of living of the
rural poor small-scale farming community of Kibaale District by ensuring and
enhancing food security, good incomes and ecological stability through Sustainable
Land use Practices”.

2.3 Project Target Area and Target Group

The project target areas of Buyanja county in sub counties of Matale, Kyebando,
Bwamiramira, Nyamarwa,Kasimbi,Kabasekende, Bubango, Mugarama, Nyamarunda,
Karama and kibaale town council in Kibaale District in mid-western Uganda. The
target villages will be selected through a joint consultation effort of Programme staff,
Community Representatives and Local Leaders. A total of 20 villages are targeted
each year.
The programme will use a group approach in implementing this three year
intervention. Farmers targeted to benefit from the programme activities will be
mobilized to form groups of their choice. The programe targets to work with three (3)
groups per village and thus a total of 180 groups in three (3) years. Each group is
planned to have between 15 – 20 members with only one member per household. In
total about 3,240 farmers from 3,240 rural poor households will be directly reached by
the programme. Indirectly a total of 22,680 people from these families will also be
reached by the programme in three (3) years. Women mainly widows, single mothers
and those affected by HIV/AIDS will be deliberately targeted.

2.4 Planned Project Activities

There are a number of project activities planned for the three (3) year period under t
he following broad areas:

a) Training of farmers in Sustainable Agriculture Techniques and Methods

b) Supporting of farmers with inputs of improved breeds of crops (seeds and planting
materials) and animals for further breeding and multiplication.
c) Delivery of regular extension and advisory services to the farmers.
d) Promotion of low-cost households’ level technology for water harvesting, value
addition, etc.
e) Regular follow-up/progamme monitoring

In the framework of the above activities the following specific activities are planned
for the three (3) year programme period:

• Community mobilization and sensitization on Sustainable Agriculture of 60 villages

and formation of 180 farmer groups with 3,240 members
• Conducting sixty (60) training workshops for 3,240 farmers in 180 farmer groups in
Sustainable Agriculture Techniques, Tree Planting (Agro-forestry) an Wood Energy
• Training of 180 Link Farmers/Community Resource Persons (CRPs) in Extension and
Leadership Skills to serve as Village Extension Agents
• Procurement of Agro-forestry and Vegetable Seeds for establishing Community
Nursery Beds.
• Procurement and supporting farmers with selected breeds of bananas which are
resistant to diseases for further breeding and multiplication.
• Procurement and distribution of improved breeds of pigs, poultry and goats for
breeding and multiplication by the farmers.
• Introduction of appropriate technology that is farmer friendly and cost-efficient in
micro-irrigation and solar drying.
• Training in Value Addition – Wine Making, Jam Production and Fruit Packing
• Provision of regular extension services i.e. visiting every trained farm family at
least once a month.
• Conducting exposure/study tours for farmers so as to enable them share
experience with other successful Sustainable Agriculture farmers in other
programmes and to established Ecological Agriculture.
In order to effectively and efficiently implement the above activities, the programme
will be run by three (3) staff experienced in Sustainable Agriculture Techniques and
one of them will serve as Programme Co-ordinator. The programme will equip the
new staff with 2 motorcycles for fieldwork. In total two (2) new motorcycles will be
procured under this programme.

The training in Sustainable Agriculture which is the major critical activity of this
programme will introduce farmers to low-cost Organic Farming approaches that will
facilitate improved farm production and incomes. Farmers will be introduced to Soil
Feeding Techniques, Soil and Water Conservation Measures, Tillage Practice, Agro-
forestry, Ecological Pest Control and Crop Disease Management, Water Harvesting and
Modern Rearing of Animals at household level. The training will also tackle the
management of key local crops like bananas, coffee, vegetables and fruits. This will
equally be done on the side of animals pigs, goats and poultry.

On Soil Feeding, farmers will be introduced to Compost Making and Application and
also the Preparation of Liquid Manures and Plant Teas. The planting of multi-purpose
trees which feed the soil with plant nutrients like Nitrogen among other things will
also be emphasized. Farm planning will be another area farmers will be trained in.

The training will also cover Soil and Water Conservation measures like Mulching, Use of
Contour Bunds, Contouring, technology and many others. Tillage practices like double
digging will be introduced and encouraged throughout the trainings. The trainings will
be dominated by practical’s.

2.5 Expected Results of the Mobilization for sustainable house hold income activities
program and good community health.

The implementation of proposed programme among the rural poor farming

communities of Bugangaizi West County is expected to benefit the farmers through the
following ways:

• Improved household incomes

• Increased household food security
• Diversified agriculture production
• Improved farming knowledge
• Improved access to extension services
• Improved social and human capital through formation of Village Development
Committees and farmer groups and training of Community Resource Persons (CRPs)
in a variety of skills.
• Introduction of high yielding crop varieties and animal breeds
• Increased environmental awareness and concern
• Adoption of Sustainable Land use Practices
• Prosperous and healthy communities
• Increased awareness and use of rural appropriate technology in micro-irrigation
and drying.

Indirectly many people and institutions will also benefit. The introduction of high
yielding crops and animal breeds will be locally multiplied to benefit many more
households. The Government will also benefit from improved taxable income of the
rural farmers which will greatly improve her capability to deliver social services and
improvement of infrastructure like roads.

2.6 Project Management and Organization

The overall responsibility for ensuring efficient and effective implementation of this
project rests with the Executive Director of Busesa Community Development
Organization as head and Chief Accounting Officer of the organization. There will,
however, be a Programme Co-ordinator who will be responsible for the day-to-day
management and co-ordination of the programme. There will also be two (2) Field
Extension Staff who will be responsible for delivery of field extension services,
advisory services and regular follow-ups. The Programme Co-ordinator will, besides
the administration function, perform the duties of the Field Extension Worker. The
Programme Co-ordinator will be answerable to the Executive Director who has the
principal mandate of reporting to the donor and the Board. The key duties of the
Programme Co-ordinator shall be:

• Ensuring efficient and effective co-ordination and implementation of programme

activities according to approved workplan and budget and established policies of
Busesa Community Development Organization and donor guidelines.
• Field co-ordination and follow-up/supervision of field extension worker.
• Ensuring timely preparation of monthly and six monthly workplans and progress
• Programme Administrator and spokesperson
• Net-working with Government and other development agencies
• Coaching and inducting new staff of the programme
• Motivating communities and local leaders to actively participate in programme
• Participating in the training of farmers and Link Farmers in various techniques
• Delivery of extension and advisory services to farmers in a particular designated

The main duties of the Field Extension Workers shall mainly be:

• Training of farmers in Sustainable Agriculture Techniques and Methods

• Provision of Extension and advisory services to farmers
• Farmer follow-up either in groups or at individual homes
• Conducting farmer level demonstrations and training
• Net-working with Village Development Committees and Link Farmers
• Ensuring efficient planning and co-ordination of the activities of Village
Development Committees
The Executive Director of Busesa Community Development Organization will be
responsible for reporting to the donor.

2.7 Project Follow-up System

2.7.1 Monitoring and Evaluation of Programme Activities

The programme activities will be regularly monitored on a monthly basis. The logical
framework will be used as a basis for monitoring. The indicators used in the logical
framework will be the very ones used in the monthly preparation of workplans and will
have to be reported on in the monthly progress reports. The programme management
will also make regular visits to the communities to physically check on progress.
The beneficiaries will also actively participate in programme monitoring. Besides
quarterly participatory monitoring sessions which will take place in the areas of
operation, the programme will institute a community follow-up monitoring system
more especially in the distribution of inputs.

Along the field reports which will be prepared by the Extension Staff, there will be
also acknowledgement of receipts of inputs duly signed by the community leaders.
This will make the staff more accountable to the communities which will have wider
benefits in terms of impact and programme sustainability.

The programme will hold internal evaluations annually. The approach for evaluation
will be participatory and beneficiary oriented.

2.7.2 Programme Accounting System

The management of Busesa Community Development Organization will maintain a

specific bank account for this programme which will be accessed by double signature.
Access of the bank account will be based on a well-elaborated system that includes
approval of planned expenses based on a clear workplan and duly filled requisition
vouchers. The Programme Extension Staff shall prepare workplans every month which
they shall use to obtain funding on approval. Every staff will be required to account in
full for all the funds advanced for activities before accessing more advances.
Accounting for funds shall include submitting original receipts or proof of expenditure.
A separate book-keeping shall be maintained for this programme as is the case with
other programmes. This programme will be audited annually. This is the system
which Busesa Community Development Organization uses for all her programmes since
it started.

2.8 Strategy to Assure Project Sustainability

There are a number of measures which are envisaged to ensure the sustainability of
this programme and they are:

a) The programme will as much as possible use participatory approaches. The high
involvement of beneficiaries in programme activities will ensure “ownership” by
the community which will guarantee continuity.
b) The programme will promote low-cost approaches and use of local materials. As
the communities will continue realizing immense benefits from these kinds of
applications they will be motivated to continue applying them thus assuring

c) A lot of capacity building activities more especially in terms of training have been
planned. The acquisition of “knowledge” and techniques that work will change the
way of doing things in the communities and most likely for the better. As this will
become the “usual way” of doing things the impact of the programme will be

d) The programme also plans to use community agents to train as Link

Farmers/Community Resource Persons. This will help in building local human
capital and expertise which will be able to continue programme activities beyond
its funding life. This approach has proved a great success in the other activities of
Emesco Development Foundation.

e) There is a lot of “multiplier effect” that will arise in the programme. The
programme inputs to the community like improved pigs, goats and banana suckers
will operate as a revolving loan in kind. For every piglet received a farmer will pay
back one from the off springs and for every sucker received a farmer will pay back
two (2) suckers for distribution to other community members. This will assure
programme continuity.

f) Farmer groups that will be formed will be encouraged to engage in Savings and
Credit activities. The mobilization of own savings will allow group members to
sustainably access good capital for expanding their farming enterprises.


The three (3) year budget for the proposed project is Ug. Shs. 617,850,000 which is
approximately £166986. The detailed budget is presented in the appendix together
with the Logical Framework.
A p p e n d i x

Intervention Logic Objectively Verifiable Indicators Source of Assumptions

General Livelihood food • Improved general household • Impact study Political
Objective security of rural welfare • Individual stability and
households in • Improved nutrition and interviews security shall
Kibaale District is general health status of adults prevail
improved and children
• Improved incomes of rural

Specific Household food • 80% of 3,240 households have • Household No major

Objective security through adequate food for own surveys natural
crop and animal consumption and a surplus for • Interview disasters shall
production is sale by the end of March 2022 • Farm records occur
enhanced through • 30% of households double • Reports
Sustainable Farming animal production in terms of
Practices number by 2022 while at
least maintaining the present

Results 1) Sustainable 1. 70% of households trained • Household • That

Agriculture practicing techniques of Soil visits/intervie committe
Practices and and Water Conservation, Soil ws d
Methods Feeding, Agro-forestry, • Farm records volunteer
adopted by Kitchen Gardening, Integrated • Reports s to train
rural farmers Pest Management, etc. as Link
2) Improved 2. 50% of 3,240 trained Farmers
animal breeds farmers/households keep at will be
kept least one of the improved identified
3) Fruit trees animal breeds promoted by • Improved
planted the programme animal
4) Effective 3. 90% of the 3,240 trained breeds
extension farmers/households have at and fruit
services least 5 grafted fruit trees and trees will
provided 15 pineapple plants be readily
5) Improved crop 4.1 80% of 3,240 households are obtained.
breeds and visited by an Extension Agent at
seeds secured least once a month
and planted 4.2 80% of 180 trained Link
(bananas, Farmers actively participate in
cassava, etc.) extension delivery to their village-
6) Household mates.
vegetable 5. 70% of 3,240 households have
production is a well managed banana plantation
increased of at least 40 stools
7) Upland Rice 6. 90% of 3,240 trained
production is households and supported
successfully households have adequate
introduced vegetables for their own
8) Appropriate consumption and a surplus for
farming sale.
technology is 7. Successful adoption of rice
introduced production by rural small-scale
9) Farmers are farmers
taken for 8. At least 30 farmers are
exposure visits supported with either micro-
to similar irrigation technology or solar
programmes drying technology
9. At least 60 farmers learn and
share from other farmers in other
Activities • Conducting sixty • Human Resources External Husbands
(60) community funding will willingly
mobilization and 1 Programme Co-ordinator required is Ug. allow their
sensitization 2 Field Extension Worker Shs. wives to
seminars in 60 617,850,000 (£ participate
villages • Investments 166986) in the
• Train 3,240 • 2 Motorcycles workshops
farmers in 180 • 180 Bicycles and to
groups in • Inputs practice the
.Sustainable • 360 Improved piglets new skills
Agriculture • 180 Improved goats acquired.
Techniques and • 600 Improved Cocks
Methods • 45,000 Improved Banana
• Training 180 Link Suckers
Farmers in • 90,000 Pineapple Suckers
Extension and
• Assorted vegetables and agro-
Leadership Skills
forestry seeds
• Procurement and
distribution of
improved seeds,
materials and
animal breeds
(small livestock)
to 3,240 trained
• Procurement and
distribution of
assorted fruit
tree seedlings to
3,240 farmers.
• Supporting
farmers with
facilities for
irrigation and
• Participate in
local and regional
meetings for staff
and farmers
• Conducting
regular follow-up
and file
• Conducting
exposure visits
for farmers

Preliminary of Funds
2019 – MARCH 2022)

Activity Budget/Amount Ug. Shs.

Year 1 Year II Year III Total
1 60 Sustainable Agriculture
sensitization workshops in 4,800,000 4,800,000 4,800,000 14,400,000
sixty (60) villages at
240,000.- @ to cover fuel,
training materials and
light refreshments
2 60 Sustainable Agriculture
(Organic Farming) 12,400,000 12,400,000 12,400,000 37,200,000
training workshops for
180 farmers groups from
60 villages at 620,000 @
to cover meals,
stationery, fuel,
community training
implements, etc.
3 Conducting six (6) one
week intensive workshops
on Sustainable Agriculture
Environmental 14,400,000 14,400,000 14,400,000 43,200,000
Conservation, Leadership
and Community
Mobilisation Skills for Link
Farmers at 7,200,000.- @
to cover meals,
accommodation and fees
for external facilitators
i.e. 2 workshops per year
of 30 Link Farmers each

4 Procurement of Livestock
breeds for breeding and
up-grading of local breeds
• 360 Piglets at 100,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 360,000,000
• 180 Improved male 24,000,000 24,000,000 24,000,000 72,000,000
goats at 400,000 @
• 600 Improved cocks at 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 15,000,000
25,000.- @
5 Procurement and
distribution of Improved
Seeds & Planting
• 45,000 Banana 18,000,000 18,000,000 18,000,000 54,000,0000
Suckers at 1,200.- @
• Potting and other
materials for 7,750,000 7,750,000 7,750,000 23,250,000
producing grafted
fruit trees at 2,500.-
• Assorted vegetable 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 12,000,000
seeds 200,000 per
• 9,000 Kgs of Upland 7,500,000 7,500,000 7,500,000 22,500,000
Rice seeds at 2,500.-
• Agro-forestry Tree 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 9,000,000
Seeds for Community
Nursery Beds
• 90,000 Pineapple 6,000,000 6,000,000 6,000,000 18,000,000
Suckers at 200.- @
6 Appropriate Technology –
pedal pumps, drip 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 15,000,000
irrigation and solar driers
demonstration kits
7 60 One day Gender and
Development awareness 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 7,200,000
workshops in sixty (60)
villages at 120,000.- @ to
cover training materials
and fuel
8 Conducting 30 Cluster
trainings on Value 4,000,000 4,000,000 4,000,000 12.000,000
Addition at 400,000 @
9 60 Training workshops on
Making Wood Energy 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 7,200,000,000
Saving Stoves at 120,000.-
10 Salaries for Programme
1 Programme Co- 12,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 36,000,000
ordinator at 1,000,000
per month
2 Field Extension Workers 16,800,000 16,800,000 16,800,000 50,400,000
at 700,000 per month @
11 Purchase of 2 programme
motorcycles (Yamaha AG 26,000,000 - - 26,000,000
100) at Ug. Shs.
13,000,000 @
12 Motorcycle fuel and oils
at 420,000 per month for 10,080,000 10,080,000 10,080,000 30,240,000
2 motorcycles
13 Maintenance and repairs
of two (2) motorcycles at 1,920,000 1,920,000 1,920,000 5,760,000
240,000 per month for 2
motorcycles (including
licensing & insurance)
14 Procurement of 180
bicycles for 180 Link 12,000,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 36,000,000
Farmers (CRPs) at
200,000 @
15 Exchange visits and study 0 6,000,000 7,000,000 13,000,000
tours for farmers
16 Programme co-ordination
and general
Fuel for follow-up of
programme activities by 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 7,200,000
the Executive Director
200,000 per month
Stationery at Ug. Shs. 1,200,000 1,200,000 1,200,000 3,600,000
100,000 per month
Participation in co-
ordination meetings and 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 7,200,000
workshops at Ug. Shs.
200,000.- per month
Audit programme 1,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 4,500,000

Grand Total (Ug Shs) 218,950,000 198,950,000 199,950,000 617,850,000

£ 59,175 53,770 54,040 166,986

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