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Name: ROOM: 502

Time: 5:30 – 7:00 LEVEL: 10
Score: ___ /100
Midterm Exam
GRAMMAR (29 Marks)

1 Underline the correct word(s). (7 Marks)

Example:You must have / can’t have seen Billy. He’s on holiday at the moment.
1 They must have / should have gone to bed early – there are no lights on in the house.
2 I suppose I could have / must have dropped my wallet, but I think it’s been stolen.
3 You look exhausted. You should have gone / should go for a shorter run.
4 I may have / must have met her at a conference, but I can’t remember if I did.
5 Diana can’t have / mustn’t have got engaged – she’s only known him six weeks!
6 You shouldn’t have / might not have looked at my emails, it was very wrong of you.
7 They might have / must have finished their walk by now. It’s too dark to see anything.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct word(s). (8 Marks)

Example:You look really ill. You should call a doctor.
sound look feel
1 I’ve no idea what kind of fruit this is but it tastes a bit like ________!
great pineapple horrible
2 This song ________ one I heard on the radio yesterday. Who’s it by?
sounds like feels like sounds
3 You look much more ________ your father than your mother.
as like as if
4 There are so few people here it feels ________ we’ve got the place to ourselves.
as if if that
5 Bethany told me you ________ like dancing tonight. Where do you want to go?
sound feel look
6 Michael looks as ________ he’s had a really difficult day.
though like when
7 Wow, that ________ fantastic! What are you cooking?
smells tastes feels
8 This jacket ________ too small. Do you have a bigger one?
feels as if feels feels like

3 Underline the correct word(s). (6 Marks)
Example:Karen offered to lend / lending me her car when mine was being repaired.
1 Jack encouraged me to try/ that I try a new hairdresser’s.
2 John regretted not asking/ to not ask how much the hotel was before he booked it.
3 Sheila insisted on paying/ to pay for all our drinks.
4 Peter convinced me not to give up/ not giving up playing rugby.
5 I suggested to buy / buying Anne some flowers, but Lisa said she’d prefer chocolates.
6 My neighbour threatened to cut / cutting down the trees in the garden.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets. (8 Marks)
Example:Nobody has been told (tell) the time of the exam yet.
1 Djokovic refused ________ (beat) and won the match in the final set.
2 Fish and chips used to ________ (wrap) in old newspapers.
3 The gang ________ (think) to be hiding in the south of Spain.
4 That cheese ________ (say) to be the most delicious in the shop.
5 I try to avoid ________ (photograph) when I’m not suntanned.
6 I saw Grace at the museum opening. She ________ (show) around by the architect.
7 The library is closed for three days – it ________ (redecorate).
8 No-one should ________ (fine) for putting the wrong rubbish in their bin.


1 Underline the correct word(s). (10 Marks)

Example:I hope / wish Nick was here. I miss him.
1 Please remember / remind me to set my alarm clock for 7.00 instead of 8.00.
2 Have you noticed / realized that new pizza place on the High Street?
3 We couldn’t avoid/ prevent her from buying that car.
4 We really don’t matter / mind Alice staying another night – she’s welcome.
5 I can remember when Manchester United beat / won Arsenal 8-2.
6 The trouble with Jeff is that he denies / refuses to accept that anything is wrong.
7 Unemployment has risen / raised again this month.
8 We laid / lay the blanket on the ground and had a picnic by the river.
9 That’s the jeweller’s that was stolen / robbed last week.
10 I advise / warn you to look for another job – you really don’t seem happy in this one.

2 Complete the sentences with one word. (10 Marks)
Example:Jason scratched the bite on his arm and made it bleed.
1 Let’s s________ hands and make it a deal.
2 I don’t know if I sucked my t________ when I was little? Do you?
3 I need to blow my n________. I think I’m getting a cold.
4 Don’t p________ your finger at me! It’s very rude.
5 I wish I didn’t bite my n________ – my fingers are a real mess.
6 I shrugged my s________ and told them that I didn’t know the answer.
7 I’m sure you had a scarf round your n________ when you came out.
8 I don’t look as old as your mum! I haven’t got that many w ________ on my face!
9 You look as if you’ve just got up! C________ your hair before you go out!
10 Frances raised his e________ when I told him my plan, so I knew he wasn’t enthusiastic.

3 Complete the words in the sentences. (10 Marks)

Example:The man had committed several previous crimes for which he was also charged.
1 The v________ of the jury was that Mr Anderson was guilty of all charges.
2 The man was charged with s________ after following Miss Stevens everywhere.
3 Cigarettes are often s_______ into the UK because the tax is so high on them there.
4 Two w________ described seeing the attack from their bedroom windows.
5 After being q________ by police for several hours, the woman confessed to the crime.
6 Both men were s________ to three years in prison.
7 The j________ gave the woman a shorter sentence because she had pleaded guilty.
8 The k________ demanded £50,000 for the safe return of the director’s wife.
9 Both women were a________ because of a lack of reliable evidence.
10 The politician was b________ by a friend who knew some of his guilty secrets.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct word. (10 Marks)

freelance sensationalist reviews vows commentator

newsreader gossip reporter censored biased

Example:Photographers who follow famous people around and sell photos to the newspapers are called

1 ‘Goaaaaal!’ shouted the ______ when Liverpool scored the winning goal.
2 I know that reporting can’t be completely objective, but this is obviously ________.
3 I don’t know why you read all that celebrity ________ – you know none of it’s true.

4 Ideally the Internet wouldn’t be ________ but surely you can’t have anything on it?
5 Minister ________ to lower taxes for low paid.
6 I find that newspaper too ________ – they’re always looking for shocking stories.
7 If I was a ________ I think I’d find it difficult not to laugh when reading some stories.
8 I was a war ________ when I was young but I cover economics stories now.
9 His latest film has received very positive ________ from the critics.
10 Luke is a ________ journalist – he works for several different newspapers.


Read the article about a writer’s life. Five sentences have been removed. Choose from the sentences A-F
the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence you do not need to use.

A Writer’s Life
My biggest dream has always been to become an author. As an enthusiastic reader since I was a
toddler, books have been a steady influence, a friend, and an escape. (–––– 1 ––––) To me, reading is
second only to breathing. From cereal boxes to fiction, I devour anything and everything I can get hold
of. I read from morning, while eating breakfast, to night, before going to sleep. Some of my favourite
genres include contemporary women’s novels and thrillers.
I guess this love of books is what drove me to become a writer. The fact that I am always talking,
thinking, and plotting helped me with my ambition. I have a need to create and to put into words
feelings, thoughts, and desires. To me, books should present a welcome break from the stresses of
every day, a way to relax and unwind. There are horrors all around us. (–––– 2 ––––) Novels can carry
people away to another place, and allow them to forget, for a short time at least, all the awful things
in life. Any type of reading inspires the brain, and gives a change of pace. Children require fantasy and
play, and adults also need a break from reality.
Exciting as it is to be able to inspire others, an author’s career is lonely and often dull. Writing requires
self-control and determination, and writers, as well as having knowledge of the difficulty of getting
published, need to be able to deal with criticism. For every potential writer that there is out there,
many give up or fail. I kept trying with the burning desire to do well. (–––– 3 ––––) I needed to try to
see if I could do it.
My first writing experience was as a reporter for a small newspaper, almost twenty years ago. I
submitted two articles for each of the three months the paper was published. The first month, I was
given a bridal show to cover and I had to write an article on how to prepare an elegant, yet
inexpensive, wedding. Two local newspapers gave me assignments for various topics, and I realized
this is an excellent way to learn the basics as a writer. (–––– 4 ––––)
My goal was to write fiction. Whether creating short stories or ‘the great American novel’, I enjoy
fantasy and making up fictitious people and tales about their lives. Although I prefer genres suited to
adults, I decided to try writing a children’s book. I first started working on this in 1995, and after
reading the extremely rough draft, I recognized the text was a mix of information just thrown together
and which was too much for children to understand. I broke up the ideas, planning to turn them into
four books.

Unfortunately, life took over and I had to put the book on hold for a while. After my husband and I
moved, I returned to reporting, receiving several assignments for a local magazine and two national
and international food-trade magazines.
(–––– 5 ––––) The desire to complete and submit the book for publication was as strong as ever.
Fortunately, I became a member of a wonderful group that offered support, as well as excellent
suggestions. My book, a children’s book intended for ages 8 – 12, was accepted by a publisher and
released three years ago. The sequel is almost completed for submission, and to this, I hope to add
two or three more to the series, though all of the books work equally well on their own.
Between writing, reading, reviewing, and being with family I enjoy a busy and happy life. I may never
become well-known, but my dream has been satisfied. I encourage anyone who wants to write to ‘just
do it.’

A I could not go through life wondering if I would be successful or not. _____

B Nevertheless, I kept returning to the children’s novel I had in my head. _____
C After all, we just have to pick up a newspaper or turn on the news to realize how much crime there is in
society. _____
D Meanwhile, four unfinished adult contemporary novels are calling to me, and I plan to get to them one
day. X .
E Although I found reporting enjoyable, I recognized this was not the type of writing I wanted to do. _____
F I cannot imagine living without the written word. _____


1 Listen to five women talking about their relationships. Choose from the list (A-F) what each speaker
says about their relationships. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need
to use. (5 Marks)

A He’s passionate.
B He’s handsome.
C He’s friendly.
D He’s caring.
E He’s dependable.
F He’s calm.

Speaker 1 [ ]
Speaker 2 [ ]
Speaker 3 [ ]
Speaker 4 [ ]
Speaker 5 [ ]

2 Listen to a health and lifestyle expert talking about ways people can make themselves happy.
Underline the correct answer. (5 Marks)

1 Chris says that if we want to feel better, we should be around happy people / think positive thoughts
/ be very self-confident.
2 According to Chris people need to sleep only in one place / be relaxed before bedtime /
make sure they get enough sleep.
3 Chris recommends that people spend some time with children / watch something funny / tell jokes
when they’re having a bad day.
4 Chris says that the simple things in life satisfy us / are easy for us to do / take up less of our time.
5 Chris mentions dealing with anger / getting rid of fears / making an effort to get on with others as a
way of developing a positive attitude.


Write a description for your school blog with the following title:
‘My perfect day’.

Write 140–180 words. Include the following information:

• say what a perfect day for you would be and who you would spend it with

• explain why you would choose to do those things

• say why you think the day would be enjoyable



*** This is the end of examination. Good luck! ***


7A (1) 4 mind
5 beat
1 must have 6 refuses
2 could have 7 risen
3 should have gone 8 laid
4 may have 9 robbed
6 shouldn’t hav 10 advise
5 can’t have
7 must have 7B

7b (2)
1 pineapple 4 1 shake
2 sounds like 2 thumb
3 like 3 nose
4 as if 4 point
5 feel 5 nails
6 though 6 shoulders
7 smells 7 neck
8 feels 8 wrinkles
9 Comb
8A (1) 10 eyebrows

1 1 me to try 8A
2 not asking
3 on paying 1 verdict
4 not to give up 2 stalking
5 buying 3 smuggled
6 to cut 4 witnesses
5 questioned
8B (1) 6 sentenced
7 judge
1 1 to be beaten 8 kidnappers
2 be wrapped 9 acquitted
3 are thought 10 blackmailed
4 is said
5 being photographed
6 was being shown 8B
7 ’s being redecorated
8 be fined 1 commentator
2 biased
3 gossip
Vocabulary 4 censored
5 vows
7A 6 sensationalist
7 newsreader
1 remind 8 reporter
2 noticed 9 reviews
3 prevent 10 freelance


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