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1. What are the life struggles of a young father in raising a family?

- Young fathers are always subjected to prejudices and belittlement. Early on, the pressure of both
relatives especially our extended family was heavy and criticized us both for our decisions; the topic
about providing for my family or finding work as a young father.

a. How do you provide for the daily living expenses of your family?

- I worked part time at a local vape shop and worked for my grandmother at her farm every Sunday. This
was before the pandemic. When the pandemic started, I left school due to financial problems and
became a full-time employee at Eightfinity Vape Shop. After my employment my mother-in-law gave us
a business to run and that is how I provide our living expenses today.

b. What problems have you often encounter?

- We always encounter Financial Problems. Even though we now have a business the pandemic greatly
affects our income, resulting to an unstable source of income. We have tried several business ventures
but it never worked out in the long run because of the pandemic.

c. How do your life struggles affect you as a person?

- With the responsibility that I have early on life, it changed me to think more maturely and wise enough
to make good decisions for my own family.

2. How do you cope with the different life struggles you are facing?

- It has always been a struggle but I managed to get by and be strong by thinking positively and believing
in Gods Will, that me and my family will get through all of the challenges that life throws at us; that
there is a future that we believe in which we are no longer struggling to get by financially and mentally.

a. What adjustments did you make in dealing with the life struggles you were facing?

- As a young father, not only my daily routine changed but also my way of thinking about life and my
future which now includes my wife and son. I strengthened my will for us to survive and to face life

b. Does having a support system helps you deal with your struggles? Or did you end up relying too
much to the support you receive?

- We have an amazing support system; our family gave us opportunities to stand on our own feet and
build our family from the ground up. Both of us always felt uncomfortable with the idea of relying too
much on our parents/family for support that is why we always think of ways to provide for our own

c. How did you cope with the problems encountered by your family?

- Trusting and talking things out together always helped. Deciding on things as a family and trusting in
Gods Will.
3. What morals did young fathers learned from their life struggles?

- Young fathers would know that it is morally wrong to abandon your own child and leave the rest to
your partner. Keeping your word, taking responsibility for your actions and to stand by your family no
matter what.

a. What have you learned from your struggles in raising a family at a young age?

- Perseverance to overcome various struggles taught me to always be grateful and strong. It also taught
me that a human heart is capable of loving this much.

b. Do you feel regretful from your actions or not?

- I’ve never regretted my child. The one thing that I do regret is that we could’ve been more prepared
financially and mentally.

c. How does being a young father affect your views in life?

- Being a young father helped me see that whatever challenges that life throws at you there is always a
solution and a way out. You just have to be hopeful and strong willed.

d. What insights can you share to other teenagers who are now raising their own families?

- To all the young fathers, they must be head strong, face their responsibility and support/provide their
family in every aspect. The beginning is always the hardest but being a parent is the most rewarding
thing you could experience. Protect the well being of your family especially your child. Be faithful and

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