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Applied Clay Science 20 (2002) 295 – 300

Adsorption of methylene blue on kaolinite

Dipa Ghosh, Krishna G. Bhattacharyya *
Department of Chemistry, Gauhati University, Guwahati 781014, Assam, India
Received 29 May 2000; received in revised form 1 February 2001; received in revised form 2 July 2001; accepted 9 July 2001


Methylene blue was adsorbed on kaolin from a local deposit. The raw kaolin itself was a relatively good adsorbent. The
adsorption capacity was improved by purification and by treatment with NaOH solution. Calcination of the kaolin reduced the
adsorption capacity. The adsorption data could be fitted by the Freundlich and Langmuir equations. Also, the thermodynamic
parameters such as DH0, DS0 and DG0 were determined. D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Kaolinite; Adsorption; Methylene blue

1. Introduction In industrial water pollution, the colour produced

by minute amounts of organic dyes in water is
Kaolinite is found as a common constituent of soils considered very important because, besides having
and sediments. When different types of pollutants in possible harmful effects, the colour in water is aes-
domestic sewage, industrial effluents, sludge and thetically unpleasant. The clays in soil can act as a
other solid wastes are dumped on the earth surface, natural scavenger in removing colour from the con-
the soil particles including clay minerals can interact taminated water. In the present study, aqueous solu-
with the pollutants. The clay minerals in soil may tions of a basic dye, methylene blue, were used as a
therefore play a role in scavenging pollutants from the model compound in an attempt to use kaolinite as an
environment. Kaolinite has a low CEC of the order of adsorbent.
3 to 15 meq/100 g and therefore it is not expected to Although not strongly hazardous, methylene blue
be an ion-exchanger of high order. The small number can have various harmful effects. On inhalation, it can
of exchange sites is located on the surface of kaolinite give rise to short periods of rapid or difficult breathing
and it has no interlayer exchange sites (Raymahashay, while ingestion through the mouth produces a burning
1987). Nevertheless, the small CEC and the adsorp- sensation and may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea,
tion properties may play an effective role in scaveng- and gastritis. Accidental large dose creates abdominal
ing inorganic and organic pollutants from water. and chest pain, severe headache, profuse sweating,
mental confusion, painful micturation, and methemo-
Corresponding author. Fax: +91-361-570133. The adsorption of methylene blue on clay minerals
E-mail address: is likely to be dominated by ion-exchange processes.
(K.G. Bhattacharyya). In the present work, the influence of (a) purification

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296 D. Ghosh, K.G. Bhattacharyya / Applied Clay Science 20 (2002) 295–300

and calcination, (b) the adsorbent dose, (c) concen- 2.2. Adsorption studies
tration of methylene blue, (d) pH of the medium and
(e) temperature of adsorption is investigated. The Adsorption of methylene blue was carried out in a
effect of treating the kaolin with an aqueous NaOH batch process by varying kaolin dose, adsorptive
solution is also studied. concentration, pH of medium and temperature. A
weighed sample of kaolin was mixed with 25 ml
methylene blue solution of known concentration.
2. Experimental The mixture, in a 100-ml conical flask, was shaken
in the water bath of a thermostat at a particular
2.1. Materials temperature for 3 h. In all cases, adsorption equili-
brium was reached within  2 h. If necessary, the pH
The kaolin, in bright white lumps, was collected was adjusted by adding a few drops of dilute NaOH or
from Silonijan in the district of Karbi Anglong in HCl before shaking. The mixture was allowed to settle
Assam (India). After collection, stones and other and was centrifuged. The methylene blue concentra-
heavy particles were removed from the samples, tion in the supernatant was determined with a spec-
which were then crushed, ground and sieved through trophotometer (Hitachi model 3210).
a 230-mesh sieve to remove the larger non-clay
fractions for obtaining raw kaolin. A part of the 2.3. Adsorption isotherms
raw kaolin was kept suspended in double distilled
water in a 1-l beaker for several hours and then the The adsorption data from the experiments were
mixture was stirred with the addition of a small fitted with:
amount of 30% hydrogen peroxide solution to ðaÞ Freundlich Isotherm : x=m ¼ KCen ð1Þ
remove organic substances till all effervescence
ceased. The mixture was kept standing overnight where x/m is the amount of methylene blue adsorbed
and then, after decanting the clear liquid from the on the unit mass of the adsorbent, Ce is the equili-
top, more water was added, stirred, and allowed to brium adsorbate concentration in aqueous phase, n
settle down for 3 –4 h. The clear liquid at the top was and K are the Freundlich’s constants.
again decanted and the process was repeated several
ðbÞ Langmuir Isotherm : Ce =ðx=mÞ
times to get rid of excess hydrogen peroxide solution.
Finally, after adding more water, the mixture was ¼ ð1=abÞ þ ð1=bÞCe ð2Þ
agitated vigorously for some time and the suspended
kaolin was taken in several wide glass plates, which where a and b are the Langmuir constants.
were kept in an air oven at around 343 K for slow The constants were obtained from the plots of the
evaporation to dryness for obtaining pure kaolin linearized equations. Another factor, RL, which is
(Moore and Reynolds, 1989). XRD and IR measure- considered as a more reliable indicator of adsorption
ments showed the pure kaolin to be of very high (Vermeulan et al., 1966; McConvey and McKay,
purity with only trace amounts of feldspar. The pure 1985) was computed from:
kaolin was found to be similar to a kaolin sample RL ¼ 1=ð1 þ aCÞ ð3Þ
(KGa-1b) obtained from the University of Missouri-
Columbia, Source Clay Minerals Repository, Colum- where a is Langmuir’s constant and C is any
bia. adsorbate concentration at which the adsorption is
Samples of both raw and pure kaolin were calcined carried out. Favourable adsorption is indicated by
at 770 K for 6 h. Amounts of 6 g of raw and pure 0 < RL < 1.
kaolin were also shaken with 100 ml 1 M NaOH for 4
h, left overnight, filtered, and washed with water. The 2.4. Thermodynamic parameters
residue was dried at 350 K.
Methylene blue (microscopic grade, Glaxo India, The thermodynamic parameters of the adsorption
Mumbai) was used without any further purification. process are obtained from experiments at various
D. Ghosh, K.G. Bhattacharyya / Applied Clay Science 20 (2002) 295–300 297

The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of the kaolins

was estimated by the conventional BaCl2 method and
was found to be 2.62 (Cl), 2.85 (C2), 1.94 (C3), 3.08
(C4), 2.17 (C5) and 2.42 (C6) meq/100 g. The pure
kaolin and its calcined sample have higher CEC
compared to the other samples. Calcination improved
the CEC of the pure kaolin while that of the raw
kaolin decreased. The treatment with NaOH decreased
the CEC of the raw and pure kaolin.

3.1. Effect of adsorbent and adsorptive doses

The adsorption of methylene blue at a fixed kaolin

dose of 0.8 g/l at 300 K is shown in Fig. 1. The
sample C6 showed the maximum adsorption. The
adsorption decreased in the order C 6 > C5 > C2 >
C1 > C4 > C3. The raw kaolin (C1) showed a con-
Fig. 1. Adsorption of methylene blue as a function of the initial siderable adsorption, which was reduced after calci-
methylene blue concentration. Contact time 3 h, kaolin dose 0.8 g/l, nation. A similar influence was evident for the pure
temperature 300 K. kaolin. Treatment with NaOH increased the adsorp-
tion. The NaOH-treated pure kaolin (C6) adsorbed
temperatures using the following equations (Khan et
al., 1995):
ðaÞ logKd ¼ DS 0 =ð2:303RÞ  DH 0 =ð2:303RT Þ ð4Þ

ðbÞ DG0 ¼ DH 0  T DS 0 ð5Þ

ðcÞ Kd ¼ ðx=mÞ=ðy=uÞ ð6Þ

where Kd is the distribution coefficient for the adsorp-

tive and is equal to the ratio of the amount adsorbed
(x/m in mg/g) to the adsorptive concentration ( y/u in
mg/dm3). The values of DH 0 and DS 0 were deter-
mined from the slope and intercept of the linear plot of
log Kd vs. 1/T.

3. Results and discussion

In all adsorption experiments, six different adsorb-

ents were used:

Cl—raw kaolin,
C2—pure kaolin,
C3—calcined raw kaolin,
C4—calcined pure kaolin, Fig. 2. Variation of the methylene blue adsorption with pH. Contact
C5—NaOH-treated raw kaolin, and time 3 h, initial methylene blue concentration 15 mg/l, kaolin dose
C6—NaOH-treated pure kaolin. 0.8 g/l.
298 D. Ghosh, K.G. Bhattacharyya / Applied Clay Science 20 (2002) 295–300

3.2. Effect of pH

The methylene blue adsorption showed a mini-

mum around pH  4 (Fig. 2). The increased adsorp-
tion at basic conditions may be related to preference
of the dye cations for basic sites. In aqueous
medium, the exchangeable alkali and other metal
cations on the surface and in the interlayer region
of the clay undergo hydration creating a hydrophilic
environment (Lawrence et al., 1998). Increasing the
pH of the adsorbing medium modifies the clay
mineral surface and this might be responsible for
the gradually increasing uptake of methylene blue at
pH values above 4.0. Raymahashay (1987) in his
comparative study of methylene blue adsorption on
kaolin and some other adsorbents also found that the
uptake of the dye increased with increasing pH. This
is normally attributed to enhanced association of the
dye cations, produced by the dissociation of meth-
ylene blue, with the negatively charged kaolin sur-

Fig. 3. Freundlich plots for the adsorption of methylene blue at

room temperature.

nearly 100% methylene blue from a 12-ppm solu-

The amount of the dye adsorbed showed a con-
tinuous decrease with an increase in the doses of
kaolin for all the six adsorbents. This is because the
equilibrium concentration of the dye decreased with
increasing amount of kaolin such that amount
adsorbed diminished.
The above results indicate that the raw kaolin
showed a substantial methylene blue adsorption.
Higher amounts were adsorbed by the pure kaolin
with a further enhancement in adsorption if this kaolin
was treated with NaOH. The purification of the raw
kaolin by treating with hydrogen peroxide solution
(for removing organic matter) must have resulted in
removal of non-clay matter and in generation of some
basic or anionic sites for binding methylene blue
cations. The treatment with NaOH creates additional
which improve the adsorption. Calcination of the Fig. 4. Langmuir plots for the adsorption of methylene blue at room
samples apparently removed some active sites. temperature.
D. Ghosh, K.G. Bhattacharyya / Applied Clay Science 20 (2002) 295–300 299

Table 1
Adsorption constants for methylene blue adsorption on kaolins at room temperature
Adsorbents Freundlich constants Langmuir constants
n K a b RL
(dm3 g  1) (dm3 g  1) (mg g  1)
C1 0.151 14.85 27.49 13.99 0.0021
C2 0.070 16.39 91.87 15.55 0.0006
C3 0.075 6.57 13.44 7.59 0.0042
C4 0.061 9.01 56.31 8.88 0.0010
C5 0.047 17.04 204.00 16.34 0.0028
C6 0.098 23.05 122.01 20.49 0.0005

face at higher and higher pH (Singh and Srivastava, adsorption for which 0 < n < 1. The Freundlich con-
1999). However, the tendency for increasing adsorp- stant K is appreciable for all the six adsorbents in
tion at pH values below 4.0 is difficult to explain, general agreement with strong adsorption. The NaOH-
but a similar result was earlier observed by workers treated pure kaolin has the largest value of K followed
for adsorption of some other dyes on kaolin (Ganji- by the NaOH-treated raw kaolin. The calcined sample
doust et al., 1995). has the lowest K-value.
The values of Langmuir constant b is in the order
3.3. Adsorption isotherms of C6 > C5 > C2 > C1 > C4 > C3 which is highest for the
NaOH-treated pure kaolin and lowest for the calcined
Methylene blue adsorption on the kaolins can be sample. The values of the Langmuir constant a also
described by the Freundlich and also Langmuir equa- reflect an almost similar trend. The RL-values between
tions (Figs. 3 and 4, Table 1). The Freundlich expo- 0.0005 and 0.0042 (Table 1) show favourable adsorp-
nent n between 0.047 and 0.151 indicates favourable tion of methylene blue on kaolin.

Fig. 5. Log Kd vs. 1/T for six different doses of raw kaolin.
300 D. Ghosh, K.G. Bhattacharyya / Applied Clay Science 20 (2002) 295–300

Table 2 4. Conclusion
Thermodynamic parameters for adsorption of methylene blue on
The adsorption experiments reveal that kaolinite
Adsorbent DH 0 DS 0  DG 0
clay may be quite effective in removing a basic dye
(kJ mol  1) (J mol  1 K  1) (kJ mol  1)
like methylene blue in relatively low concentrations
C1 9.40 78.39 14.94
from the aqueous medium. Although the experiments
C2 7.54 73.53 15.29
C3 13.53 88.16 13.85 have been done with the raw kaolin and five modified
C4 11.84 84.32 14.34 forms, the raw kaolin itself has a relatively large
C5 7.92 74.99 15.37 adsorption capacity.
C6 6.03 69.69 15.61

3.4. Thermodynamic parameters
The authors are grateful to the Assam Science,
A typical log Kd vs. 1/T plot is shown in Fig. 5. Technology and Environment Council (ASTEC) for
The values demonstrate a spontaneous and favourable providing a financial grant for this work.
adsorption process. The standard enthalpy change
(DH0) for the adsorption process is positive indicating
that the process is endothermic in nature. The endo- References
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