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Reg. No.


(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Anna University)
Coimbatore – 641 035.



( PART A - 40 X 1 Mark = 40 Marks)

1. All windows are doors. No door is wall
1. No window is wall
2. No Wall is door
a) Only 1 follows b) Only 2 follows
c) Either 1 or 2 follows d) Both 1 and 2 follow
2. All flowers are toys. Some toys are trees. Some angels are trees
1. Some angels are toys
2. Some trees are flowers A
3. Some flowers are angels
a) None follows b) Only 1 follows
c) Only 2 follows d) Only 1 and 3 follow
3. Some boys are men. No man is black
1. Some boys are not black
2. Some men are boys
a) Only 1 follows b) Only 2 follows
c) Either 1 or 2 follows d) Neither 1 nor 2 follows
4. Some blankets are beds. Some pillows are blankets. All beds are pillows D
1. Some blankets are pillows
2. Some pillows are beds
3. Some beds are blankets

a) Only either 1 or 2 follows b) Only 1 and either 2 or 3 follows
c) Only 3 and either 1 or 2 follows d) All 1 ,2 and 3 follow
5. All snakes are trees. Some trees are roads. All roads are mountains.
1. Some mountains are snakes
2. Some roads are snakes C
3. Some mountains are trees
a) Only 1 follows b) Only 2 follows
c) Only 3 follows d) Both 1 and 2 follow
6. Some mountains are hillocks. Some mountains are rivers. Some mountains are
1. All mountains are either hillocks or rivers or valleys
2. No valley is river
3. Some river are valleys
a) None follows b) Only 1 follows
c) Only 2 and 3 follow d) Only 3 follows
7. "If it does not rain throughout this month ,most farmers would be in trouble this
1. Timely rain is essential for farming D
2. Most farmers are generally dependent on rains
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Both 1 and 2 follow
8. If he is intelligent,he will pass the examination
1. To Pass,he must be intelligent
2. He will pass the examination
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 nor 2 is true
9. If you are an engineer ,we have a challenging job for you A
1. We need an engineer

2. You are an engineer
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 or 2 is true
10. Banks should always check financial status before lending money to a client.
Assumptions :
I. Checking before lending would give a true picture of the client's financial status.
II. Clients some times may not present the correct picture of their ability to repay A
loan amount to the bank
a) If only assumption I is Implicit b) If only assumption II is Implicit
c) If either I or II is Implicit d) If both I and II are Implicit
11. Retired persons should not be appointed for the posts in organisations
1. Retried persons may lack zeal and commitment to carry out executive's work
2. Retried persons do not take intrest in the work and welfare of new organisations
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 or 2 is true
12. The 'M' Cooperative housing society has put up a notice at its gate that sales
persons are not allowed inside the society
1. All the sales persons stay away from 'M' Cooperation society
2. The security guard posted at the gate may be able to stop the sales persons
entering the society
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Both 1 and 2 follow
13. Statement : Let there be a signboard also indicating the directions and instructions.
Assumptions :
a) Signboard can be prepared without using any language.
b) Signboard is the only effective tool to indicate directions.
a) Both a and b are not sufficient b) Only a is sufficient
c) Only b is sufficient d) Both a and b are sufficient
14. Should a total ban be put on traping wild animals? D
1. Yes. Trappers are making a lot of money

2. No. Bans on hunting and trapping are not effective
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 or 2 is true
15. Should jobs be linked with academic degrees and diplomas?
1. No. A very large number of persons with meagre academic qualifications will
apply B
2. No. Importance of higher education will be diminished
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 nor 2 is true
16. Is the Government justified in spending so much on defence?
I. Yes. Safety of the country is of prime importance.
II. No. During peace, this money could be used for the development of the country.
a) Only argument I is strong b) Only argument II is strong
c) ) Neither I nor II is strong d) Both I and II are strong
17. Should high chimneys be installed in industries?
1. Yes. It reduces pollution at ground level
2. No. It increments pollution in upper atmosphere
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 nor 2 is true
18. In Bombay,railway trains are indespenible for people in the subrubs to reach their
places of work on time
1. Railway trains are the only mode of transport available in the subrubs of
2. Only railway trains run punctually
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 nor 2 is true
19. A traffic board reads 'Speed thrills but kills'. C
Assumptions :
1. Drive fast and experience the thrill

2. Fast driving will attract heavy fine.
a) Both assumptions 1 and 2 are implicit b) Only assumption1 is implicit
c) Neither assumption 1 nor 2 is implicit d) Only assumption 2 is implicit
20. Find the sum of the first 10 numbers in the series.
I. The first number is 2 and number is 20.
II. The common difference is 2.
a) only statement II is sufficient b) Only statement I is sufficient
c) Both statements I and II are sufficient d) Either statement I or II is sufficient
21. A mother is crying in the hospital as her only son died in a road accident while
driving his bike.
Assumptions :
1. The mother thinks it's her son's fault. D
2. The mother thinks that God is not with her.
a) Only assumption 2 is implicit b) Both 1 and 2 are implicit
c) Only assumption 1 is implicit d) Neither 1 nor 2 is implicit
22. The Civic administration has asked the residets of the dilapidated buildings to
move out as these buildings will be demolished within the next thirty days
Assumptions :
I. The Civic administration may be able to demolish these buildings as per
II. The residents of these buildings may vacate and stay elsewhere
a) If only assumption I is Implicit b) If only assumption II is Implicit
c) If either I or II is Implicit d) If both I and II are Implicit
23. All girls love reading novels.
Assumptions :
1. Novels are the only reading materials.
2. No girl loves to read other materials.
a) Both assumptions 1 and 2 are implicit b) Only assumption 1 is implicit
c) Neither assumption 1 nor 2 is implicit d) Only assumption 2is implicit
24. The train fares have increased by 25% with immediate effect. C
Assumptions :
1. People still prefer travelling by train despite the increase.

2. Other modes of commutation may also increase their fares
b) Neither assumption 1 nor 2 is
a) Only assumption 2 is implicit
d) Both assumptions 1 and 2 are
c) Only assumption 1 is implicit
25. What is the first term of an arithmetic progression of positive integers ?
(I) Sum of the squares of the first and the second term is 116.
(II)The fifth term is divisible by 7. A
a) Only a is sufficient b) Only b is sufficient
c) Both a & b are necessary d) None
26. All keys are locks.
All locks are bangles.
All bangles are cars.
Conclusion :
a. Some cars are locks. D
b. Some bangles are keys.
c. Some cars are keys.
a) Only a follows b) Only c follows
c) Only a & b follows d) a, b & c follows
27. During the rainy season many train accidents occur in hilly regions due to
Conclusions :
1. Trains should not run during the rainy season. B
2. More precautions should be taken by the government to avoid landslides.
a) Both 1 and 2 follow b) Only conclusion 2 follows
c) Neither 1 nor 2 follows d) Only conclusion 1 follows
28. Statement 1 : No squares are rectangles.
Statement 2 : All rectangles are triangles.

Conclusion I : Some triangles are squares. B

Conclusion II : Some triangles are rectangles
a) Only conclusion I follows b) Only conclusion II follows
c) Both I and II follow d) Neither I nor II follows
29. 1. Tea is green, Coffee is brown and Milk is white. A
2. More than half of the town likes tea.
3. People who like white don't like green and some people who like brown don't
like white.
Conclusions :
1. Green is more popular in the town.
2. There is at least one coffee drinker who does not like tea.
a) Only conclusion 1 follows b) Only conclusion 2 follows
c) Both 1 and 2 follow d) Neither 1 nor 2 follows
30. How long will it take for two pipes A and B to fill an empty cistern if they worked
alternately for an hour each ?
A. Working alone, Pipe A can fill the cistern in 40 hours
B. Pipe B is one third as efficient as Pipe A
a) Only A is sufficient b) Only B is sufficient
c) Both (A) and (B) are sufficient d) None
31. Should there be an upper age limit of 65 years for contesting
parlimentary/Legislative Assembly elections?
1. Yes. Generally ,people above the age of 65 years lose their dynamism and will
power D
2. No. The life span is also increased that people remain physically and mentally
active even upto age of 80 years
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 nor 2 is true
32. Should 'computer knowledge' be made a compulsory subject for all the students at
secondary school level?
I. No. Our need is 'bread' for everyone, we cannot follow western models.
II. Yes. We cannot compete in the international market without equipping our
children with computers.
a) Only argument I is strong b) Only argument II is strong
c) Neither I nor II is strong d) Both I and II are strong
33. Should individuals/industries having treasures of national significance like nobel B
prizes, hand them over to central goverment for their safe custody?

1. Yes. They d not have enough resources to protect them
2. No. These are the properties of Individuals /Industries who win them. So, they
should be there int heir custody
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 nor 2 is true
34. Should there be restriction on the migration of people from one state to another
state in India?
1. No. Any Indian citizen has the right to live at any place of his/her own choice.
They can't be stopped B
2. Yes. This is the way to effect an equitable distribution of resources across the
states in India
a) Only 1 is true b) Only 2 is true
c) Either 1 or 2 is true d) Neither 1 nor 2 is true
35. Hydrogen is in a cylinder.
Argument 1 : Hydrogen is in a liquid state.
Argument 2 : Hydrogen is in a gaseous state. D
a) Only argument 1 is correct b) Neither argument 1 nor 2 is correct
c) Only argument 2 is correct d) Either argument 1 or 2 is correct
36. Are stock markets sources of wealth creation ?
Arguments :
1. Yes, money multiplies in stock markets.
2. No, investments in stock markets are subjected to market risk.
a) Only argument 2 is strong b) Both arguments 1 and 2 are strong
c) Only argument 1 is strong d) Neither argument 1 nor 2 is strong
37. Are the best things in life free?
Argument 1: Life gives us so many opportunities for free and yet most of us waste
Argument 2: Smile, friends, family, good talk, good sleep and happy memories B
are all free
a) Only argument 2 is strong b) Both arguments 1 and 2 are strong
c) Neither argument 1 nor 2 is strong d) Only argument 1 is strong
38. A government servant sitting idle tells a visitor to come after 2 weeks to get this B
certificate attested, as he is very busy and have a lot of work.
Assumptions :
1. The government servant wants to help the visitor.
2. The government servant is expecting a favour from the visitor.
a) Neither 1 nor 2 is implicit b) Only assumption 2 is implicit
c) Only assumption 1 is implicit d) Both 1 and 2 are implicit
39. Should there be strict laws for maintaining ponds and lakes?
I. Yes, it will naturally maintain the water level for generations to come. It affects
the migration of birds too.
II. No, it comes in the way of modern urban development and growth. Which
argument(s) of the below is/are strong in the context of the statement?
a) Only argument I is strong b) Neither argument I nor II is strong
c) Only argument II is strong d) Both arguments I and II are strong
40. Is global warming a real threat?
Arguments :
I. Yes, it is a threat leading to the consequences of sea level rise, extreme heat,
heightened wildfire risk, and drought and other water supply issues. C
II. No, Global warming is a misconception created by some people.
a) Only argument II is strong b) Neither I nor II is strong and
c) Only argument I is strong d) Both I and II are strong

( PART B - 30 X 2 Mark = 60 Marks)

41. Seven people A, B, C, D, E, F and G live on separate floors of a 7-floor building. B

Ground floor is numbered 1, first floor is numbered. 2 and so on until the topmost
floor is numbered 7. Each one of these having a different cars-Cadillac,
Ambassador, Fiat, Maruti, Mercedes, Bedford and Fargo but not necessarily in the
same order. Only three people live above the floor on which A lives. Only one
person lives between A and the one having a car Cadillac. F lives immediately
below the one having a car Bedford. The one having a car Bedford lives on an
even-numbered floor. Only three people live between the ones having a car
Cadillac and Maruti. E lives immediately above C. E is not having a car Maruti.

Only two people live between B and the one having a car Fargo. The one having a
car Fargo lives below the floor on which B lives. The one having a car Fiat does
not live immediately above D or immediately below B. D does not live
immediately above or immediately below A. G does not have a car Ambassador.

Question :

How many people live between the floors on which D and the one having a car
Bedford ?
a) one b)two
c) three d) four
42. The school has always been the most important means of transferring the wealth of
tradition form one generation to the next. This applies today in an even higher
degree than in former times for, through the modern development of economy, the
family as bearer of tradition and education has become weakened.

This passage best supports the statement that for transferring the wealth of tradition C
from one generation to the next _______
a) there are means other than the school. b) several different sources must be
c) economic development plays a crucial d) modern technology must be put to
43. Emerson said that the poet was landlord, Sealord, airlord. The flight of imagination B
made the poet master of land, sea and air. But a poet's dream of yesterday becomes
today an actual achievement and a reality for all men. Even those who invented,
improved and perfected the aeroplane could hardly have dreamt of the possibility
of flight into outer space.

The passage best supports the statement that:

a) all imaginations become a reality b) what man imagined has never been
some day.
impossible; he has always turned it a
reality through his conception of ideas
and sheer hard labour
c) seemingly impossible imaginations d) man has reached the climax of
make one a good poet,
technological development with his

exploration into outer space.
44. Throughout the ages the businessman has helped build civilisation's great cities,
provided people with luxuries and artists with patronage, and lift his fellow citizens
to understand the standard of living. In the last few centuries the businessman has
seeded the Industrial Revolution around the world.

The passage best supports the statement that the businessman _____
a) lives luxurious and comfortable life. b) is the beneficiary of the Industrial
c) is capable of raising his standard of d) has contributed to the growth of
45. One of the important humanitarian by-products of technology is the greater dignity
and value that it imparts to human labour. In a highly industrialized society, there is
no essential difference between Brahmin and Dalit, Muslim and Hindu; they are
equally useful and hence equally valuable for in the industrial society individual
productivity fixes the size of the pay cheque and this fixes social status.
The passage best supports the statement that:
a) technology decides individual's social b) castes and religions are man-made.
c) human labour has dignity and value. d) human labour has dignity and
46. Each of the following series of statements is followed by four sets. Identify the set
that is logically consistent.
(a) The gap between the average starting salaries of teachers and those of other
professionals has shrunk in recent years.
(b) The average age of first year teachers is same as it was in 1975.
(c) Starting teachers are no longer underpaid.
(d) The extent of a persons formal education is a measure by which to determine
his level of salary.
(e) Over the last few years, the average starting salaries of other professionals have
increased by 20%
a) e,b,d b) e,d,b
c) a,c,b d) a,e,c
47. Although most of the fastest growing jobs in today's economy will require a A

college degree, many of the new jobs being created-from home health aide to
desktop publisher-require knowledge other than that gained from earning a degree.
For workers in those jobs, good basic skills in reading, communigreion, and
mathematics play an important role in getting a job and developing a career.

From the information given above it can be validly concluded that, in today's
a) skills in reading, communigreion, and b) the majority of the new jobs being
mathematics play an important role in
created require knowledge other than
developing a career as a desktop publisher
that gained from earning a college
c) Both A and B d) None
48. A study of native born residents in Newland found that two-thirds of the children
developed considerable levels of nearsightedness after starting school, while their
illiterate parents and grandparents, who had no opportunity for formal schooling,
showed no signs of this disability.

If the above statements are true, which of the following conclusions is most
strongly supported by them?
a) Only people who have the opportunity b) The nearsightedness in the children
for formal ...........schooling develop
is caused by the ...........visual stress
required by reading and other class
c) Both A and B d) None
49. According to the National Agricultural Aviation Society (NAAS), without the use D
of crop protection products to control insects, weeds, and diseases, crop yields per
acre will drop by more than 50 percent. The first aerial appligreion of insecticide
occurred in 1921, and it was a huge success. By contrast, in today's economy all
aircraft that are classified as aerial appligreors do more than just apply insecticide;
today, they also spread seed and apply fertilizer.

From the information given above it CANNOT be validly concluded that

a) In today's economy, if an aerial b) according to the NAAS, if crop

appligreor is used, then it will be able to yields per acre never drop by more
spread seed and to apply fertilizer
than 50 percent, then crop protection
products have been used to control
insects, weeds, and diseases
c) in today's economy, any aircraft that d) according to the NAAS, if crop
cannot be used to apply fertilizer cannot
yields per acre drop by more than 50
be classified as an aerial appligreor
percent, then crop protection products
have not been used to control insects,
weeds, and diseases.
50. Lou observes that if flight 409 is canceled, then the manager could not possibly
arrive in time for the meeting. But the flight was not canceled. Therefore, Lou
concludes, the manager will certainly be on time. Evelyn replies that even if Lou's
premises are true, his argument is fallacious. And therefore, she adds, the manager
will not arrive on time after all.

Which of the following is the strongest thing that we can properly say about this
a) Evelyn is mistaken in thinking Lou's b) Evelyn is right about Lou's
argument to be fallacious, and so her own
argument, but nevertheless her own
conclusion is unwarranted.
conclusion is unwarranted.
c) Both A and B d) None



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