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Student’s Name Beibarys Kanat

Teacher’s Name ___________________________
Class 12 E

Summative assessment for the unit «Opportunity»

Learning 12.R1 understand complex and abstract main points in
Objectives: extended texts on a wide range of familiar and unfamiliar general
and curricular topics
12.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a wide range of general and curricular topics, including
some unfamiliar topics
12.S3 explain and justify own and others’ point of view on a
Assessment range of familiar and unfamiliar general and curricular topics
Criteria: Identify main points while reading
Justify the point of view applying appropriate subject specific
Level of thinking vocabulary
• Higher order thinking skills
• Application
Duration 20min

Task 1. Read the text and choose the best answer for the multiple choice questions below.

Equal opportunities ensure equal access and fair treatment for all employees, irrespective of their gender,
race, ethnicity, age, disability, or religious belief. Organizations that endorse equal opportunity practices
are known as equal opportunities employers and they strive to avoid discrimination.

In today's business world, discrimination against women remains common despite their historical
contributions to economies dating back to Medieval Times. The acceptance of women in paid
employment has been a slow process. Similarly, discrimination against disabled people persists.
Disability, whether physical or mental, can significantly impact a person's ability to carry out normal day-
to-day activities, leading to restricted job choices and higher unemployment rates compared to the able-
bodied population.

Discrimination against older workers is also prevalent, with older individuals often denied recruitment
opportunities and facing limited promotion and training prospects. However, older workers may possess
valuable experience and skills that can offset any age-related performance decline. They tend to exhibit
better retention, attendance, and disciplinary records and understand how to work within their physical
limitations. Despite common misconceptions, older workers do not necessarily cost organizations more,
as reward systems in today's world are typically based on performance rather than age.

There are four basic types of discrimination: direct discrimination, indirect discrimination, victimization,
and harassment.

Direct discrimination occurs when one group is treated less favorably than another. For example, not
recruiting someone based on their nationality or race.

Indirect discrimination arises when an employer applies a practice equally to men and women but puts
one gender at a particular disadvantage. An example could be changing shift patterns to include early
morning starts, which may disproportionately disadvantage women responsible for childcare during those

Victimization happens when an employer disadvantages employees for exercising their legal rights or
assisting others in doing so. For instance, not promoting someone who threatened to take the employer to
an employment tribunal over unethical practices.

Lastly, harassment occurs when an employee is subjected to conduct that violates their dignity or creates
an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating, or offensive environment. An example is racial abuse.

1. What does equal opportunities in the workplace aim to achieve?

A) Discrimination against certain groups
B) Favoritism towards specific employees
C) Equal access and fair treatment for all employees
D) Exclusion of older workers from recruitment

2. Why do older workers sometimes face limited promotion and training prospects?
A) They lack necessary skills and experience
B) They tend to exhibit better retention and attendance
C) Organizations prefer younger employees
D) They usually demand higher salaries
3. Which example best illustrates direct discrimination according to the text?
A) Denying employment based on age
B) Implementing shift patterns that disadvantage certain employees
C) Failing to promote someone who threatened legal action against the employer
D) Creating a work environment that fosters racial abuse

4. What term characterizes the type of discrimination where an employer applies a practice equally
but puts one gender at a disadvantage?
A) Covert discrimination
B) Systemic discrimination
C) Intersectional discrimination
D) Indirect discrimination

5. What distinguishes victimization from other forms of discrimination?

A) It involves direct mistreatment based on protected characteristics
B) It occurs when employees face hostile work environments
C) It singles out individuals for engaging in their lawful rights or assisting others in exercising theirs.
D) It is often unintentional and stems from unconscious biases

6. What form of discrimination arises when an employee experiences behavior that undermines
their self-respect or fosters an unwelcoming environment?
A) Systemic discrimination
B) Institutional discrimination
C) Structural discrimination
D) Harassment

Task. You are given the statement to analyse on for about 2-3 minutes. Before you speak, you have one
minute to think about what you are going to say. You may make notes if you wish. You have to explain
and justify your point of view using a good amount of subject-specific vocabulary. Be precise in
demonstrating your point of view.

Assessment criteria Task Descriptor Mar

A learner k
Identify main 1. answers “ ” 1
points while 2. answers “ ” 1
reading 3. answers “ ” 1
4. answers “ ” 1
5. answers “ ” 1
6. answers “ ” 1
Justify the point of uses opinion phrases for explaining opinion
view applying (5-6 at least);
appropriate uses linking words and phrases for explaining
subject-specific opinion;
vocabulary provides strong arguments for justifying
2 his/her opinion;
supports the argument with relevant
applies subject-specific vocabulary (5-6 new
words/phrases at least)
speaks fluently and confident 1
Total marks 12

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