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Anatomy quiz # 2 RESPIRATORY /

1. which layer of the heart has specialized cardiac muscles?
 Myocardium
 pericardium
 endocardium
 parietal layer

2. Breathing consists of two cyclic phases, inhalation and___

 exhalation
 ventilation
 resuscitation
3. Also called external nares

 ears
 nose
 tongue
4. The ___joins the nasal cavity through the choanae

 nasopharynx
 oropharynx
 laryngopharynx
5. also known as the voicebox contains the vocal cords

 epiglottis
 larynx
 trachea
6. connects the larynx to the main bronchi

 epiglottis
 larynx
 trachea
7. the right lung has ___lobes

 two lobes
 three lobes
8. These are small air-filled chambers where the air and the blood come into
close contact with each other

 bronchioles
 alveoli
 bronchopulmonary segments
9. these is a large dome of skeletal muscle that separates the thoracic cavity
from the abdominal cavity

 diaphragm
 pleura
 intercostal muscles
10. The normal rate of breathing or respiratory rate per minute of an adult:

 12-20/min
 10-15/min
 18-25/min
11. The respiratory area with neurons are located in the___

 pons
 medulla oblongata
 cerebral cortex
12. Total number of chambers of the heart

 2
 1
 4
13. The chambers found in the heart are:

 2 atrium and 3 ventricles

 1 atrium and 3 ventricles
 2 atrium and 2 ventricles
 2 atrium and 4 ventricles

14. the right atrioventricular valve in the heart is also known as:

 bicuspid valve
 tricuspid valve
 monocuspid valve
 tetracuspid valve

15. In the human body, mitral valve is found? between what valves?

 Between a Left atrium and ventricles in the heart

 between stomach and small intestine
 between stomach and large intestine
16. The valve which guard flow of blood from LA to LV

 cardiac valve
 pyloric valve
 mitral valve
 tricuspid valve
17. chordae tendinea are found in:

 stomach
 small intestine
 heart
18. which structure is known as pacemaker of the heart SA node

 AV node
 sinoatrial node SA node
 Purkinje fibers
 Bundle of His

19. ECG is used for the exam of:

 heart
 lungs
 liver
 abdomen

20. formula of CO is:

 CO = stroke volume / heart rate

 CO = stroke volume- heart rate
 CO= stroke volume x heart rate
21. Amount of CO in a healthy adultl

 4 liters/min
 5 liters/min
 6liters/min22. what do you mean by blood pressure
 pressure exerted by blood on associated structures
 pressure exerted by blood on the heart
 pressure exerted by blood on the walls of the blood vessels

22. Normal BP for adult 120/80

 120/80
 180/90
 80/120
23. In an adult systolic BP is 120/80

 80mm Hg
 120 mm Hg
 100 mm Hg
24. Instrument used for measuring BP

 sphygmomanometer
 thermometer
 cardioscope

25. right side of heart supplies blood to the ______

 lungs
 aorta
 kidneys
26. smallest arteries are known as:

 arterioles
 venules
 capillaries
27. blood capillaries consist of how many layers:

 single layer
 double layer
 triple layer
28. which of the ff blood vessels contain deoxygenated blood-

 pulmonary veins
 pulmonary artery
 aorta
29. coronary arteries supply blood to the;

 left side of the body

 right atrium
 left atrium
 myocardium

30. site of gaseous exchange between the blood and tissues is the:

 arterioles
 systemic capillaries
 venules
 pulmonary capillaries

31. The electrical activity of the contraction of the heart is initiated by the:

 Sinoatrial node
 atrioventricular node
 medulla oblongata
 myocytes
32. the function of the mitral valve is to prevent reflux of blood from the:

 RV into the RA
 RA into the RV
 LV into the LA
 LA into the LV

33. An artery can be defined as a blood vessel which carries;

 oxygenated blood
 deoxygenated blood
 blood towards the heart
 blood away from the heart

34. Which layer of the heart is composed of cardiac muscle?

 endocardium
 myocardium
 epicardium
 pericardium

35. Which chamber of the heart pumps blood into the systemic circulation?

 LA
 RA
 LV
 RV

36. Which chamber of the heart received blood form the IVC and SVC?

 LA
 RA
 LV
 RV

37. Which chamber of the heart received blood form the pulmonary

 LA
 RA
 LV
 RV

38. A normal sinus ECG trace always has:

 P wave after the QRS complex

 P wave before the QRS complex
39. Which of the ff vessels will BP be the highest

 pulmonary artery
 aorta
 pulmonary veins
 inferior vena cava

40. How many cup-like cusps are int the rt and left valve

 2
 3
 4

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