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Name: Sakhawat Hossain

Reg. 21211020

Motorola Vs Apple vs Samsung and Google,2010

Facts: Motorola filed charges against Apple in October 2010 in the U.S. District Court and
ITC, claiming patent infringement. In the ITC lawsuit, Motorola renounced its claims to two
patents. Counterclaims were filed by both parties in different districts. In Florida, Apple also
filed a lawsuit against Motorola. In Delaware, Motorola filed a declaratory judgment lawsuit
against Apple and NeXT. In Wisconsin, Apple made a counterclaim. In the end, Illinois handled
the consolidation of the cases. Apple's supremacy in the mobile market was made possible by
this court dispute.

Issue: whether the dispute revolves around infringement and design disputes among major
smartphone manufacturers?

Judgement: The court ordered a temporary sales stop of the infringing products in South
Korea and granted both firms small damages; nevertheless, none of the prohibited products were
the most recent versions from Apple or Samsung. Apple's allegations that Samsung stole the iPad
and iPhone designs were found to be untrue.The jury ultimately decided in favor of Apple. At
first, the panel gave Apple a prize of more than $1 billion. In a damages-only retrial, this amount
was then lowered to $399 million, which represents Samsung's entire profit from the infringing

Comment: The legal disputes highlighted the intense rivalry and the significance of
intellectual property protection in the quickly changing mobile industry. They also emphasized
how difficult it is to innovate, work together, and settle legal disputes in a sector that is becoming
more interwoven. In the end, these conflicts forced businesses to put an emphasis on innovation
while negotiating the legal systems to safeguard their patents and market shares.

In light of these global legal disputes over intellectual property rights in the mobile industry,
Bangladesh should prioritize strengthening its own intellectual property laws and enforcement
mechanisms. This would encourage innovation and investment in the country's burgeoning tech
sector while safeguarding the rights of local inventors and businesses. Additionally, fostering
collaboration between government agencies, industry stakeholders, and legal experts can help
create a supportive ecosystem for intellectual property protection in Bangladesh.

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