GRM-5035Use of Information Technology in Human Resource Planning

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1.0. Introduction..........................................................................................................................................3
1.1. Objective..............................................................................................................................................3
1.2. Statement of the Problem......................................................................................................................3
2.0. Literature Review.................................................................................................................................4
3.0. Research Philosophy.............................................................................................................................6
4.0. Ethical Implications..............................................................................................................................6
5.0. Research Methodology.........................................................................................................................7
6.0. Findings................................................................................................................................................7
7.0. Conclusion............................................................................................................................................8

1.0. Introduction
The business world undergo with the major change as the employee turn-over rate makes the
business faith to be high and also management and structure pattern. There is traditional HRM
practice for style to fail and catch with the rapid change regarding monitoring the supportive
personnel activities (Dursun et al, 2018). The HR planning makes use of technology and makes
performance and implements the organizational policies which handle the passive and
submissive execution with self-motivated participation as a strategic issue which manages the
business tactics. This emphasizes with business strategy and makes sure the strategic partner
with HR planning by use of organizations.

1.1. Objective
The objective of this study is to examine the use of IT for human resource planning in

 Examine the way technology is used for HR planning

 To evaluate the way IT facilitates in HR planning in organizations.
 To review the influence of IT in HR planning of organizations.

1.2. Statement of the Problem

The study analyzes the impact of HR planning and technology change in terms of HR
professionals with strategic issue in terms of HR planning. The idea to manage the HR planning
actually changes with comments as participate with transformation activities which focus on HR
planning. The HR professionals make transformative activities and uphold the transformation for
HR planning to achieve competence and manage challenges and have better management and
transformative activities and enhance organizational performance. Another concern of companies
is that the IT actually reduces with cost and improves with service and also effectiveness. The
added value for IT application makes the HR and also makes sure the administrative task and
risk assessment makes the function as well as transformative goals to reach business objectives.

2.0. Literature Review
The technology has constant improvement of work practices and also quality which results in
better future. A study by Mishra et al (2010), considers technology to have better available
information for HR and facilitates the HR procedure along with making it effective and faster.
The emphasis of HRM practices is on to develop HRM practices and implement the accurate
with the organizational practices. The HR planning emphasize on to become effective and deal
with the different challenges as HR professionals prepare in setting the future and gear up with
the new findings and roles for HR professionals and integrate the HRIS system for big project
and deals with major change for the business partner as a data analyst which manages the
strategic issues as HRM development is desired by business, people and companies.

According to Haines et al (2008), human resource planning has undergone basic dramatic
change which makes the rapid evolution for information technology. The empirical investigation
makes the association among technology which makes the effectiveness and role for the HR
function. The results indicate that emphasis is on the information technology roles and also
manage the effectiveness with human resource function. The results indicate that information
technology and have great involvement with technical as well as strategic effectiveness and also
transform the potential information and support with effective with information technology and
also applications.

El Mohadab et al (2017), the business procedure terms integrate the functional areas and leads
improvement. The communication workflows and success for company engage with share
information among functions in the company. The ERP software engages with capacity and have
common database which makes integrating with information among financial accounting, supply
chain management and customer information. There is emphasis on ERP software which
currently be available with the paid licensed paid with the open source and do not share similar

According to Turulja et al (2018), dynamic capability view which makes emphasis on the firm
information technology (IT) and capability which makes KM capability and HRM. The business
performance in organization makes that change in every aspect of the knowledge with human
resource also the complex business and today’s environment. The emphasis of knowledge is also
emphasis is on and makes knowledge which has emphasis on the business performance. The

results show that HRM capability improves KM capability results and IT capability improves the
business performance and interaction with HRM capability with business performance.

Silva et al (2018), the value and demand of HR planning is met which manages the increasing
HRM pressure for support and set strategic decisions and objectives for value-added activities
and manage the change in present job content as per the Human Resource (HR) professionals
with Information Technology (IT) to support different HR planning. The company actually
manages the IT practices recently and also there is emphasis on to improve the sales and service
and achieve effectiveness. There is proper information tool as well as managers which make with
market. The IT application in terms of HRM which makes it imperative for HR function as a
strategic option and clarify the administrative and HR planning initiatives with HR functions

Another study by Berber et al (2018), the internet changes and also manages the lives which
interconnect and also which makes time to spend with the change in human society. The focus is
more on information technology (IT) and emphasis is on which emphasize on mechanism and
plays with the human resources. The idea makes the change which engages with the role and
makes growth and information technology for human resource management. The power of
internet is emphasized with technology and optimizes the work as well as evaluation. The
company and group makes the human society as information technology emerges as one of the
growth factors to deal with human resources.

A study by Turban et al (2018), the emphasis is on the facilitated communication and transfers
the data with third wave. The emphasis is more on the challenges are common with the
information system along with the computer technology. The organizations and information
systems have actually discussed with employees and in HR planning which makes manager to
focus on individual abilities and skills. The emphasis is on the manager need to handle with the
focus on to make sure the desired with the organizational needs and comprise of the resources
which changes with the information technology and organizational growth.

According to Adhika et al (2018), information technology (IT) emphasizes on HR function as

well as HR process applications. This makes the focus on HR procedure and also manages the E-
learning and recruitment along with self-service. The web-based approach makes virtual

engagement and also manages the online psychological test and resumes the online declaration
of job along with the fast procedure of recruitment. The application in terms of the pool of
candidates with help of information technology has actually made effective and efficient use of
technology systems in HR planning.

3.0. Research Philosophy

Research Philosophy

Positivism approach involves with the use of existing theory and develops the hypotheses and
also tests it during the research. The reason to use this approach is that it is highly structured and
also it is the research method that actually allows the replication of the similar study in the near
future. The limitation for this method is that it is too unrealistic and also has complexity for
social phenomenon.

Research Approach

The research approach in this study is inductive reasoning and the method draws conclusion
from specific to general. The researcher implements inductive approach and also makes the
observations along with experiences and also data to theory. The benefit associated with
inductive approach is that it allows greater flexibility and has contextual support for new
generation. The limitation of this approach is that it cannot be used to prove anything.

Research Strategy

The applied research strategy in this study is grounded strategy and it has large application of
qualitative research method with social scientists. The advantage of this methodology makes the
hypothesis construction and collects analysis of data which makes grounded theory to have
inductive reasoning. The limitations include that this method produces huge amount of data and
is not easy to manage.

4.0. Ethical Implications

The personal information of the respondents of this survey is kept confidential and none of the
personal details of the respondents are disclosed without their permission. The respondents are
given a consent form and their willingness is valued for the participation in this study.

5.0. Research Methodology
Research Design

The selected research design in this study is qualitative research design. The data for this study
emphasizes on to focus on the research design and also implements descriptive research design
in this study. The method aims to get systematic information regarding situation, phenomenon
and population and focuses on to resolve the problem of the study.

Data Collection Method

The data collection in this study is literature review analysis. The questionnaire is circulated
among the people in organizations and information is obtained on impact of technology on HR

Sampling and Sample Size

The sampling technique used in this study is probability sampling technique. This method
provides an equal opportunity for participation for each respondent. The sample size of this
report is 50 respondents from organizations.

6.0. Findings
The findings in the literature show that HR planning plays a major role in organizations. The
literature shows that technology enhances the HR planning process in organizations. Thus, the
results indicate that the technology enhances the HR planning process in organizations. The
findings of the literature results show that the benefit of technology in HR planning. There is
major role of HR planning to consider that staff engagement is the benefit of technology in HR
planning. It is to believe that promote effective interaction is the benefit of technology in HR
planning. There flexible communication in case of shows that flexible communication is the
benefit of technology in HR planning in companies.

The findings in literature support that empowerment technology to be efficient for HR planning
in companies. The literature also highlights that risk taking technology to be efficient for HR
planning in organizations. It is found that planning is important to consider interactional in terms

of technology to be efficient for HR planning. It is evident that support social technology to be
efficient for HR planning in companies. The findings reveal that HR planning makes use of
technological changes. The findings show that in the literature about consideration of HR
planning to be influenced in companies.

It is suggested from the literature that that HR planning should be implemented which manages
the technology and focus is on to reach growth. Technological progress has actually made impact
on HR department and allows firms to manage the internal procedure and also competencies are
connected with the focus on relevant markets. The strategic option makes HR planning engages
with the strategic mean of the organization.

7.0. Conclusion
The HR planning in terms of technology change actually emphasize on to contact with
employees and also to store files which actually emphasize on employee performance and also
enhances the company resources. The good HR practices enhance the benefits and have actually
made reduced problems and manage the company resources with the HR practices and reduce
the problems in organizations.

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