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All Engineer-in-Chief/Chief Engineer (DS) Zone,

under PSPCL.

Memo No...117.A.:.7.4./ online Single window

Dated 02-.t... O.5 .t 2023

Sub: Regarding processing of NOC cases in light of instructions issued vide

memo no. 1354-60 dtd 26.12.2022 pertaining to reviseil competency to
approve NOC cases.

Please refer to this office memo no. 1354-60 dtd 26.12.2022 vide which
revised competency to approve NOC cases has been issued. As per this, w.e.f.
01.01 .2023 competency to approve all NOC cases upto estimated load of
40001(/A now lies with field offices.
(A) For NOC cases with load upto 40001(/4:
ln view of the revised competency instructions issued on 26.12.2022, new
Online Single Window is being created for the processing of NOC applications
and same may take some time. Till the time new Single Window becomes
functional, the NOC cases with estimated load upto 4000KVA may be
processed as per following procedure:-
The developer shall apply online on the existing Single Window and upload
the documents. The Nodal Officer/ Commercial will verify the competency
as per load of the project and incase load is upto 40001(/A, Single Window
will be fonuarded to the next step {Pay Processing Fee} without checking of
documents uploaded by the developer.
After payment of processing fee by the developer, the NOC application is
accessible to concerned SE/DS. Hard copies of all uploaded documents can
now be generated and same should be sent to concerned DS Division for
checking of documents.
All documents should be checked at Division level With the assistance of
concerned sub division in offline mode and any observations/ discrepancies
w.r.t. uploaded documents should be got removed from the developer by
communicating through email. After checking & approving all documents the
technical proposal should be framed at Division level with the assistance of
concerned sub division and NOC case file should be submitted to Circle
office for further processing.
After checking and approving the technical proposal, demand for 35% BG
should be raised by the concerned DS circle office from the developer
through email. After receipt of BG from the developer, concerned DS
Division with the assistance of sub division should frame the complete NOC

Nodal-7 / Obs.- 14
case alongwith draft NOC letter and submit the case file to Circle office for
further considerati on/approval.
ln case the load is upto 20001(lA, concerned SE/DS after due consideration
should approve the NOC case. SE/DS should issue NOC letter to the
developer through email and also upload the same on the existing Online
Single Window for MIS purpose {under'SEDS uploads Technical Proposal' and
forward the window to Nodal Officer ('Nodal Officer Recommends Grant of NOC')].
Similarly, for NOC cases having,load above 20001(/A and upto 40001(\/4,
the Circle office should forward the NOC case file to respective CE/DS for
consideration & approval. After approval from CE/DS, case file should be
sent back to Circle office for issue of NOC letter to developer under
signature of SE/DS on email and uploading the same on the existing Online
Single Window for MIS
Ttrd electrical layout plan to be issued alongwith NOC letter should be
signed by SDO/ DS & ST.XEN/ DS and approved by concerned SE/DS
After issue of NOCs all original NOC case files should be maintained / kept
in records of the Circle office.

B For NOG cases with load exceeding 40001(/A, the existing Online Single
Window procedure shall be followed (as detailed in CC 3112013
dated 11.06.2013)

c Revision in Schedule of General Charges:

Schedule of General Charges has been revised w.e.f. 21J22022 and
circulated vide CC: 0112023 dated 16.01.2023. As per revised rates, processing
fees of NOCs has been approved by PSERC as Rs. 20,000/-(plus GST).
However, the Online Single Window shall be accepting processing fee as per
earlier norms (i.e. Rs, 10,000/- plus GST). Therefore additional processing fee
amounting to Rs. 10,000/- +GST (i.e. Rs. 11,800/-) should be additionally got
deposited from the developer in offline mode for all NOC cases where
processing fees has been deposited on or after 21.12.2022

D The NOC cases should be processed as per existing timelines specified in the
Supply Code-2014 (amended & updated) and as displayed on the existing
Single Window

This issues with the approval of Competent Authority

Meticulous compliance of these instructions must be ensured.

for CE/Commercial,
PSPCL, Patiala.

Nodal-7 / Obs.- 74

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