Lab 8 Functions

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CSE 103: Computer Programming in C

Lab #8: Functions

 Learn how to use Predefined Functions from math.h
 Learn how to write user-defined functions.
 Learn functions with input parameters.
 Learn void functions and functions with return result.
 Learn scope of variables.

Task 1: Predefined Functions from math.h

Write Compile & Run the following C program in Dev-C++.
Save the source file in a new folder Lab8 as Lab8/program1.c
/* common mathematical functions from math.h*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void){
double x , y ;

x = -2302.56;
y = fabs(x);
printf("The absolute value of %.4lf = %.4lf\n\n", x , y);

x = 232.55623;
y = sqrt(x);
printf("The square-root of %.4lf = %.4lf\n\n", x , y);

x = 232.55623;
y = log(x);
printf("The natural logarithm of %.4lf = %.4lf\n\n", x , y);
x = 23.323;
y = pow(x , 2.5);
printf("%.4lf^2.5 = %.4lf\n\n", x , y);
return 0;

1. What is the program Output?

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2. Run the Debugger on the program.
This time, instead of clicking on Next Line Button, click on Into function Button.
Wirte down your observations


3. Modify Program1.c by using more predefined functions from math.h (e.g., sin ,
cos, ceil,….)
Save the source file as Lab8/program2.c
Note: you can find useful information about math.h function in the following page
/* More functions from math.h*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main(void){
double x , y ;

x = 2.3;
y = sin(x);
printf("sin(%.2lf) = %.2lf\n\n", x , y);

x = 2.5;
y = cos(x);
printf("cosin(%.2lf) = %.2lf\n\n", x , y);

x = 5.66;

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y = ceil(x);
printf("ceil(%.2lf) = %.2lf\n\n", x , y);
x = 3.5;
y = tan(x);
printf("tan(%.2lf) = %.2lf\n\n", x , y);
return 0;

4. Give a sample Output of program2.c

5. Remove the line #include <math.h>, recompile the program and notice the compilation

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Task 2: void functions with void argument
Write Compile & Run the following C program in Dev-C++.
Save the source file as Lab8/program3.c
Compile & Run the program in Dev-C++.
Note: This is the same program of Task1.5 of Lab-6-RepetitionControlStructures - Part II.
Here, we use functions
void draw_Fix_stars_horizontal(void);
void draw_Fix_stars_vertical(void);

int main(void){


return 0;

/* function draw_Fix_stars_horizontal
draws a row of 20 starts using
for loop */
void draw_Fix_stars_horizontal(void){
int j;
for(j = 1 ; j <= 20 ; j++)


/* function draw_Fix_stars_vertical
uses nested for loops to draw 10 rows
of a star, followed by 18 spaces and
ended by a star */
void draw_Fix_stars_vertical(void){
int i , j ;
for(i = 1 ; i <= 10 ; i++){
for(j = 1 ; j <= 18 ; j++)
printf(" ");


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1. What is the Output of the program?

2. Give an example for the following:

1) Function prototype

void draw_Fix_stars_horizontal(void);

2) Function definition
void draw_Fix_stars_horizontal(void){
int j;
for(j = 1 ; j <= 20 ; j++)


3) Function call
int main(void){

return 0;
4) A statement of purpose of a function (See the last slide in Lecture 6).
Reuse of Function Sub-programs
Reduces the overall length of the program and the chance of error

3. Note that the definitions of the two user-defined functions are not terminated by return
statement! Why?

Because the return type is void.

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4. Use the function draw_Fix_stars_horizontal()to print 20x20 stars!
Write a complete C program for this task.
Save the source file as Lab8/program4.c

void draw_Fix_stars_horizontal(void);
void draw_Fix_stars_vertical(void);

int main(void){


return 0;

/* function draw_Fix_stars_horizontal
draws a row of 20 starts using
for loop */
void draw_Fix_stars_horizontal(void){
int j;
for(j = 1 ; j <= 20 ; j++)


/* function draw_Fix_stars_vertical
uses nested for loops to draw 20 rows
of a star, followed by 18 spaces and
ended by a star */
void draw_Fix_stars_vertical(void){
int i , j ;
for(i = 1 ; i <= 20 ; i++){
for(j = 1 ; j <= 18 ; j++)
printf(" ");


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Write a complete C program with four function of type void functions with void argument
as following:
1) print_right_triange: this function prints the numerical triangle we
developed in program5.c in Lab-6-RepetitionControlStructures - Part II
2) print_left_triangle: this function prints the numerical triangle we
developed in program6.c in Lab-6-RepetitionControlStructures - Part II
3) print_Pascal_triangle: this function prints the numerical triangle we
developed in program8.c in Lab-6-RepetitionControlStructures - Part II
4) instructions: this function displaying instructions to the user on how to use a
The program starts by displaying instructions to the user and asks him to enter his choice.
Based on the user choice, the program prints one triangle!
As a help, you find the complete working codes for program5.c, program6.c,
program8.c at the end of this lab handout.
Save the source file as Lab8/program5.c
/* code for Lab8/program5.c */

void print_right_triange(void);
int main(void){


return 0;

void print_right_triange(void){
int i,j;
for(i=1; i<=20; i++)
/* Print i number of stars */
for(j=1; j<=i; j++)

/* Move to next line */


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Task 3: void functions with input arguments
Write Compile & Run the following C program in Dev-C++.
Save the source file as Lab8/program6.c
Compile & Run the program in Dev-C++.
Note: This is the modified version of Program3.c shown above
void draw_stars(int n);
void draw_starSpace(int rows , int columns);

int main(void){

int height , width ;

printf("How much is the height of the rectangle you wont to print?> ");
scanf("%d" , &height);
printf("How much is the width?> ");
scanf("%d" , &width);

draw_starSpace(height , width);

return 0;

/* function draw_stars
draws a row of n starts using
for loop */
void draw_stars(int n){
int j;
for(j = 1 ; j <= n ; j++)


/* function draw_starSpace
uses nested for loops to draw rows
of a star, spaces and a star*/
void draw_starSpace(int rows , int columns){
int i , j ;
for(i = 1 ; i <= rows ; i++){
for(j = 1 ; j <= columns-2 ; j++)
printf(" ");


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1. What is the Output of the program?

2. What happens when the program calls a function with input arguments? Describe the
actions in the steps.
When a function call is encountering during the program execution:
1. …..
2. ….

3. Modify program5.c to enable the user to choose any symbol he prefers in printing the
Save the source file as Lab8/program7.c
Compile & Run the program in Dev-C++.
/* code for Lab8/program7.c */

4. Give a sample Output of the program7.c

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Task 4: functions with input arguments and return
Write Compile & Run the following C program in Dev-C++.
Save the source file as Lab8/program8.c
Compile & Run the program in Dev-C++.
/* Computes n! for n greater than or equal to zero */
#include <stdio.h>
int factorial(int n);
int square(int num);

int main(void) {
int a , b ;
printf("Enters a number: ");
b = factorial(a);
printf("%d! = %d\n" , a , b);
b = square (a);
printf("%^2 = %d\n" , a , b);

return 0;

int factorial(int n) {
int i , prod = 1 ;
/* Computes the product n * (n-1) * (n-2) * ….. * 2 * 1 */
for( i= n ; i > 1 ; i-- )
prod *= i ;
return prod ;

int square(int num) {

return num * num;

1. Give a sample Output of the program?

2. Add a statement of purpose (comment) to each function

3. Modify the second function to compute the square of real numbers. Show the prototype
and the function definition:

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Help Programs for The Exercise
int main(void){
int i , j ;

for(i = 1 ; i < 10 ; i++){

for(j = 1 ; j < (10-i) ; j++)
printf(" ");

for(j = 1 ; j <= i ; j++)

printf("%d" , j);

for(j = (i-1) ; j >= 1 ; j--)

printf("%d" , j);

return 0;

int main(void){
int i , j ;

for(i = 1 ; i < 10 ; i++){

for(j = 1 ; j < (10-i) ; j++)
printf(" ");

for(j = 1 ; j <= i ; j++)

printf("%d" , j);

return 0;

int main(void){
int i , j ;

for(i = 1 ; i < 10 ; i++){

/*for(j = i ; j >= 1 ; j--)
printf(" ");
for(j = 1 ; j <= i ; j++)
printf("%d" , j);

return 0;

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