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1. Definition:
Law on finance and banking is legally enforceable rules made by authorities to govern the
relations arising in banking and financial activities.
+ Legally enforceable rules: make people comply the rule (if they break the rules, they will
be punished)
+ Made by authorities:
● State bank of Vietnam (SBV) => circular
● National assembly => legislation
+ Legislation (văn bản luật)
● Constitution acts, codes
+ Delegated legislation: văn bản dưới luật
● Ordinance : pháp lệnh
● Decree: nghị định
● Circular: thông tư
● Decision: Quyết định
- Difference between the legislation and delegated legislation:
+ Legislation would be viral as it has the highest form of law (created by national
assembly) while delegated legislation (created bời nhiều bộ) has a lower power.
2. What is finance:
- The management of money.
- The process

Financial system: public finance (transactions are made in an entire country) and private finance
+ State budget => public finance
+ Credits (both public and private): depend on the customer.
+ Corporate finance: private finance
+ Insurance (both public and private): governments also need insurance (social security
programs, national health insurance…)
+ Residential finance: private finance
3. Bank activities:
Permanent trading, supply of:
- Deposit taking: Tiền gửi
- Credit extension: cấp tín dụng
- Supply of account payment services: cung ứng dịch vụ thanh toán qua tài khoản

Case 1: Company A take its temporary funds to make loan

-> Non-permanent => NOT banking activities.

Case 2: Mr C remits 10 mil via post office

→ Not involve any types of banking activities → Not banking activities.

Case3. A,B,C contributed to set up Thien Thanh. This company takes deposits from
A,B,C and their relatives to provide loans to other
→ T ổ chức tín dụng phi ngân hàng, công ty cho thuê (leasing) tài chính → Non banking
activities. (financial leasing company)

4. Source of law
- Differences between codes and law:
● Similarity: Both are legal documents created by the national assembly.
● Differences: Scope of application
+ Scope of law is limited: eg: What activities that credit institutions are
allowed to do? Which party is illegal to pay personal income tax?
+ Code is much broader. eg: Criminal code, civil code.
Which one is higher in legal validity?
- Law and codes are equal in legal validity as they are made by the national government.
Which one is first applicable when dealing with disputes?
- When considering commercial activities: Specialized law/ specific law: Lu ật
chu yên ngà nh → com m ercia l la w → civil code.
- W hen considering non- commercial activities: Specialized law → civil code.
+ Defined what in the specialized goals or not (cho vay giữa ai với ai để chọn luật chuyên
ngành hay bộ luật dân sự)
- Lending activities are governed by credit institutions only. Is it right or wrong?
● Refer to many documents not only law as law of Vietnam is general.
- How to cover the law if it is too general → read the decrees regarding the law since they
provide detailed guidelines.
- The government makes the decrees to explain the law.
- Circular explain decrees. Circulars are created by the ministers (bộ trưởng) and head
of ministerial agencies (thủ trưởng của cơ quan ban, bộ)
- Ministerial agency level: Cơ quan ngang bộ: SBV (thống đốc ngân hàng nhà nước Việt
Nam), thanh tra chính phủ, ủy ban dân tộc, head of government office
- If there is conflict between 2 legal documents, which one is created by higher

authorities will prevail (eg: decree and circular → choose decree as it is created by the

- Made by Standing committee of VN national assembly (ủy ban thường vụ quốc hội)
- Govern the issues which are not mentioned in the law (as law may change and is
- Ordinance prevails over decree as it is created by higher authority.

Otherwise, delegated legislation also involve:

- Resolution: nghị quyết
- decision

Is Official letter: công văn (trong văn bản dưới luật) belong to delegated legislation?
Based on Luật ban hành văn bản vi phạm pháp luật (article 4 Law on Promulgation of Legal
Documents, official letter is not listed in delegated legislation. They are not legal documents and
may change so they just act as the guideline for us to follow.
Banking businesses in VN are governed by delegated legislation. True or false?
- Banking systems usually under the form of delegated legislation, especially circular as
they may change sometimes (law can hardly change).

Legal relations:
- Parties: state, organizations, individuals.
- Object: interests that parties aim at
- Content: rights and obligations

1. Legal relation with public finance as it pays excise tax.
2. Com A is not a credit institution so their activity relates to civil and code instead of legal
relations. (not in banking system)
3. Subject to legal relation of banking
4. Banking relation as it is type of credit extension
5. SBV issue circular: It is banking relations as it consists of party, object and content.
Chapter 2: Law on banking in Vietnam
Differences between company and credit institution:
- When establishing a company, we can go to the business registration office (phòng đăng
ký kinh doanh). Companies are controlled by depa?
- Credit institution is controlled by the SBV

- Credit institutions can do some activities and mainly focus on banking activities.
- Companies can do a variety of activities but they cannot do banking activities.
- If we borrow money from a company, that is not a banking activity.

- Criteria for becoming a manager,.. Of credit institutions are stricter than normal

- Conduct all banking operations under the law.
- Commercial banks should get approval from SBV to launch activities which are not lie in
- State-owned bank: the state holds more than 50% of charter capital (joint stock) and
100% state-own (mentioned in article 6)
Ex; Agribank, global petrol, ocean bank, construction bank (100% state fund). VCB vừa
là joint stock vừa là state-owned (hơn 50% vốn từ nhà nước).
- Joint-venture: cooperation between foreign and domestic banks, finance bilateral trade
and investment between 2 countries.
- Joint stock (ngân hàng cổ phần)
Policy bank:
+ VN bank for social policies: Ngân hàng chính sách VN
+ VN development bank: ngân hàng phát triển VN
Differences between cooperative banks and policy banks:

- Purpose:
- Party creates fund: People’s credit fund (cooperative) and government (policy)

Non-bank credit institutions:

- Not allow to accept deposit (nhưng vẫn được nhận tiền gửi doanh nghiệp)

Finance company
- Commercial banks can also establish finance companies.
- Finance company are always established by large corporation (parent company) or by
commercial banks

Microfinance institution
- Provide small loans to super small companies or low income individuals without
requiring collateral. (not no income)
- Small company: small charter capital or small number of workers
(học sinh ko vay được quỹ này vì đc xếp vào diện no income)

UOB is a foreign credit institution. When UOB went to VN and set up UOB VN, it is foreign-
owned company, not foreign company. (tương tự với deloitte,..)
- Bank build từ từ từ văn phòng đại diện, nâng cấp lên branch, hoặc phát triển theo joint-
venture rồi mới trở thành 100% vốn đầu tư nước ngoài.
- Cooperative banks and credit’s people fund is cooperative

- Wholly-foreign own can be established in form of LLC

Limited liability company

- Can be created by one organization or individuals.
- Have 2 to 50 members as they are the most suitable to start SMEs instead of joint-stock,
which are large scale companies.
- Show the strong relationship between the father company.
- If 1 in 2 members want to withdraw their position, the company can change into 1
member LLC.
Ex: A contribute 400mil, B contribute 300 mil, C contribute 300mil
⇒These are the company's property.
- If the company suffers a debt of 3bil, company members don’t have to pay the debt as all
they have to do is pay the full contribution. Debt will be paid prior to the type of creditors
(secured creditors and unsecured creditors). Bankruptcy is the last resort of a company.
- Not allowed to issue shares unless it turns into a joint stock company as the company
cannot control the number of people who buy shares and that can exceed 50 members
(break the rule). (dùng tài sản cty-vốn góp để trả nợ. Nếu hết r mà vẫn chưa hết nợ thì coi
như cty vỡ nợ, không ai phải trả thêm nợ nữa)
- The LLC is not allowed to issue all kind of securities is false as the company is not
allowed to issue share but they still have the right to issue bond.

Legal entity (pháp nhân)

- Refer to an organization and created by the law.
- Sole proprietorship (doanh nghiệp tư nhân) is not a legal person as its asset is the one
with the owner’s. When suing, sue the owner.
- Branch of a company is not a legal entity as it’s just a unit of a company. When the
problem breaks out, the company will take responsibility for it.
- Chi nhánh, văn phòng đại diện ko phải pháp nhân vì tài sản của nó bị phụ thuộc vào công
ty. Khi kiện, chỉ có thể kiện pháp nhân ( công ty hoặc chủ công ty).

- When company receiving ERC, it is legally establish

Art 34: asset contributed as capital

- Beauty contribution is illegal and cannot be converted into cash
- Knowledge is hard to contribute and converted into VND as it is intangible, Instead, can
contribute intellectual property…

Art 35: when you set up a sole proprietorship, you don’t need to transfer asset as the company
assets belong to the same owner.
**A multiple member LLC is considered as a legal person when registering for business**
—> TRUE/FALSE -> after ERC considered a legal entity. (Art46)
- **A multiple member LLC is allowed to issue all kind of securities** —> FALSE —> Not
that case for shares (Art 46)
- **The time limit for members to contribute the capital to the LLC as committed is agreed
upon by all members** —> FALSE —> The time limit is stimulated by the law (within 3
months) (art 47)
Under article 47, a member of the company is only permitted to contribute capital to the
company by another type of assets different from the assets undertaken if more than fifty (50) per
cent of other members so agree.
→ C can change if A or B agree.
1. Under article 47, the capital portion not yet paid by a member shall be offered for sale in
accordance with a resolution of decision of member’s council (other can buy unpaid)
2. B vẫn là member, vẫn chịu trách nhiệm trong cam kết 30 days cho đến khi công ty thay
đổi lại vốn điều lệ
Any member failing to contribute or failing to contribute in full the amount of capital
undertaken must be responsible for financial obligations of the company in proportion to
the capital contribution ratio undertaken which arose prior to the date on which the
company registers change of the charter capital and capital contribution ratios of

If we have 1B in the company, can we transfer it to our relative?

- Under art 52, you should sell it to internal member firsts in proportion to their respective
capital contributions portions. If they don’t buy it after 30 days, you can assign it to non-

Why do we need to sell it to internal members first?

- LLC is a kind of closed company where members know each other well. If transferred to
someone outside, they may not be compatible to develop the company.
%A= 20/1000 (trừ C ra)= 20%
B: 30%
D: 35%
E= 15%
Tiếp tục làm như trên

Differences between redemption and transfer of contributed capital amount:

- Redemption: act that ask company to purchase capital amount
- Transfer: members or non-members and not the company.

- Redemption: a member can request redemption when:

+ Amendment of or addition to the provisions of the charter of the company
relating to the rights and obligations of members and of the Members’ Council;
+ Re-organization of the company (merge with other companies)
+ Other cases as stipulated in the charter of the company.
- Transfer: can do at any time without conditions.

- When it comes to redemption, the charter capital will reduce as the capital will be
returned to the owner while transferring won’t change the charter capital.
- Redemption=> no longer a member of the company.
- Transfer partially: still member of the company
Article 53
1. False, based on clause 1, wrong with the word automatically as the son may not be the
heir of A.
2. False, based on clause 6, wrong with the word automatically as the girlfriend must be the
heir of A if he wants to give the capital to her.
3. False, based on the clause 7 as C need to have approval from members’ council to
become a member.

8/11 - Management Structure

- Controlling board: ban kiểm soát => ko nhất thiết phải có trong mọi trường hợp, nên có
khi là state owned
- Company >11 người phải có controlling board. Dưới 11 người thì tùy chọn
- 20% members of the B.M are independent members
- Auditing Committee is required in the B.M
- Art 12:
+ Legal representative must be resigned to a vietnamese no matter what is your
+ LLC and shareholding company can have 1 or more legal representatives. (only
these 2 forms of company)
- Art 54:
+ The company must have at least one (1) legal representative holding the position
of chairman of the Members' Council or director or general director.
⇒ Directors don’t have to be a representative in all cases. If the company charter does not
contain any [relevant] provision, then the chairman of the Members' Council is the legal
representative of the company

Management structure
- Based on art 59 clause 3 and 5
A resolution or decision of the Members’ Council is (deemed) passed by way of
collection of written opinions if it is agreed by members holding sixty five (65) per cent
or more of the charter capital; the specific percentage shall be stipulated in the charter of
the company.
⇒ This means if the shark wants to have rights in the company, they will require 36% and the
rest own 64% ⇒ The owner cannot decide freely. ( chiếm 36% thì số vote còn lại chỉ <=64% ->
ko đủ đk để thông qua)

- Chairman must be elected from the member instead of hiring

- Can directors - legal representatives sign all the contracts?
⇒ Based on art 55, clause 2d, member council can approve important contracts (loan contract),
not director
To approve loan agreements8, contracts for sale of assets and other contracts as stipulated in
the charter of the company and valued at fifty (50) or more per cent of the total value of assets
recorded in the most recently published financial statements of the company, or a smaller
percentage or value as stipulated in the charter of the company;

- Art 64, general director should have enough qualifications and experience
- Art 17, clause 2, Cadres [senior employees], State officials and State employees in
accordance with the Law on Cadres and State Officials and the Law on State Employees
cannot be a general director (viên chức, cán bộ ko được làm tổng giám đốc)
1. Based on art 47 clause 3b ⇒ Hai will receive the profit according to the contributed
portion. He will receive debt based on the committed portion.
2. Based on the art 34: yes as long as it is convertible into VN D. T hanh does not have
to contribute the rest. It’s an agreement of 1.2mil ⇒ it has become company asset =>
company will take responsibility when it suffer from loss
3. Art 36 clause 2. If the assets contributed as capital are valued at more than their actual
value at the time of capital contribution, the other members or founding shareholders
must jointly make additional contribution in an amount equal to the difference (contribute
để tỉ trọng của mỗi mem ko đổi) between the valuation and the actual value of the assets
contributed as capital at the time of completion of the valuation, and concurrently, are
jointly liable for any loss and damage caused by the contributed assets being valued
intentionally at more than their actual value.

Joint stock companies:

- Member:min is 3 and unlimited (over 50- (individually or organization)) while LLC has
- Member liability: the same with LLC
- Joint-stock can issue share while LLC can’t
- Legal entity status: the same
- Share can freely transfer while LLC can only transfer to the internal member first.

- voting preferences share (cổ phiếu ưu đãi biểu quyết) is not allowed to transfer
- Cổ phiếu phổ thông của founding SHD trong vòng 3 năm kể từ ERC thì có thể chuyển
freely cho cổ đông sáng lập nhưng chuyển ngoài cổ đông sáng lập thì phải có biểu quyết-
> sau 3 năm thì có thể bán ra cho ng ngoài
- GMS: general meeting of shareholder

Case T/F
Art 120 clause 4, phần mua lại/ huy động vốn thêm sẽ đc chuyển nhượng. (Additional được
chuyển nhượng, founding share thì phải có approval của GMS)

Joint-stock company
Type of share
A voting preference shareholder carries more votes than an ordinary one?
Cannot conclude as we need the equivalent quantity of share
(but usually 1 voting pref share has more voting power than ordinary share)
Right to holding preference shares (who can have voting pref shares): founding shareholders +
organizations authorized by the government.
Founding SHD:
- After 3 years, preference shares of founding shareholders will be converted into ordinary
Organization authorized: unlimited
Why do they put a 3-year restriction to founding shareholders while organization authorized is
- Can only change the calculation in the first three years
- Founding shareholder: Valid in the first 3 years as the law believes that is enough time to
protect the founding shareholders’ power in maintaining the stability of the company.
After that, they have to follow the flow.
- Organization authorized: protect the state-owned company so they don’t put any

Dividend preference shares:

- Like deposit in the bank with higher interest rate so have no rights with the company.
Based on art 155.2
1. A is not an independent member as he is currently working for the company which is
against the law.
2. B is an independent company
3. C is not allowed to be independent member as he hold over 5% of the total stock (law on
4. D is allowed to be the independent member as son-in-law is not listed in art 155.
5. The younger brother - the current member of board manager is not allowed as based on
art 155.2 clause c and art 4.24, BM is a manager.
1. 3 out of 2 agree Mr H is still a G.D. G is not considered being appointed.

Joint-stock company does not require speciality and criteria for General director (except for
state-own and public): Read art 162 clause 5
LLC: require strictly (art 62)
Yes as there is no restriction under the law.

Credit institution law vs Multi Member LLC

Law on credit institution will prevail law on enterprise if there are differences between 2 law
apply to a credit institution,

One member is not allowed to own more than 5% of charter capital of credit institution (art 55)
- Organization is not allowed to own more than 15% of….

- Art 71, clause2, art 70,72

- Art 66-79 single LLC

1. No (Art 33.1g)
2. No Art 34.4
3. Yes 50.4d
4. No 50.4d and e
1. Only 1 legal representative in credit institution

2. False as it can not be any shareholder but it must be The chairman of the board of
management or of the members' council of the credit institution; The general director
(director) of the credit institution. False Art 12.1

3. False as the legal representative can be the chairman. False Art 12.1

UOB in Vietnam is not a foreign credit institution. It’s just a VN credit institution with 100%
foreign owned capital

Why is capital mobilization the most important operation of the bank?

As they follow the rule: borrow to lend which may create the profit.
Bank can raise money by
1. Deposit taking
2. Issue valuable paper
3. Borrow from other banks or SBV

Deposit must be in VND

Deposit insurance protects the rights of the depositors and tries to ensure the safety of the
banking environment.
Deposit insurance is not required to purchase in all bank (as policy bank don’t have to purchase)
Deposit insurance should be under VND.

Deposit insurance: benefit both banks and depositors

Insurer: There is only 1 supplier of deposit insurance
One who buy the insurance:
- Credit insti
- Branch of foreign banks
All kind of bank must buy the deposit insurance. T or F
-> False. Not all kinds, policy banks do not need
Deposit in foreign currency is paid with interest rate 0%=> no insurance
If the deposit money goes beyond 125mil then the maximum money you can receive when the
bank goes into trouble is 125.

1. Yes. Based on art 126 clause 1b

2. Yes.
3. No. Based on art 126 clause 1b
4. Yes.


Option 1: illegal base on art 126 clause 3

Option 2: Legal
Art 127c chỉ người vay sở hữu stock trong khi trong case chỉ yêu cầu làm bảo đảm
1. Illegal based on 126 clause 3
2. Illegal based on 126 clause 5
3. Based on art 126 clause 7 => Illegal

Limit on extension
Differences between

Legal cap: vốn pháp định (do luat quy dinh)

Own cap: vốn chủ sở hữu
Charter cap: vốn điều lệ
Business cap: vốn doanh nghiệp

Setting up a company is not required legal capital but in the finance sector, it is required.
- Charter capital means the total value of assets contributed or undertaken to be contributed
by members of the company and/or the owner of th e company when establishing a LLC
or partnership; or means the total aggregate par value of shares sold or registered for
subscription when establishing a shareholding company (art 4 law on enterprises)
- Reserve fund is undistributed profit

Which one is the most important reason to make it valuable?

1. False,
2. False, art 23 clause 1
3. True
4. False art 23

- Assume có 1 cty nhỏ vay chấp tín một khoản tiền lớn (ko thế chấp), để thuyết phục bên
lender cho vay, cty cần show commitment với nguồn tiền, dùng nguồn tiền đúng vào các
hoạt động investment, có plan khả thi, cụ thể và hứa hẹn sau này sẽ involve nhiều hơn với

- Nếu giảm hạn mức tín dụng thì SMEs sẽ suffer nhiều nhất vì giảm room tín dụng => họ
bị hạn chế cơ hội tiếp cận nguồn vốn để phát triển
- FDI thường vay ngân hàng ở nước nó. Khi thắt chặt room tín dụng, cả FDI và bank đều
bị ảnh hưởng => FDI sẽ vay cả công ty mẹ của nó để có đủ vốn và phải chịu annual
quota. `
- Ai approve phương án sử dụng tiền, kế hoạch sản xuất kinh doanh của 1 doanh nghiệp
đang sản xuất nội địa? Tùy vào điều lệ mà HĐQT, tổng GĐ, Hội đồng thành viên,... sẽ
thông qua

- Onshore: Vay trong nước
- Offshore: Vay nước ngoài
Lending limt

- Onshore có credit retention (thông tư 29)

25% vốn tự có (equity và các khoản dự trữ khác…)
Tổ chức tín dụng nước ngoài ko apply 2 mục đích này

- Có thể vay offshore để trả onshore được ko?

=> Được nhưng chỉ trả lãi, không được trả gốc (chỉ đc với offshore short-term)
[note: IRC là giấy chứng nhận đăng ký đầu tư]

- Which documents do you use to prove your fund usage method? (phương án sử dụng
=> Nội dung trong phương án đầu tư phải khớp với thông tư 8.
- Mục đích cơ cấu lại nợ là để giảm chi phí vay
- Onshore và offshore quy định khác nhau: Onshore quy định ko đc vay, offshore quy định
đc vay
- Vay nước ngoài thường lãi thấp hơn nhưng vay trong nước nhiều hơn do flexible (dễ
chứng minh phương án…)
- 8,9,10: Trong nước structure vốn vay rất nhiều (bị gạch do bị tạo sức ép => cần sửa đổi)

a. Yes. Based on thông tư 39

b. Review charter, joint venture agreement, quyền sử dụng đất, trên giấy chứng nhận + hợp
đồng sử dụng đất có restriction gì không… (từ phương diện pháp lý)
c. Key issues we need to consider: Cần xem xét các điều khoản có được permit trong thông
tư 39 ko, kiểm tra các restriction liên quan đến hợp đồng,...
- FDI thường không được sở hữu đất ở VN và chỉ được kí hợp đồng thuê đất với ủy ban
nhân dân khu vực.

Account bank: thông tư 12

Security servicing bank: Thông tư 12
Fees: coi thông tư 39

- Thông tư 41, vay ngắn hạn ko cam kết có thể đòi bất cứ lúc nào nên ko thu phí cam kết
rút vốn
- Ngoài Fees thì có thể thu

- Thông tư 42 có thể thu thêm chi phí thù lao (agency fee) để thu càng nhiều càng tốt
1. Thông tư 08/2023: Được. Phải xem xem là thực hiện dự án đầu tư hay cơ cấu lại nợ,...
Trong thông tư 08 còn có dự án khác, có thể match vào other projects bằng cách mua cổ
phần để góp vốn hoặc phát triển sản xuất kinh doanh.
3. - Business đc đầu tư vào cần phải có ngành nghề tương đương.
- Tập đoàn không được đi vay và về cho công ty con vay (trừ khi hoạt động cho
vay sẽ không thường xuyên, không lấy lãi)
- Hoạt động cung ứng dịch vụ thường xuyên và sinh lời
- Đi vay trong nước không phải đóng thuế, đi vay nước ngoài phải đóng thuế nhà thầu
(khoảng 5%)
7. Có phải đăng ký, công chứng hay báo cáo về khoản vay trong nước hoặc nước ngoài ko?
- Vay trong nước ko đk với bank nhưng phải công chứng thế chấp, thuê đất rồi nộp sở tài
nguyên môi trường
- Offshore phải đk (với SBV) nếu là vay trung dài hạn, khoản vay ngắn hạn phải làm báo
cáo hàng tháng (hàng hóa trả chậm cũng phải liệt kê), cho vay với hình thức hàng hóa trả
chậm không cần đk với SBV nhưng phải báo cáo, chứng minh với bộ chứng từ
8. Trách nhiệm của borrower.

- Vay nước ngoài dưới dạng cho thuê tài chính ở nước ngoài (thông tư 08) vẫn phải đăng
ký với SBV giống như đi vay bằng tiền.
- Ngta đi vay leasing vì process giải ngân nhanh. Bank nhiều quy trình, mất thời gian

- Project thương mại nhà ở,... sẽ bị restriction đối với các ngân hàng nước ngoài
- Cty con đi vay thì cty mẹ được bảo lãnh
- Off- stream : Cty mẹ đi vay, cty con có thể bảo lãnh được nhưng có restriction

Nhà cửa đất đai chỉ được thế chấp ở NH việt nam, không thế chấp được ở ngân hàng nước ngoài
vì quyền sử dụng đất thuộc sở hữu nhà nước.
Difference between pledge and mortgage

Notatii is conducted by notary public

Certificate is conducted by notary public and people’s committees

Notary: chứng thực bản sao giống với bản chính, kiểm tra tính hợp pháp, kt nội dung, risk
(recognize that it is correct) => require more than certificate
Certificate: Chec

Which cases should be notarized/certified by law?

- Notarize:
- Certified

Credit contracts need to be in written form and notarized or certified ? True or false
- Made in writing
- Be notarized or certificate if needed
- Register with security transaction (if applicable)
=> Base on art 23 circular 29/2016

Degree 99/2022. Depending on the property is a mortgage or pledge. If it is mortgage => register
at văn phòng đăng ký đất đai thuộc sở tài nguyên môi trường
Đăng ký giao dịch bảo đảm để đảm bảo lợi ích cho người thứ 3 (ngân hàng)
B will be given the priority for the payment → Base on Civil Code 99.2
For the 1st trans, A did registration
For the 2nd trans,
→ Apply 1st come 1st served procedure (base on art 328 of civil code)
→ Dont
Đk giao dịch bảo đảm để bảo đảm lợi ích cho người thứ 3 vd ngân hàng => rủi ro ko thể thanh
toán nếu ko có khả năng trả nợ
Can branch of company A receive a bank loan payments by company A? No, branch is not a
legal entity based on art 335 civil code

Based on act 343=> ngân hàng tự gia hạn với công ty mà ông B ko biết:> nên ông B ko bị kiện
do ổng chỉ bảo lãnh giao dịch đầu tiên.
The guarantee will be terminated
2nd transaction does not involve Mr.B
→ Chỉ bảo lãnh cho giao dịch đầu tiên thôi, giao dịch thứ 2 khg liên quan vì ổng đâu có đồng ý

Some commercial banks are offering unsecured loans without collateral and guarantee. Is this
offer a fidelity guarantee?

- Based on art 344 civil code=> this is not in accordance b/c fidelity guarantee is offered
by tổ chức chính trị xã hội vn (Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam, Công đoàn Việt Nam,
Hội nông dân Việt Nam, Đoàn thanh niên cộng sản Hồ Chí Minh, Hội liên hiệp
phụ nữ Việt Nam, Hội cựu chiến binh Việt Nam.)
- Borrowers are the poor
- If the borrower fails to return the loan to the bank, who will return?

- Ngân hàng cho mượn tiền mà không trả được thì đoàn thanh niên, hội phụ nữ VN có chịu
trách nhiệm khg? If not, who would be?
- Based on art 345 civil code, it depends on the agreements of 3 party whether who will
pay (not always the sco-political org pay the loan)

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