Sheet Story

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?What was the strange thing that happened in the hot morning-1
Mary’s nursemaid, Saidie didn’t come.(No one came to look after

?What did the man tell Mary about the people in the house -2
He told her that a terrible illness had come to the house. Her father and
Mother were dead, and so was Saidie. Most of the other servants were
.dead ,too, and the others had run away

?What could Mary see out of the window-3

.She could see a stony road , with small bushes on each side

?Who was Mrs. Medlock-4

.Mrs. Medlock was Mary’s uncle’s housekeeper

?Who was Saidie-5

.She was Mary’s Indian nursemaid

?What could Mary hear in the servants’ room-6

.She could hear people crying
? What did Mary find in the dining room-7
She found plates of half-eaten food on the table, and half-empty
.glasses of water

? What happened to Mary’s parents-8

.They were dead

?Describe Mrs. Medlock-9

She had bright black eyes, and she wore a black hat with a purple
. flower on it

?Where did Mary and Mrs. Medlock stay-10

.They stayed in a hotel for one night

?Who was Mr .Craven-11

.He was Mary’s uncle

.Mary watched a little snake a long the floor .It had eyes like jewels-1
More servants were missing, and the others looked frightened-2
.The man told Mary that a terrible illness had come to the house-3
.Mary was going to England to live with her uncle-4

?When did Mr. Craven lock the little garden-1
Mr. Craven locked the little garden when his wife died, soon after their
.son was born

?How was the bird very lonely-2

.He was pushed out of the nest too early

?Who was Martha-3

.She was Mrs. Medlock's servant

?Who was Dickon-4

.He was Martha’s brother

?Did Dickon love animals-5

.Yes, he did

?What did Mary see while she was looking at the rows of parsnips-6
.She saw an old man leaning on a spade

?What happened when Mary listened to the bird-7

She smiled and for a moment she forgot about her mother and father
and the cold ,stone house with all the locked doors and the
.strange ,purple moor

?Who was the old man-8

.Ben, the old gardener

?Where did the bird go-9

.The bird went back to the secret garden

?What did Ben advise Mary to do-10

.He advised her not to meddle in things she doesn’t understand

Mary saw an old man leaning on a spade-1
Mary had always wanted a pet-2
.Dickon made friends with a pony on the moor-3
.Mr Craven looked the garden up and buried the key-4

?How was Mary’s life in her uncle’s house-1
.All Mary’s days were the same

?What happened when Mrs. Craven sat on a low branch-2

The branch broke; Mrs .Craven was very badly hurt and she died the
.next day

?Was the robin happy to see Mary again? Why-3

.Yes, it was. Because he sang to her

?What was Mary’s wish when she saw the robin-4

.She wished she could go into the secret garden

?Why did Mary’s uncle lock the garden-5

.Because his wife died in the garden

?Why did Mary feel sorry-6

She felt sorry because the death of Mrs. Craven

?What did Dickon find-7

.He found a fox cub

?What did Dickon call the young crow-8

.He called it soot

?Why was Martha afraid of Mrs. Medlock-9

.Because she thought that Mrs .Medlock wouldn’t let Mary go in

? Where did Mary decide to go-10
.She decided to go to Mr. Craven library

?Why did Mary decide to go and find the library-11

.Because she wanted to find out more about this strange house

?What did Mary find when she wandered through the house-12
.She found a lady’s sitting room

?What did Mary find in the lady’s sitting room-13

.She found some little ivory elephants

.The robin shook his wings and flew to the top of the tree-1
.One of the trees had a low branch, like a seat-2
.The moor was almost hidden by mist-3
.Most of the walls were covered with portraits-4

?What did Mary find in the hole-1

.She found a key

?Why didn’t the green shoots have room to grow-2

.Because of the grass and the weeds

?Where did Mary go in the morning-3

.She went to the kitchen garden

?Who were Mary’s new friends-4

.Ben, Martha and the robin

?What did Martha do at the cottage-5

.She helped her mother

?Was India different from England-6

.Yes, it was

? How was India different from England-7

There were rides on elephants and tiger hunts; but in England you can
.play with the skipping rope

?Why was Martha worried-8

.Because Mary All alone in this big place

?What was the present-9

.It was a skipping rope

? What was the present-10

.It was a skipping rope

?Did Mary find the secret garden doo-11

.Yes, she did

?How was the secret garden-12

.He was tangled and over grown, but nothing was green

?What did Mary wish? Why-13

.She wished she had a little spade and some seeds

?What did Mary write? Why-14

She wrote a letter to Dickon to ask him to get some garden tools and
.some seeds

Mary went to see Ben in the kitchen garden-1
Martha told Mary about her day at the cottage-2
The robin hopped up to a little hole in the soil-3
Having friends was a new idea for Mary-4

?What did Mary hear as she went through the the gate-1
.She heard someone playing a pipe

?What did Mary find inside the package-2

.She found a spade , a rake, fork, a hoe and a trowel

? Where did Mary work everyday-3

.Mary worked in the secret garden everyday

?What did Mary ask Ben a bout-4

.She asked him about plants

?What did the boy do when he saw Mary-5

.He held up his hands

?What did the boy tell Mary to do? Why-6

He told her to stand still

?Who was the boy-7
.He was Dickon

?What did Dickon give Mary-8

.He gave her a brown paper package

?Did the robin like Mary? How did you know that-9
. Yes, he did
Because he twittered and chirped when he saw Mary . Dickon listened
.to him and told Mary that
?Where did Mary and Dickon go-10
.They went to the secret garden

Mary skipped along the path that led to the wood-1
Dickon told Mary how to plant the seeds-2
.Gardening must be good for Mary-3
Dickon took some bread and cheese from his pocket-4

?Describe Mr. Craven-1

He had crooked shoulders ,black eyes ,and black hair streaked with
.white .His face was handsome ,but very sad

?Why was Colin crying-2

.Because he couldn’t sleep and his head was hurting

?What did Martha tell Mary-3
.She told her that her uncle has come home and he wants to see her

?What sound did Mary hear-4

.She heard a sound of someone crying

?Who was crying-5


?Who was Colin-6

.He was Mr. Craven’s son (Mary’s cousin)

?Did anyone tell Mary that Mr. Craven had a son-7

.No, they didn’t

?Did Mr. Craven come to see Colin-8

.Sometimes .When Colin was a sleep

?Who was the lady in the portrait-9

.She was Colin’s mother (Mr. Craven’s wife)
?Did Martha know anything about Colin-10
Yes, she did

Mr Craven was sitting by the fire-1
.There was a portrait of a pretty lady-2
The garden would be their secret-3
.The lady had grey eyes and a blue ribbon in her curly hair-4

?What was wrong with Colin-4
.Nobody knows what the wrong with him was, but he was ill

?Was Colin pleased to see Mary again-5

.Yes, he was

?Who was Dr. Craven -6

.He was Mr. Craven’s brother

?Why were Mrs. Medlock and Dr. Craven cross-1

.Because they found Mary in Colin’s room

?Why couldn’t Mr. Craven look at Colin-2

.Because Colin’s eyes are just like his poor mother’s

?Did Mary tell Martha about Colin-3

.No, she didn’t

?Did Mrs .Medlock and Dr. Craven leave Mary and Colin? Why-7
. Yes, they did. Because Mary makes him feel better

?What was Mary’s idea-8

.To take Colin to the secret garden

?Why was Colin cross-9

Because he has been waiting for Mary all afternoon, but she didn’t


.Martha was mending her clothes beside the fire-1
Mary thought about her idea of taking Colin to the secret garden-2
.Mary marched out of the door, and slammed It behind her-3

?Why did Colin’s nurse come to talk to Mary-1

.To take her to Colin’s room ;because Master won’t talk to anyone else

?Why did Dr. Craven make Colin stay indoors -2

.Because the weather was cold and windy

?Why did Colin throw his pillow at Mary-3

Because she said , ‘you say that you’re ill to make people feel sorry for
’! you

? What did Colin need to be good-4

. He needed some fresh air and some good friends

?What happened when Mary shouted at Colin-5

.He stopped screaming

?What did Colin tell Dr. Craven-6

.He told him that he is much better now and he wants some fresh air

?What did Dickon bring with him-7

. He brought some animals

?How did Dickon find lamb-8

.He found him on the moor, all alone because his mother had died

Mary was woken by terrible screams-1
.Dickon took out a feeding bottle full of milk-2
.The wind from the moor smelled sweet-3
.Colin and Mary showed Dickon a book about plants-4

?What did Dickon’s mother see in the secret garden-1

.She saw how well Colin and Mary were

?Why did all the servants come rushing into the kitchen-2
.To see Mr. Craven and Master Colin

?Why did Dr. Craven make Colin stay indoors-3

.Because the weather was cold and windy

?What did the children make for Colin-4

.They made him happy

?Who carried Colin downstairs-5

.A servant

?What did they have for the picnic-6

.Buttered toast and cake and they drank hot ,sweet tea

?What did Colin do when he saw Ben-7

’?He asked , ‘Who is that old man

?Did Colin plant anything ?What did he plant-8
.Yes, he did. He planted a rose

?What was the biggest secret of all-9

.It was that Colin felt better and could walk
.The wind from the moor smelled sweet-1
.Mary turned and saw Ben looking over the wall-2
.Colin threw his blanket on the grass and stood up-3
.Colin picked up Mary’s spade and began to dig-4

?What did Dickon’s mother see in the secret garden-1

.She saw how well Colin and Mary were

?Why did Colin pull the curtain back-2

.Because he liked looking at his mother’s face

?Where was Mr. Craven ?Why-3

.In Europe to spend the whole summer

?What was Mr. Craven’s dream-4

He dreamed that a sweet ,soft voice was calling him. It was his wife’s
. voice

?What did Mr. Craven give the eldest girl-5

.He gave her a gold coin

?What voices did Mr. Craven hear near the garden-6

He heard voices ,whispering to each other whole summer

?How was the garden at this time-7

.It looked beautiful

.Colin practised walking every day-1
The Secret Garden looked beautiful-2
Ben was taking some vegetables to the kitchen-3
All the servants came rushing into the kitchen and crowded round -4
.the window


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