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Version – 11.60 2024/05/02

New features and improvements

• Added a new feature to take measure longer than 10 minutes to prevent a memory issue
when try to read the data


• Fixed an issue causing the FFT not to apply the user settings when opening an ANL file.
• Fixed an issue causing the Wiser3X to continue sending data even after stopping the
recording with the Real-Time Recording option.
• Fixed an issue causing the harmonics to not be set in the correct position.
• Fixed an issue when deleting extra parameters.
• Fixed an issue when trying to apply alarm notifications.
• Fixed an issue causing the option to save measurements off-route with the "Save into
database" option not to work.
• Fixed an issue when opening an ANL file and attempting to add channels.
• Fixed an issue causing the frequency unit not to change in cascade depending on the user
• Fixed an issue causing duplicate data when the customer use the synchronization tool

Version – 11.58.1 2024/04/16


• Fixed an issue causing the phantom sensor didn’t save the configuration correctly on some
SQLCe databases

Version – 11.58 2024/03/04

New features and improvements

• New MySQL connector to encrypt connections to EI-Analytic

• Changes to optimize the database size


• Fixed an issue causing the software crash when opening a route with the same machine
• Fixed an issue causing the thermocamera files not to be saved outside of the database for
SQLCe databases.
• Fixed an issue causing the backup and synchronizing to not copy the thermocamera files.
• Fixed an issue causing the data to not delete and suddenly close the software.
• Fixed an issue causing the filter settings not no apply when opening an ANL file.
• Fixed an issue causing the Wiser still send data even when stop the real-time recording.
• Fixed an issue causing the database conversion from version DV10 to DV11 to fail.
• Fixed an issue partially showing the FFT signal when configuring an envelope wizard alarms.
• Fixed an issue with the points order in the machinery tree.
• Showing the correct timestamp of a measure when open from a machine/ point level in the
open files.

Version – 11.56 2023/12/20


• Fixed an issue causing the trends does not show from an FFT window on SQLCe databases.
• Fixed an issue adding new bearings to local databases.
• Fixed an issue causing the thermal camera image can’t open when save outside database.
• Fixed an issue causing the Harmonics from a bearing fault did not draw correctly.

Version – 11.54.6 2023/10/26


• Added validation to prevent accidentally deleting machines.

• Added validation to prevent creation of machine without analysis points.


• Balancing: Fixed an issue that occurred when opening the split masses feature after
changing some of the parameters in the wizard configuration.
• Synchronization: Fixed an issue when synchronizing the latest measurements from local to
cloud and vice versa.
• Phantom sensors: Fixed an issue that prevented the GP-60 from being added to the
• Phantom sensors: Fixed an issue where configuring the parameters for a sensor connected
to a GP-60 didn't save correctly.
• Analysis: Fixed an issue that caused the software to stop working when drawing bearing
faults and adding harmonics after.
• Machines: Fixed an issue impeding the addition of a bearing to the point configuration.
• Analysis: Fixed an issue that caused the cascade plot to stop working when the cascade had
more than 2 signals and was then disabled, leaving only 1 active signal on the chart.

Version – 11.54.5 2023/09/19


• Schema Verification for Databases: This update includes the addition of an option or
functionality in the database utility that allows users to verify the schema (structure and
organization of data) for the databases. This can help ensure data integrity and consistency.
• Save Extracted Files to a Specific Path: This enhancement provides users with the option to
specify a custom path or location where extracted files will be saved. This is useful for
organizing and managing extracted data.
• Preferences Setting for Vibration Files: Users can now configure a path location in the
preferences section of the utility for vibration files. This is particularly useful when the EIA
(Energy Information Administration) database contains files that are stored outside of the
main database.
• Portuguese Language Support: The software or utility has been updated to include support
for the Portuguese language. Users can now use the software in Portuguese, which includes
translated user interfaces and potentially Portuguese language documentation.


• Fixed Y-Axis Display Issue for High Values in Trends: This update addresses a problem where
the Y-axis of trends didn't display correctly when dealing with very high values. The issue
has been resolved, ensuring accurate representation of data on the Y-axis.
• Fixed Trends Display Issue for Cloud Databases: There was an issue with the display of trends
when working with cloud databases. This issue has been fixed, and now trends should be
correctly displayed for data stored in cloud databases.
• Fixed Octave Bands Setting Issue: This update addresses a problem related to setting octave
bands. The issue has been resolved, ensuring that octave bands can be configured correctly.
• Fixed Thermocamera Trend Display Issue: The thermocamera trend display was not working
as expected. This issue has been fixed, and the thermocamera trend should now display
• Fixed Error in Taking Routes for Local Databases: There was an issue causing errors when
trying to take a route on a local database. This issue has been resolved, allowing users to
take routes without errors.
• Added Phantom Support for Local Database: Phantoms can now be added to a local
database, expanding the functionality and capabilities of the software.
• Added Message and Validation for Preventing Machine/Points Deletion: A message and
validation have been added to prevent the accidental deletion of machines or data points.
This helps in ensuring data integrity and preventing unintentional data loss.

Version – 11.54.4 2023/07/04


• Fixed an issue causing the trends order shows inverted, the last measures first that the old

Version – 11.54.3 2023/06/26


• Fixed an issue when the customer tries to update from version 11.52 to 11.54 or, 11.52 to
11.54.2 or, 11.54 to 11.54.1 or, 11.54.1 to 11.54.2

Version – 11.54.2 2023/06/05


• Fixed an issue causing the scalling didn’t adjust correctly on the trends
• Fixed an issue causing the bearings didn’t load when add/edit machine

Version – 11.54.1 2023/05/31


• Fixed an issue causing the synchronization from local to cloud didn’t work when the files
are save into the computer instead inside the database
• Fixed an issue causing the sync from local to cloud/cloud to local didn’t work because a
missing fields into the database
• Fixed an issue causing DB Settings into the preferences didn’t show
• Fixed an issue causing the software didn’t start after did an update and it was necessary
uninstall it

Version – 11.54 2023/05/29


• Fixed an issue causing the displacement conversion on FFT/TWF does not work correctly.
• Fixed an issue causing the software closes after finishing an SBS balancing
• Fixed an issue causing an error when tried to delete a marker using the FFT function
• Fixed an issue causing the FFT Tools does not work correctly on analysis windows
• Fixed an issue causing the software closes when try to delete measures using the Delete
• Fixed an issue causing the UFF58 export does not work

Version – 11.52 2023/04/25


• New backup tool!!

• New extract ANL files tools. Extract files to save space in any database
• Feature to save outside of database the vibration files. Option located on preferences.
• Feature to show the FFT from a point/axes on a route mode.
• Improvements on the RMS calculations.
• Improvements on dashboard navigation
• Improvements on synchronization.


• Fixed an issue causing an error when trying to upload a measure phantom vibration
sensor using WiserVibe Connector
• Fixed an issue causing the trigger recording use always a default recording time even if
the customer changes the resolution lines or the recording time
• Fixed an issue causing the value alarms for vibration temperature, amperage and RPM
didn’t have the correct range to set it up
• Fixed an issue causing an error doing zoom on TWF after using the dual channels phase
• Fixed an issue causing the cascade didn’t show the correct signal names
• Fixed an issue causing the metric system configured on preferences didn’t take correctly
on balancing mode
• Fixed issue on wizard balancing mode
• Fixed an issue causing the octave bands didn’t change the unit from mm/s to inch/s and
vice versa.
• Fixed an issue causing the band filter didn’t take the correct frequency unit

Version – 11.50 2022/11/02



• Improvements on coefficient influence balancing
• ODS option for Machine Manager. Ability to load 3D images to machines}
• Add functionality to activate advance balancing features in WiserVibePro using Digivibe
• Add functionality software without internet connection, however, is necessary to use
WiserVibePro get the activation code
• Improvements on database synchronizer


• Fixed an issue causing the software did not correctly transfer the routes when the
customer is connected to his EI-Analytic account and transfer a route to his device.
• Fixed an issue when synchronize only the last measures
• Fixed an issue causing the delete manager does not correctly compress the database
when the customer deletes machine by machine
• Fixed an issue when activate the trigger for the channels 3 and 4
• Fixed an issue with Machine Learning Management causing impossible back to previous
• Fixed an issue causing possible to set a wrong interval send data time or RMS alarm check
when add/edit phantom vibration sensors
• Remove button delete configurations from Edit Device to prevent that the sensor
unassigned correctly from the database (EI-Analytic)
• Fixed issue adding gearboxes
• Fixed issue causing the WiserVibe Connect crashes suddenly
• Fixed an issue causing the 3D model did not display correctly
• Fixed an issue causing impossible deactivate the temperature alarm for ATEX sensors
• Fixed an issue causing the trends did not show data when set a custom date range
• Wrong date in the filtered data when used in the cascade function
• Fixed an issue causing impossible to detect and take data when the software is configured
in Turkish language
• Fixed an issue causing error when a customer tries to add a custom bearing
• Fixed an issue causing an error when customer tries to scan a machine QR Code
• Fixed an issue causing an error when the customer did a large zoom on FFT
• Fixed an issue importing the FFT to CSV File
• Fixed an issue causing the parameters of a route did not save correctly
• Fixed an issue causing the sideband or harmonics did not display correctly when add a
bearing/gearbox to an FFT
• Minor fixes and improvements.

Version – 11.48 2022/05/16


• Machine manager and phantom manager


• Fixed an issue causing the company/areas severities was calculated incorrectly

• Fixed an issue causing the trend did not order chronologically
• Fixed an issue causing the trends does not display when the vibration data come from a
trigger that activate the triaxial phantom sensor
• Fixed an issue causing the ASCII file only to display 1 channel even if the file has more than
1 signal
• Fixed an issue causing the software crashes when open a Quick route with more than 1
• Fixed an issue causing the phantom sensor did not copy correctly when synchronize from
local to cloud
• Fixed an issue causing the historic extra parameters did not display the correct units per
each level
• Fixed an issue causing impossible to select the tachometer channel when the customer
made a Bode Analysis using a GX400 interface
• Fixed an issue causing the import from database DV10 to DV11 stop suddenly
• Fixed an issue causing an error when open multiple files and then sort the table into the
historical measures
• Fixed an issue causing the extra value parameters load slowly and crashes

Version – 11.46 2022/03/21


• Added the option to choose the port to communicate with EI-Analytics into preferences


• Fixed an error that caused if two databases had the same name it could not connect to EI-
• Fixed an issue with the synchronization
• Fixed an issue causing the GE RMS value showed incorrectly when record from a route
• Fixed an issue calculating the severity colors for Company/Area
• Fixed an issue cause the values for the current sensor does not load into the Extra
Parameters view
• Fixed issues user interface with the add/edit machine

Version – 11.43 2022/02/17


• Fixes an issue that caused bearings to not be added to a local database.

• Fixes an issue that caused very large machine trees to not load when clicking the Edit
option in the Machine Manager.
• Fixes an issue that caused phantom sensors to fail to register when connected to the
Analytics cloud.

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