B1 Listening 7

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Listening Exam 7

Part 1 EOI Topic: Education and studying

See: English File 4th edition A2/B1
File 10C
7.1 You are going to listen to seven extracts. For questions 1–6, English File 4th edition B1
Files 1A, 4B, 5A, 5B
choose the correct option (a, b or c). 0 is the example.

0 The speaker says that students learn …

a when they enjoy the subject.
b in different ways from each other.
c if the teacher is entertaining.

1 What does the speaker say about success?

a It requires clear goals.
b It is important to be disciplined.
c It depends on the number of hours you work.

2 What does the speaker say makes a good teacher?

a having experience
b being as strict as possible
c knowing their subject

3 In this extract, what is the speaker doing?

a persuading the listener to take action
b explaining a recent development
c criticising the actions of a director

4 The speaker was annoyed because …

a the destination was overcrowded.
b the travel reviewers lied.
c the location was nothing new.

5 In this extract, the speaker says that Andy Murray …

a is unlikely to win.
b will suffer more in the heat.
c has played his opponent before.

6 The speaker says …

a neither restaurant is known for Asian food.
b both restaurants are in demand.
c one restaurant is closer than the other.

Question 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Option b


English File fourth edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio B1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 A002549
Part 2 EOI Topic: Free time and leisure activities
See: English File 4th edition A2/B1
Files 10C, 12B
7.2 You are going to listen to a report about a musical event. English File 4th edition B1
Decide if each statement (1–8) is true (T) or false (F). 0 is the Files 3A, 4B, 5A, 6A

0 The events took place in Colombia in 2009.

1 At first, there was a lot of enthusiasm for the concert.
2 Juanes invited other singers to perform with him.
3 Juanes had experience of living in Miami.
4 The event was popular with Cubans living in Miami.
5 The aim of the concert was to bring the population of Cuba together.
6 Juanes decided to reduce the number of performers.
7 Many Cubans felt that the concert was too political.
8 The event was eventually cancelled.

Statement 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Option F


English File fourth edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio B1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 A002549
Part 3 EOI Topic: Health and physical care
See: English File 4th edition A2/B1
Files 4A, 10C
7.3 You are going to listen to a talk about Eleanor Simmonds, a English File 4th edition B1
Paralympic athlete. Complete the sentences (1–6) with one or two File 1A
words in each gap. 0 is the example.

Eleanor Simmonds

0 Eleanor competes in the swimming events in international competitions.

1 At the Paralympics, she stood out when she became the _______________ medal winner.
2 She swims from ____________ to ____________ before she starts school.
3 She is at risk of injury in her ____________ and does exercises to avoid that.
4 A machine monitors her ____________ while she swims 4,000 m.
5 Eleanor is thankful for the ____________ her school gives her.
6 In between training, she enjoys going to _______________ with friends, shopping and music.

Sentence 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


English File fourth edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio B1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 A002549

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