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English And

climate change
An Interactive Social Media
Group 5
Elisa Setiawati

Members Mala Riani


Yefa Azzahrah.Fz
Interactive Social Media Campaign

Case Study: Social Media Campaign #EnglishforEarth Initiated by Students

of UIN Raden Intan Lampung


Students of the English Department of UIN Raden Intan Lampung were moved to
launch the #EnglishForEarth social media campaign. The campaign aims to
raise public awareness about the role of English in combating climate change
and encourage concrete actions to preserve the environment.
Campaign Format:

·Interesting infographics about the impact of climate change in Indonesia and
Lampung in English and Bahasa Indonesia.
·Short videos featuring UIN Raden Intan Lampung students taking concrete
actions for the environment, such as planting trees, cleaning beaches, or
saving energy, with narration in English and Indonesian subtitles.
·Funny and educational memes about eco-friendly tips in English and Bahasa
·Interactive quizzes on Instagram Stories to test the public's knowledge on
climate change and possible solutions.
2.Platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube.
3.Duration: 2 months, with the campaign culminating on Earth Day (April 22).

1.Q&A feature: A live Q&A session with climate change experts and UIN Raden
Intan Lampung students who are active in environmental issues.
2.Photo Challenge: Invites the public to upload photos of them doing
environmentally friendly actions and using the hashtag #InggrisUntukBumi.
The best photos will get attractive prizes.
3.Short Story Writing Competition:* A short story writing competition on
climate change in English with cash prizes and publication.


1.Collaborate with social media influencers who care about the environment
to promote the campaign.
2.Collaborate with student organizations of nature lovers and environmental
communities in Lampung.
3.Collaborate with English lecturers to ensure the campaign content is
accurate and informative.
Expected Impact:

1.Increased public awareness of the impact of climate change and the

role of English in addressing it.
2.Encouragement of public participation in concrete actions to preserve
the environment.
3.Strengthening the English language skills of UIN Raden Intan Lampung
students in the context of environmental issues.
4.Collaboration between students, communities, and influencers in the
fight against climate change.
Use of English:
1.The use of English in this campaign is expected to reach a
wider audience, including the international community.
2.The campaign also aims to promote the English language
skills of UIN Raden Intan Lampung students in the context of
global issues.
3.The translation of the content into Bahasa Indonesia and
the use of subtitles ensure inclusivity and access to
information for all.
Conclusion: Latest Example:

The #EnglishUntukBumi At the UN Climate Change

social media campaign is Conference (COP28) held in Dubai
a creative example of in November 2023, the
how UIN Raden Intan #EnglishForEarth social media
Lampung students utilize campaign initiated by UIN Raden
English to raise Intan Lampung students became
awareness and one of the finalists in the "Youth
encourage action on Climate Action through Digital
climate change. The Media" category. This campaign
campaign combines was appreciated by the jury for its
education, interactivity creativity in using English to
and collaboration to promote real action on climate
achieve significant and change.
sustainable impact.
UIN Raden Intan Lampung's #EnglishforEarth campaign is a clear
example of how student initiatives at the local level can attract global
attention. The strategic use of English in this campaign was effective in:
1.Reaching a wider audience: The use of English allows the campaign
message to be understood by the international community concerned
with climate change issues.
2.Enhancing the capacity of youth:* The campaign provided a platform
for university students to develop their English skills in the context of the
environment. These skills can equip them to actively participate in
international forums related to climate change in the future.
3.Encouraging innovation in environmental communication:* The
#EnglishForEarth campaign inspired other youth to utilize social media
creatively and educationally to advocate for environmental issues
In addition, the success of this campaign also elevates UIN Raden Intan
Lampung's role as an educational institution that encourages students to
take action.

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