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Hello Everyone, My name is Melisa Pebriani.

On this occasion I will tell a story

with the theme "Indonesian National Hero" with the title "Dewi Sartika". Once
upon a time, there lived an Indonesian national hero. Her name is Raden Dewi
Sartika. Dewi Sartika is a pioneer of education for women, recognized as a
national hero by the Indonesian government in 1966. Dewi Sartika is the
daughter of husband and wife Raden Somanegara and Raden Ayu Rajapermas.
When he was Governor of Bandung, Somanegara never opposed the Dutch
East Indies government. Therefore, he was exiled to Ternate.

"I'm sorry Dewi... I can no longer be with you because of this condition"

"Don't leave me Daddy, please don't leave me alone" (Dewi)

"Sorry, I have to leave you darling, your uncle will look after you from now on"

"Okay... live happily there. Thank you." Dewi said sadly.

Finally, Dewi was entrusted to her uncle Patih Arya Cicalengka. As a child,
Dewi showed talent and tenacity to achieve progress. "I am confident that I
can show my talents to achieve my progress and I am also confident that I can
educate children to get an education." (Dewi said confidently). While playing
behind the Kepatihan building, he often demonstrated school exercises,
learning to read, write and Dutch to the children of the Kepatihan servants.
Train boards, cubicle cages and tile fragments are used as learning aids. When
she grew up, Dewi returned to her mother in Bandung, her spirit increasingly
guiding her to achieve her dreams. This was also encouraged by his uncle,
Regent Martanegara, who also had similar desires. However, even though his
uncle had a wish, he couldn't immediately achieve his goal. Restraining
traditional women at that time made his uncle troubled and worried.

"I'm worried that the girls won't be able to go to school and won't be able to
prove their aspirations" (said Uncle). Then Uncle said. "Goddess, I have good
news for you.
“I'll let you do it, build a school for girls.” (Her uncle said.) "Hah... Thank you
uncle, I'm proud," said Dewi.

Finally, Dewi was allowed to build a school for girls. Since 1902, Dewi has
pioneered education for women. In a small room, behind her mother's house
in Bandung, before Dewi taught the female members. Knitting, cooking,
sewing, reading, writing and so on are the subjects. He opened a wife school in
January 1904. At its peak, in 1912, he had 9 Sakola Wives in Pasundan. In
1914, Sakola Istri changed its name to Sakola Kautamaan Istri or (School for
Virtuous Women). To be precise, in 1920 the entire Pasundan area belonged
to Sakola Kautamaan Istri. In September 1929, when Sakola Kautamaan Istri
was 25 years old, the school became Sakola Raden Dewi. For his dedication in
this field, he received an award from the Dutch Indian government.

Dewi Sartika died on 11 September 1947 in Tasikmalaya. He was buried in the

Cigagadon cemetery, Rahayu Village, Cincem District. Finally, after 3 years, his
grave was moved to the Bandung Regent's burial complex on Jalan Karang
Anyar, Bandung Regency. His struggle and service to the Indonesian nation
earned him an honorary title, and on 1 December 1966 he was awarded the
title National Independence Hero.

Brothers and sisters, from this story we can conclude that "If you have the
intention to help other people, then do it. Because accepting help doesn't
mean you are weak. And giving help doesn't mean you have superpowers.
Dewi Understandably, women must be helped to achieve their respective
dreams. So, don't hesitate to help and accept help from others."

That's all from me, I apologize if there are any mistakes and thank you for
your attention.

Wassalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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