Vita Programs

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Public health programmes for

vitamin A deficiency control
Maaike Bruins integral part of this approach and,

Melanie Suter
Nutrition Scientist: Sight and depending on the programme,
Life, Basel, Switzerland.
the micronutrient powders can be purchased or are distributed
for free. Home fortification
Klaus Kraemer has been used with success
Director: Sight and Life, Basel,
Switzerland, Adjunct Associate
in refugee camps, emergency
Professor: Johns Hopkins situations, in child health and
Bloomberg School of Public nutrition programmes, and in
Health, Baltimore, USA. school feeding programmes.2
Since the early 1980s, when it was It is foreseen that, in coming
first realised that children with the years, large-scale interventions
eye signs of vitamin A deficiency will be initiated to reach even more
(VAD) had a higher mortality rate children and other target groups,
than children in the same commu- including children and adolescents
nities who did not have these signs, in schools.
there have been many large-scale, Selective breeding and
community-based trials to assess biofortification
whether improving the vitamin A Increasing intakes of vitamin A
status of young children improves through selective breeding and
child health and survival. Many of biofortification of staples, such as
the trials involved intermittent orange-fleshed sweet potatoes or
supplementation with high-dose orange maize, can be another
vitamin A, but food-based inter-
approach. Compared with food
ventions such as food fortification
fortification, however, biofortifi-
have also been assessed.
cation may not be as effective. The
Findings from the large number
form of vitamin A used in food forti-
of randomised controlled trials of
fication is more effective than plant
supplementation of children aged
sources at improving vitamin A
6–59 months have been pooled, A mother in Zambia adds multi-micronutrient powder status. Health education might
showing that intermittent supple- to her daughter’s porridge
mentation with high-dose vitamin A also be required to reassure
has a major impact on child mortality in commercial infrastructure is adequate, mothers that the more orange foods are
communities of children at risk of VAD. fortification of food staples like flour, healthy and not harmful.
When all the results are combined, the sugar, oil or condiments with pre-formed
Dietary diversification and
mortality rate of the children given vitamin A (retinol) can be a very cost-
supplements was 24% lower than that of effective way of reducing VAD. To be
Dietary diversification and improvement,
the children not given supplements. successful, the fortified food must be
including ensuring regular access to
Some of these trials also showed a eaten by those at risk of VAD (young
foods that are naturally rich in vitamin A,
reduction in diarrhoea, measles, night children and mothers) on a regular basis.
is also important in the long run.
blindness and other signs of xeroph- To increase acceptability, the appearance,
For example, some countries are
thalmia. (The results of trials of children shelf-life and costs of the fortified and
emphasising feeding programmes for
under the age of 6 months, and of non-fortified food should be comparable.
preschool-aged children. Encouraging
newborn infants and mothers, are less Fortification programmes demonstrate
exclusive breastfeeding is another important
clear). Analysis of randomised controlled that with high coverage and adequate
strategy, as breast milk is a very important
trials of vitamin A­-fortified foods showed fortificant levels, food fortification can
source of vitamin A. Breastfeeding is
significant impacts on serum retinol improve vitamin A status, and thus have a
an important means of reducing VAD
concentration and haemoglobin levels.1 positive health impact.
among infants and young children.
The results of all these trials have led Multi-micronutrient powders Showing people how to grow plants
to global initiatives (see pages 61 and 62) Home fortification with multi-micro- rich in vitamin A throughout the year,
to control VAD in children. There has been nutrient powders (MNPs) has been and how to store and cook them, is the
progress in many countries, but further successfully used in some countries most sustainable long-term food-based
action is needed to increase the number of and is being adopted by others. Mothers approach.
countries implementing programmes to are taught how to add sachets of micro- Even in areas where water and land
address VAD. nutrient powder to their child’s food are scarce, using innovative approaches
and how often this should be done, to home gardening can give adequate
Food-based strategies depending on the nutritional value of yields for a family. If a family can also keep
Food-based strategies are a long-term the local staple used to prepare the food chickens then this improves their protein
approach to controlling VAD. (e.g. maize or rice porridge). Additional intake, and egg yolk is also an excellent
Fortification of staple foods information on hygiene, health, nutrition, source of vitamin A.
In some countries, where industrial and and child development is provided as an Continues overleaf ➤


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Vitamin A supplementation

Sonii David
Women in Nigeria grow and
Vitamin A supplementation (page 71), sell orange-fleshed sweet
when implemented on a very large scale, potatoes, which are high
is a fast and cost-effective intervention to in vitamin A
improve the vitamin A status of populations.
Vitamin A supplementation guidelines
for the prevention of VAD recommend
that high-dose supplements should be
given to children aged 6–59 months in
settings where VAD is a public health
problem. In areas where VAD is a severe
public health problem, low-dose vitamin
A supplements are also recommended for
pregnant women.
The 2011 World Health Organization
(WHO) guidelines on vitamin A supple-
mentation focus on preventive
supplementation. They also contain
guidelines for treatment of clinical cases
of xerophthalmia and measles, and Guatemala and Nicaragua. This has been References
1 Mayo-Wilson E, Imdad A, Herzer K, Yakoob MY, Bhutta
information about repeated high-dose the result of combined interventions, ZA. Vitamin A supplements for preventing mortality,
vitamin A supplementation. including fortification, supplementation illness, and blindness in children aged under 5:

The best way of increasing coverage is and home gardening. systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2011 Aug
25;343:d5094. doi: 10.1136/bmj.d5094.
to make sure that vitamin A supplemen-
tation is an integral part of child health
Conclusion 2 Haider BA, Bhutta ZA. Neonatal vitamin A supplemen-
tation for the prevention of mortality and morbidity in
The success of public health programmes term neonates in developing countries. Cochrane
services. For example, The Integrated Database Syst Rev. 2011 Oct 5;(10):CD006980. doi:
for controlling VAD depend on the
Management of Childhood Illness 10.1002/14651858.CD006980.pub2.
commitment, ownership and responsibility
programme which is used as the basis for
of governments, civil society and industry Further reading
services for under 5-year-olds in many
combined with advocacy and assistance 1 Sight and Life 2013. Home fortification with micronu-
countries in Africa, emphasises vitamin A trient powders (MNP).
from international agencies.
supplementation. Coverage can also be news-details/article//Home-Fortification-with-
The ultimate aim should be that all children Micronutrient-Powders-MNP.html
increased by including supplementation
have a nutritious diet that includes foods rich 2 WHO/UNICEF/IVACG Taskforce. Vitamin A supplements:
during national immunisation campaigns. a guide to their use in the treatment and prevention of
in vitamin A. This can only be achieved vitamin A deficiency and xerophthalmia. Second
Impact of VAD control through long-term development in agriculture edition. Geneva, Switzerland: WHO, 1997.
and all the systems and processing required 3 World Health Organization (WHO). Global prevalence of
programmes to ensure foods of high quality are available
vitamin A deficiency in populations at risk 1995–2005.
WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency. Geneva,
Vitamin A supplementation is very cost-
to all sectors of the population. Switzerland: WHO, 2009.
effective. Capsules cost just a few cents
and the potential of vitamin A supplemen-
tation to reduce the risk of blindness,
Case study: Burkina Faso
infectious disease and mortality is high. Burkina Faso initiated supplementation learn to grow vitamin A-rich vegetable
In 2008, WHO estimated that, since in 1986 after a survey showed that crops and raise chickens (for eggs)
1998 (when it and its partners started to vitamin A deficiency was a major public and goats (for milk).
deliver supplements through national health problem. Since then the country 4 Vitamin A-fortified foods are being
immunisation days), 1.25 million has used several different approaches. produced through public-private
VAD-related deaths had been prevented. 1 Vitamin A supplementation has partnerships with government minis-
In 2008, the Copenhagen Consensus been integrated into national tries and commercial producers.
ranked the combined intervention of immunisation days, along with polio Cooking oil produced in Burkina Faso
vitamin A and zinc supplementation as the vaccination, in 1999; this improved is now fortified with vitamin A; 71% of
world’s best development investment. In coverage to over 90%. Since 2011, the oil consumed in the country is
2010, the World Bank estimated that the country has held two ‘Vitamin now fortified with vitamin A.
vitamin A supplements would have the A+ Days’ a year, during which The decline in child mortality from
highest cost-effectiveness of all mass supplements are given alongside other 184/1,000 to 129/1,000 during the
nutrition interventions. essential child survival interventions. last decade is one indication that these
Increased awareness and availability of 2 Increased consumption of vitamin interventions have been effectively
epidemiological information have enabled A-rich foods is being promoted implemented.
several countries to make sustained through school and community A national survey to assess current
efforts to combat VAD through a combi- gardening programmes and nutrition levels of VAD will be conducted in 2014
nation of fortifying commonly consumed education, with an emphasis on in order to better inform vitamin A
foods, providing supplements and, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes. programme strategy.
sometimes, dietary diversification. 3 Dietary diversification is promoted Written by Jean Celestine Somda, Laura
Many countries have been successful through an enhanced homestead Barrett, and Fanny Yago-Wienne (Helen Keller
in addressing VAD and are no longer food production programme to International, Burkina Faso), and Heather
considered to have a serious public health improve year-round availability of a Katcher and Jessica Blankenship (Helen
problem. In some countries, VAD has now range of vitamin A-rich foods. Women Keller International, Africa Regional Office).
virtually disappeared, for example in

© The author/s and Community Eye Health Journal 2013. This is an Open Access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License.

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