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The EU-Turkey Deal, Five Years On: A Frayed and

Controversial but Enduring Blueprint

APRIL 8, 2021 FEATURE By Kyilah Terry

The onset of civil war in Syria in 2011 and other global crises forced millions of
people to flee to neighboring states and Europe. More than 1 million asylum
seekers and other migrants from Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and countries farther
afield such as Pakistan and Nigeria arrived in European Union countries in 2015,
the most ever recorded in a single year. With the bloc lacking an effective
mechanism to share the burden of responding to these asylum claims, Member
States in the south and east faced a disproportionate impact as arrivals surged and
continued at significant rates into 2016. The migration challenge quickly became
continental, threatening to undermine the decades-long project of European
Migrants arrive in Greece on a crowded boat from
integration and shatter the notion of Europe as a singular entity that could speak
Turkey. (Photo: © UNHCR/Achilleas Zavallis)
with one voice.

In March 2016, the European Union entered into a landmark agreement with
Turkey, through which hundreds of thousands of migrants had transited to reach EU soil, to limit the number of asylum seeker arrivals.
Irregular migrants attempting to enter Greece would be returned to Turkey, and Ankara would take steps to prevent new migratory routes
from opening. In exchange, the European Union agreed to resettle Syrian refugees from Turkey on a one-to-one basis, reduce visa
restrictions for Turkish citizens, pay 6 billion euros in aid to Turkey for Syrian migrant communities, update the customs union, and re-
energize stalled talks regarding Turkey’s accession to the European Union. Turkey was at the time the largest refugee-hosting country in the
world—a position it continues to hold—with the vast majority of its approximately 3 million refugees coming from Syria, though there were
also large numbers of Iraqis, Iranians, and Afghans.

The deal had multiple ambitions: Most clearly, it was intended to reduce the pressure on Europe’s borders and dissuade future asylum
seekers and economic migrants from making the sometimes perilous journey. Just as importantly, it was meant to send a signal—both
externally and within the bloc—that EU Member States could stand united on issues that struck at the core of the union. The arrangement
was just one of several efforts to slow migration to Europe at the time—equally notable were restrictions along the Western Balkans
migratory route.

Despite significant and sustained criticism of the EU-Turkey deal from human-rights advocates and humanitarian organizations, leaders
on both sides have continued to show interest in maintaining at least some version of its central commitments. Renewed tensions in spring
2020, when Ankara threatened to let hundreds of thousands of migrants into Greece before backing off, showed just how much the 1/9
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European Union has relied on its eastern neighbor as a bulwark. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said this month that
the deal “remains valid and has brought positive results.”

As the 2020 standoff signaled, the European Union and Turkey remain in an uncomfortable partnership, separated by politics as much as
geography. While the arrangement has showed signs of fraying, with particular frustration from Turkey, its centerpiece promise has held—
at least for Europe. The number of arriving migrants and asylum seekers has plunged, in part as a result of the deal, and the bloc has
remained intact. With the last of the 6 billion euros in aid committed in December, there has been resurgent interest in renewing the
arrangement. And despite its challenges, the EU-Turkey statement has gone on to become a blueprint for Europe’s strategy of externalizing
migration management to its neighbors. This article explores the achievements and challenges of the 2016 agreement and its costs in the

A New Deal for an Old Relationship

European countries and Turkey had migration relationships long before the advent of the EU-Turkey deal. Germany, Italy, and Spain had
previously entered into bilateral migration agreements with Turkey, though these were mainly labor pacts to bring Turkish workers to
Europe to stimulate post-War World II economies.

The 2016 deal was different. Not only was the size of the migration challenge much greater than any Europe had seen before, but it was the
clearest instance of coordinated EU action to employ its neighbors to prevent would-be asylum seekers and other migrants from arriving.

Europe’s motives were obvious: The bloc was struggling to process large numbers of asylum seekers and was finding burden-sharing among
Member States far more difficult to achieve than the Common European Asylum System imagined when it began in 1999.

Turkey’s rationale for the deal was at least partly based on the expectation, shared by much of the international community, that the regime
of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad would not last long. In the early stages of Syria’s civil war, Turkey declared an open-door policy and
offered temporary protection for Syrians fleeing the fighting. However, the persistence of the Syrian conflict and the growing number of
refugees created challenges, and since 2016 Turkey has tightened its eastern borders. As Assad has consolidated his position, it has become
clear that most refugees will not return to Syria soon, casting doubt on the temporary nature of their stay. In March 2021, nearly 3.7 million
Syrian refugees lived in Turkey, an increase of nearly 1 million since the 2016 agreement was signed. The deal also offered Turkey action on
its long-sought ambitions of closer ties with Europe, including EU ascension. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan may have also been
motivated by domestic political pressures; just months later, his government would repel a coup attempt.

Did the Deal Work?

The EU-Turkey accord was criticized for permitting Europe to shrug off its humanitarian protection responsibilities by having Turkey
bottle up desperate asylum seekers. Yet many in Europe and elsewhere consider it to have been successful on at least some measures.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel, whose country received more than 1 million asylum seekers in 2015 and 2016, has praised the deal’s
effectiveness in stemming irregular arrivals and suggested it could be a model pact. Leaders on both sides have discussed renewing it, with
EU top foreign policy official Josep Borrell in March claiming, “in the future, some kind of agreement of this type has to be done.”
Renewing and “revisiting” it “is a must and in the interest of all the parties,” Turkish Deputy Foreign Minister Faruk Kaymakci agreed.

In numerical terms, the data are clear. At the peak of the crisis, Italy and Greece were asylum seekers’ main arrival points in Europe, with
more than 861,000 arrivals in Greece in 2015. The number dropped to 36,000 the year after the deal was signed, before climbing again to
nearly 75,000 in 2019 (see Figure 1). Additionally, the number of dead and missing migrants in the Aegean Sea, which separates Turkey
from Greece, decreased from 441 cases in 2016 to 102 in 2020. In the immediate aftermath of the deal, the European Union ramped up
asylum service staff, relocated thousands of asylum seekers, and provided monetary support to Greece.

Figure 1. Migrant Arrivals in Greece, 2014-20 2/9
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Source: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, “Operational Portal: Refugee Situations, Mediterranean Situation,
Greece,” last updated March 14, 2021, available online.

The EU-Turkey deal is not solely responsible for the dramatic drop in overall arrivals. Countries in the Western Balkans also closed access to
migrants, barring a well-trod land route into Europe. Still, the EU-Turkey arrangement was the most visible symbol of concerted action to
limit migration.

Success has been more mixed in Turkey, where Erdoğan’s government has claimed that key elements of the deal were not met. The
European Union agreed to provide 6 billion euros in humanitarian assistance, education, health care, municipal infrastructure, and
socioeconomic support for Syrian refugees in Turkey between 2016 and 2019. Although the European Union says the full amount has been
allocated and more than 4 billion euros have been disbursed, the Turkish government has taken issue with the pace and manner of the
payments, which have gone to refugee-serving organizations rather than government accounts. In 2020, the European Union committed to
providing an additional 485 million euros to see some programs continue through 2021.

The promise of one-to-one resettlements also has appeared smaller than one might have expected; from March 2016 to March 2021,
slightly more than 28,000 Syrian refugees were resettled in the European Union from Turkey, far short of the maximum 72,000 outlined in
the deal. Discussions of bringing Turkey into the European Union and easing visa processes for Turks have meanwhile mostly stalled, as
Erdoğan’s government has turned increasingly authoritarian.

In an effort to display its discontent, the Turkish government in spring 2020 allowed migrants to pass through its territory and reach the
Greek border, where asylum seekers were repelled, sometimes with force. In response, Greece suspended asylum applications for a month,
deported migrants entering illegally, and deployed its military to the border. In a statement, Greece claimed that “Turkey, instead of
curbing migrant and refugee smuggling networks, has become a smuggler itself.” Erdoğan, who said at the time that he had rejected an EU
offer of 1 billion euros in additional aid, was accused of using asylum seekers as leverage to extract additional money, assistance, and other
political concessions from Europe.

Some corners of the international community have remained skeptical of the arrangement. Most criticisms stem from whether Turkey
meets the standard for effective protection of asylum seekers. The 2016 deal promised the creation of an EU Facility for Refugees in
Turkey, which is a joint coordination mechanism that provides modest financial and other support to more than 1.8 million refugees. But 3/9
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many Syrians remain in difficult conditions, often relying on low wages in the informal sector, lacking social supports, and with large
numbers of Syrian children not enrolled in school. Meanwhile, asylum seekers who reach Greece have often been kept in overcrowded
camps. In March, Amnesty International described the deal’s history as being one of “failed policies which have resulted in tens of
thousands of people being forced to stay in inhumane conditions on the Greek islands, and put refugees at risk by forcing them to stay in

The Agreement’s Legacy

The EU-Turkey deal was notable for the way that it shifted significant responsibility for managing European migration management to
Turkey. It was also one of the first instances of the European Union taking a stance on migration as a bloc. While Member States had
disjointed responses to earlier influxes prompted by the Arab Spring, this deal was a comprehensive and uniform reaction in which its 28
Member States spoke as one.

In the process, the accord set the tone for future European migration diplomacy, even outside EU auspices. Since 2016, multiple bilateral
migration agreements have been implemented to externalize aspects of European migration management, including the 2017 Italy-Libya
Memorandum of Understanding. Italy in 2008 had signed a “friendship” agreement with the regime of leader Muammar Gaddafi to stem
irregular migrant arrivals, and a second agreement in 2011 with Libya’s post-revolution National Transitional Council. The 2017
agreement proved different because, among other features, this time the Italian government and the European Union provided the Libyan
coast guard with boats, equipment, and training to patrol Libya’s waters and deter smugglers from taking migrants across the
Mediterranean. In 2017 alone, around 20,000 people were intercepted by the Libyan coast guard and taken back to detention centers in

The EU-Turkey agreement also served to reignite deals between Morocco and Spain, which had cooperated on migration issues in the past.
Madrid convinced the European Union to provide 140 million euros for measures such as speedboats and staff to enforce Morocco’s
migration controls, and offered up an additional 30 million euros of its own. Subsequently, fewer than half as many people arrived in Spain
via sea in 2019 compared to the previous year.

Like the EU-Turkey agreement, these deals have been criticized by human-rights groups, which consider them ways to circumvent
international humanitarian obligations. Advocates contend these types of arrangements make Europe complicit in the abuse of migrants in
other countries. For instance, Human Rights Watch said in 2019 that Italy “shares responsibility” for abuses committed against migrants
in Libya.

A European Migration System?

Despite the European Union’s ambitions to combat the erosion of European integration and bolster solidarity, the bloc has continued to
battle fragmentation. In June 2016, just months after the EU-Turkey deal was signed, the United Kingdom voted to leave the European
Union. Other Eurosceptic movements in Greece, the Netherlands, and elsewhere were given new life, at least partly due to anxieties about

Still, institutional reforms across the bloc suggest that Europe continues to aspire to manage migration on a continent-wide basis. In
September 2020, the European Commission unveiled its Pact on Migration and Asylum, which seeks to streamline the EU migration
management system and enhance solidarity across Member States with more sharing of responsibility, improved and quicker migration
and asylum procedures, and appeals for relocating asylum seekers and returning those whose applications have failed. The pact also
proposes to reform the Common European Asylum System and strengthen the European Asylum Support Office to increase Member
States’ cooperation. The European Border and Coast Guard Agency, Frontex, has also grown significantly since the 2015-16 surge in
arrivals, showing the bloc’s commitment to EU-wide border management.

Meanwhile, the number of asylum applications decreased from more than 600,000 over the last six months of 2016 to slightly more than
250,000 over the second half of 2020, although these numbers were likely affected by the global slowdown during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tensions With and within Turkey 4/9
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If the goal of the agreement was to usher in a period of European-Turkish harmony, it did not deliver. Erdoğan’s 2020 move to temporarily
reopen Turkey’s border into Europe was a sign of his government’s willingness to leverage its geopolitical position as a buffer between Syria
and Europe.

Recent years have also seen hostility from Turkish host communities towards Syrians. While this animosity did not emerge as swiftly or as
extremely as it did in some European countries, it certainly became an issue. Violence between host communities and Syrian refugees
increased threefold from 2016 to 2017, and has recurred at various points since. Many Turks blame refugees for stealing jobs and carrying
out terror attacks. Additionally, although many Syrians in Turkey enjoy significant rights and access to services, their status derives from
the country’s temporary protection regime, not international refugee law. As such, their status could potentially be revoked.

Many advocacy organizations doubt that Turkey can be considered a safe country in which refugees and asylum seekers are given adequate
care and protection from being sent back to Syria, as the deal contends. Among other issues, rights groups and journalists have documented
cases in which people were forced to return to Syria, often after abuse and detention. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch
report that refugees have been deported back to Syria under the guise of voluntary repatriation, as part of efforts to create a “safe zone” in
the country.

Europe Since the Crisis

Though European countries are no longer facing major asylum application backlogs, the resonance of the 2015-16 crisis can be seen in some
of their politics and in their continued approach to migration. When Turkey opened its border in 2020, the bloc came out in full force to
support Greece, which von der Leyen called the continent’s “shield,” offering hundreds of millions of euros of aid to Greece and once again
presenting a united front.

On the fifth anniversary of the EU-Turkey deal, leaders in Europe and Turkey alike suggested the agreement would likely endure in some
form. In late March, Erdoğan’s chief advisor Ibrahim Kalin argued that amending and renewing the deal could “give the Syrian people a
sense of hope and trust.” Von der Leyen and European Council President Charles Michel met with Erdoğan in Ankara on April 6, and
afterwards signaled that additional funding for Turkey was forthcoming, so long as the country continued upholding its end of the
agreement. “I am very much committed to ensuring the continuity of European funding in this area,” said von der Leyen. “Our support is a
sign of Europe's solidarity to Turkey and an investment in shared stability.”

Looking ahead, creating new frameworks for governing migration will be a defining challenge of the 21st century. Intentionally or not, the
European Union’s 2016 agreement with Turkey formed a template for these agreements of the future. By rallying the bloc’s support behind
a single pact and relying on neighboring countries as barriers, the agreement marked a turning point, and variations on its central premise
are likely to be unveiled and debated for years to come. The costs have been high, both in terms of the political capital expended and the poor
treatment of migrants trapped along the way. But the key parameters have been set, and they are unlikely to be undone as quickly as they
were erected.


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Kyilah Terry is a former Research Intern with MPI’s International Program. She is pursuing her master’s degree in
international migration and diplomacy at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service and holds a bachelor of arts 7/9
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in international relations and affairs from the University of California, Los Angeles.

Amid an Unfolding Humanitarian Crisis in Syria, the European Union Faces the Perils of Devolving
Migration Management to Turkey

Thinking Outside the Camp: Syrian Refugees in Istanbul

Greece Struggles to Balance Competing Migration Demands

Europe’s Migration Crisis in Context: Why Now and What Next?

Europe Pushes to Outsource Asylum, Again

Turkey-Style Deals Will Not Solve the Next EU Migration Crisis

New EU Partnerships in North Africa: Potential to Backfire?

The Paradox of the EU-Turkey Refugee Deal

The Evolving Approach to Refugee Protection in Turkey: Assessing the Practical and Political Needs

EU Migration Partnerships: A Work in Progress


Resources on Turkey 8/9
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Find reports, articles, and other MPI

resources on migration to and from
Turkey, all in one place.



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