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2-6: Submit - Orientation Activity: Writing Project #2 Model Text Evaluation

1, Informative and Connective Introduction: The example text introduces the discourse
community (the #ActuallyAutistic community) and the problem (the harmful effects of ABA
therapy) clearly and effectively. It provides essential background information about both,
making it accessible to a general academic audience. The introduction also explains how the
annotated articles will help the researcher understand the discourse community and problem
from a scholarly perspective. This criterion is well-met.

2, Focused, Neutral, and Accurate Descriptive Information about the Annotated Articles:
Each annotation in the example text provides concise and accurate descriptive information
about the context, goals, and use of support within the annotated articles. The descriptions
avoid editorializing and stick to conveying key information. This criterion is well-met.

3, Situationally Aware, Specific, and Supported Evaluative Information about the Annotated
Articles: The example text includes evaluative paragraphs for each annotation that offer the
researcher's take on the source's success and usefulness. These evaluations reflect an
understanding of the source's intended audience and purpose and are supported by specific
evidence from the articles. This criterion is well-met.

4, Purposeful, Sensible, Easy-to-Follow, and Genre-Appropriate Structure: The example text

follows a clear and conventional structure for an Annotated Bibliography. It begins with an
introduction, follows alphabetical order, and separates annotations into descriptive and
evaluative paragraphs. The order of information is easily discernable, making it easy for
readers to follow. This criterion is well-met.

5, Situationally Appropriate Language: The language used in the example text is appropriate
for a general academic audience. It maintains a tone that is informative, authoritative, and
objective. The sentences are generally readable and avoid overly complex structures. The
text adheres to academic conventions for quoting, summarizing, and paraphrasing. This
criterion is well-met.

In summary, the example text about the harm of ABA therapy meets all the criteria for a
quality Annotated Bibliography. It provides a clear introduction, focused descriptions and
evaluations of annotated articles, follows a structured format, and uses appropriate language
for an academic audience. The writer effectively combines personal narratives and academic
research to make a persuasive argument, which aligns with the criteria for quality in this

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