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Listening Exam 8

Part 1 EOI Topic: Jobs and occupations

See: English File 4th edition A2/B1
File 12B
8.1 You are going to listen to seven extracts. For questions English File 4th edition B1
1–6, choose the correct option (a, b or c). 0 is the example. Files 4B, 5B, 6A, 7B

0 The speaker says new writers …

a find it hard to get new ideas.
b have problems getting their work done on time.
c spend too much time writing.

1 What does the speaker recommend?

a avoiding all distractions around you
b finding a beautiful place to write
c writing good ideas down immediately

2 What mistake does the speaker think many people make?

a believing that writing is too hard
b letting fears stop them from trying
c making things too confusing

3 When writing her last novel, the speaker …

a spoke to a lot of young people.
b had to learn about something new.
c asked her friend to help her to write.

4 The speaker says the thing they have found is important because …
a of the location of the body.
b of the biology of the woman.
c of the age of the person.

5 In this extract, the speaker is …

a explaining a change in one of the players.
b suggesting that a manager needs to go.
c highlighting the important information about the match.

6 This Indian Fashion Week was unusual because …

a it was the first held in that city.
b it received a lot of global attention.
c it was attended by famous models and celebrities.

Question 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Option b


English File fourth edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio B1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 A002549
Part 2
EOI Topic: Travel and vacations
See: English File 4th edition A2/B1
8.2 You are going to listen to an extract from a novel. For Files 12A, 12B
questions 1–6, choose the correct option (a, b, or c). 0 is the English File 4th edition B1
Files 4A, 4C, 5C, 6C

0 At the beginning of the story, Emma was about to …

a move to a new country.
b start a new job.
c get married.

1 How did Emma feel about her journey?

a both excited and nervous
b worried about the weather
c keen to start her new life

2 Many of the people on the ship …

a were carrying too much with them.
b were returning to their home country.
c were starting a new life, like Emma.

3 Emma planned to …
a find a husband once she was there.
b join her aunt and uncle when she arrived.
c take care of her older relatives.

4 The Queen of America had …

a sports facilities for rich passengers.
b a library to study in.
c unusual bathrooms.

5 Why was Emma NOT able to wave goodbye to her family?

a The crowds on the boat didn’t let her through.
b She was busy downstairs unpacking.
c There were too many people on land.

6 At the end of the extract Emma felt …

a surprised by the person watching her.
b comforted by her family’s support.
c keen to get to her aunt and uncle.

Question 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
Option a


English File fourth edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio B1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 A002549
Part 3
EOI Topic: Information technology and
8.3 You are going to listen to a report about the history of the See: English File 4th edition A2/B1
File 10C
cinema. Complete the sentences (1–8) with a minimum of one
English File 4th edition B1
word and a maximum of four words in each gap. 0 is the example. File 4B, 5A, 6A

The Kinetoscope

0 The cinema industry employs thousands of people.

1 The Edison Company built a kinetoscope in _____________ .
2 Before 1895, films could be watched by ________________ at a time.
3 In 1895, film could be shown to ____________________ .
4 Early films were ________________ long and showed news stories.
5 There were often _____________ at the same time, instead of words on screen.
6 Better quality films were available when people started _________________ films.
7 Innovation in _____________ made it possible to add dialogue to the film The Jazz Singer.
8 After 1932, filming in colour was not so _____________ and became much more popular.

Sentence 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


English File fourth edition EOI Exam Power Pack: Intermedio B1 Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 A002549

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