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What are the injustices that women faced?

Olie, Jamie, Olivia and Evans

1. Who are the marginalised groups? (Olivia)

Marginalized groups refer to social groups who experience discrimination, exclusion, or

disadvantage in society. They may face obstacles in terms of access to resources,
opportunities, or rights due to their race, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status,
disability, or other factors.

Historically, women have faced various injustices and forms of discrimination, including:

1. Gender-based discrimination: Women have been disadvantaged in many societies due to

gender norms and stereotypes that limit their opportunities and rights compared to men.

2. Unequal pay: Women have often been paid less than men for the same work, a
phenomenon known as the gender pay gap.

3. Limited political representation: Women have been underrepresented in political

leadership roles, both historically and in many countries today.

4. Gender-based violence: Women are disproportionately affected by various forms of

violence, including domestic violence, sexual assault, and harassment.

5. Restrictions on reproductive rights: Women in some societies have faced barriers to

accessing reproductive healthcare and making decisions about their own bodies.
2. Who is within the group and community? (Olie)
Web details: Britannica / Britannica-Women's Rights Movement
Quotes: “Women’s rights movement, a diverse social movement, largely based in the United
States, that in the 1960s and ’70s sought equal rights and opportunities and greater
personal freedom for women. It coincided with and is recognized as part of the “second
wave” of feminism”
In my own words:

Web details: Britannica / Britannica-Women's Rights Movement

Quotes: “Sarah Pierce (born June 26, 1767, Litchfield, Connecticut [U.S.]—died January 19,
1852, Litchfield) was an American educator, noted for the school that she developed from a
small group of pupils studying in her home into one of the first major U.S. institutions for
women, Litchfield Female Academy.The school Pierce opened in her home in 1792 was so
successful that in 1798 a group of Litchfield citizens presented her with a building to house
the rapidly growing institution. Alongside Tapping Reeve’s already famous Litchfield Law
School, Pierce’s school helped make Litchfield a leading centre of education in the United
In my own words:

3. In what ways are they marginalised(PSE)?

Web details: UN Women/ unwomen.org

Quotes: “As of 13 May 2024, there are 28 countries where 28 women serve as Heads of
State and/or Government” “First-time compiled data by UN Women show that women
represent 22.8 percent of Cabinet members heading Ministries, leading a policy area as of 1
January 2023” “Only 26.5 percent of parliamentarians in single or lower houses are women,
up from 11 per cent in 1995”

In my own words: The political power of women is continuously increasing since 1995
but the percentage of women involved in crucial political roles is still unacceptably
low compared to men. Only 28 countries out of 195 countries' heads of government
are women which directly leads to less political opportunities for half of the
population in the world.

Web details: Pew Research Center/ https://www.pewresearch.org/

Quotes: “In 2022, women ages 25 to 34 earned an average of 92 cents for every dollar
earned by a man in the same age group – an 8-cent gap.” “And the 8-cent gap among
workers ages 25 to 34 in 2022 was down from a 26-cent gap four decades earlier.”

In my own words: The 8 cent gap in 2022 is significantly low compared to the 26 cent
gap earlier, but the 8 cent gap means that women earn approximately around 2400
dollars less than men which leads to around 28800 dollars a year, around 20 percent
of women’s annual earnings.

4. Why are they marginalised? (Jamie)

Website Details::https://www.camerasforgirls.org
Quoted Content: “Furthermore, women are often marginalized
because they are viewed as less capable and less important. They
are routinely excluded from decision-making processes, and their
needs are overlooked. In addition, poor women living in rural areas
do not always have access to education or job opportunities.”

In my own words: This paragraph tells us that women are marginalised because
people think they are less capable at doing things. They also struggle to get
education and jobs and opportunities because of this.

Website Details:https://www.unwomen.org/en

Quoted Content:”Women are economically marginalized due to historical

gender roles, labor market discrimination, and unequal access to education and
resources. Addressing this requires comprehensive policies promoting gender
equality, anti-discrimination laws, and support for work-life balance.”

In my owns words: This tells us that women have a economic disadvantage

because of the history of gender roles and it is unfair and very unequal compared
to other people.

Website details:https://www.unwomen.org/en

Quoted Content: “Women are marginalized politically due to socio-cultural norms

that prioritize male leadership, economic barriers that limit their resources and time,
and institutional structures that are often biased against them. Historical exclusion
and ongoing discrimination further perpetuate their underrepresentation. Efforts to
improve this situation include implementing gender quotas, providing political
education and mentorship, and challenging cultural norms.”

In my owns words: Women are marginalised because of the ideolodgy that men are
superior and stronger than them and have more power than them.

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