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TASK C You are required to develop a case management plan in the following

template based on the interviews you undertook in Task A of this assessment.

Client 2 Name Philip

Diagnosis or main illness Prostate Cancer/middle-stage dementia

Other concerns Arthritis, depression, diabetes, hypertension

Purpose statement To help client engage in activities that slow down the
progress of dementia
Consumer level of involvement and He is heavily involved.
Case manager name

Other organisations and people Name and position Other organisations and
involved in case management people involved in case
planning management planning
Dr. Michelle Kelley- neurologist 07 56912638

Dementia Australia 03 86792430

Identified need:
Health needs- treatment, medication, counseling

Identified need:
Medical and mental health needs- treatment
for prostate cancer, arthritis, diabetes;

Goals (outcomes sought) How this will be done (description of services to be provided)

To help him manage the symptoms of his illnesses Refer him to a GP/neurologist/oncologist

To help him develop coping skills with depression Refer him to a counselor/psychologist for counseling

Identified need:
Financial assistance and home modification

Goals (outcomes sought) How this will be done (description of services to be provided)

To help client fund the cost treatment and care Refer him to government institutions like Centrelink

To provide an environment that is free from Refer him to agencies that handle home modification
Identified need:
Cultural needs- being able to practice his Jewish culture,

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