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E for Patient who have respiratory infection:

1) Patient who have respiratory infection may have increase in the

body temperature, How to Take an Armpit Temperature:
 Equipment:
1. Mercury thermometer .
2. Cotton sponge .
3. Alcohol swab .
4. Pepar bag .
5. Disposable gloves .

 Procedure :
1. Wash your hands and wear gloves
2. Take the thermometer out of its holder.
3. Hold the thermometer by the end opposite the colored or silver tip.
4. Clean the thermometer with soap and warm water or rubbing alcohol,
Rinse with cool water from the glass area to the sliver area.
5. Turn the thermometer in your hand until you see the line. The line should
read less than 96° F (35.6° C). If the line reads more than 96° F (35.6° C),
firmly shake the thermometer downward several times. Shake the
thermometer over a couch or bed. This will keep it from breaking if it slips
out of your hand.
6. Check the thermometer to make sure it reads 96° F (35.6° C) or less.
7. Gently pat your armpit with a tissue. Do not rub when drying your armpit
because rubbing warms the skin.
8. Put the end with the colored or silver tip under your arm. Hold your arm
down tightly at your side.
9. Keep the thermometer under your arm for 5 minutes or longer.
10. Remove the thermometer without touching the tip.
11. Gently wipe the thermometer with a tissue.
12. Hold the thermometer at eye level.
13. Slowly turn the thermometer until you see the line. Each long mark is the
same as 1 degree. Short marks are the same as 0.2 degree and put a 0.5c
above reading you have been get .
14. Write down the time and your temperature each time you take it.

2) Standard precautions needed in this situation:

➤ Hand hygiene:
 Perform hand hygiene after or before contact with patients or their
immediate environment
 Use appropriate product and technique.
 Alcohol-based hand rub when tap and running water is not available: Rub
hands for 20-30 seconds.
 With Soap and water: Wash hands for 40-60 seconds.
 When hands are visibly dirty or contaminated always use soap, running
water andsingle use towel.

➤PPE for respiratory infections:

1. Always perform hand hygiene before and after wearing PPE .
 PPE should be available where and when indicated according to risk and in
the correct size.

2. Always put PPE on before contact with the patient .

 Remove PPE immediately after completing the task and/or leaving the
patient care area.

3. Never reuse disposable PPE .

4. Clean or disinfect reusable PPE between each use .

5. Change PPE immediately if it become soiled or damged .

6. PPE should not be adjusted or touched during patient care .

7. Never touch your face while wearing PPE .

8. Always remove PPE carefully to avoid self contamination from dirtiest to

cleanest area .

➤ Respiratory hygiene (cough etiquette):
1. Dispose of tissues in the nearest waste receptacle after use immediately.

2. Perform hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions and

contaminated objects/materials.

3. Cover nose and mouth with tissue when coughing or sneezing. In absence of
tissue; patient to be instructed to cover their nose and mouth with arm with
elbows flexed during coughing/sneezing.

➤Environmental cleaning:
 Clean and disinfect daily surfaces that are frequently touched in the room
where the patient is being cared for (Household soap or detergent should be
used first for cleaning, and then, after rinsing, regular household disinfectant
with 0.1% sodium hypochlorite.

 Safe handling cleaning and disinfection of patient care equipment:

Use linen and eating utensils for the patient use only: these items should be
cleaned with soap and water after use and may be re-used instead of being

➤ Safe handling and cleaning of soiled linen:

1. Wear appropriate PPE: heavy duty gloves, mask, eye protection (goggles/face
shield), and long-sleeved apron.

2. Never carry soiled linen against body.

3. Place soiled linen in a leak-proof bag.

4. Do not shake soiled laundry and avoid contaminated materials coming into
contact with skin and clothes.

5. Washing machine Wash at 60-90°C with laundry detergent followed by

soaking in 0.1% chlorine for approximately 30 minutes and dried in the sunlight.

8. Non machine washing Soaked in hot water with soap/detergent in a large

bowl Use heavy duty gloves and avoid splashing. Empty the drum and soak
linen in 0.1% chlorine for approximately 30 minutes.

9. Rinse with clean water and let linens dry fully in the sunlight.

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