Lateral Load Analysis-EQ (PW-ELI) STR Des Temp

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Project G+2 Date Oct-06

Description Lateral Load Analysis By TESFAYE SEBSIBE


Lateral Load Analysis

1. To determine method of analysis :

* Check for regularity

* From EBCS 8 - 1995 (2) , the requirement to be satisfied for regularity if :

a) meet criteria for regularity in

i) Plan and/or ii) Elevation

b) have fandamental period of vibration Ti in the two main directions less than two second

1. Regularity according to (a)

i) Check regularity in elevation

According to the code the buildings satisfy plan regularity because:

* The building has Rectangular - shape

* the sum of back sets are less than 25% of the total ,

According to EBCS8-1995 sec. criteria for regularity in plan , the buildings satisfy
plan regularity.

Accordding to EBCS8-1995 sec. [ ( I ) and / or ( II ) ] the biulding meets regularity.

2. Check regularity according to (b)

For building with heights upto 80m, the value of T1 may be approximated from

T1 = C1 H 3/4

H - height of building above the base in meter

H[m] = 10.15

C1 = 0.075

[for reinforced concrete moment - resisting frame according to

[EBCS8 - 1995 section]
T1 = 0.426 Sec
Therefore our building is regular so we can use static anaiysis method.
Base Shear Force Detrmination

The sesmic base shear force can be calculated;

Fb = Sd (T1) W **************************** EBCS 8 - 1995 Eq 2.2

Fb = base shear force
Sd(T1) = ordinates of the design spectrum T1

T1 = fundamental for period of vibation of the structure for transitional motion in the direction
considered .
W = seismic dead load computed in accordance with clause.A158
[W is total dead weight of the building ]

For linear analysis Sd (T1) = α β ‫………………………………………… ﻻ‬EBCS8.Eq 1.1 ]

The parameter α is the ratio of the design bed rock acceleration to the acceleration
of gravity g and is given by:
where a 0 is the bedrock acceleration ratio for the site,since the building is found
in Addis Ababa. it is catagorized as zone 2 . ……………………..EBCS 8 - 1995
ao = 0.05
[EBCS8 fig 1 seismic hazard map of Etiopia table 1.1 ]
I = importance factor given in table 2.4 in EBCS 8 - 1995

I = 1.00

α = αo* I = 0.05x1= 0.05

β = Design response factor for the site given.

β = 1.2 S / T 2/3 < 2.5

S = assume site coefficient for soil characteristics for classification of class C. subsoil condition

S = 1.5

T = T1 = 0.426 sec. T = fundamental period

β = 1.2 S / ( T )2/3 = 1.2 x 1.5 / 0.57 = 3.177 >2.5

Use β= 2.5

g - behavior factor to avoide explicit non-structural analysis

The energy deccipation capacity of the structure through mainly ductile behavior of its elements

and/or other mechanisms is taken into account by performing a linear analysis based on the

buildings fundamental period and response spectrum reduced with respect to the elastic one.
Hence forth called design spectrum. This reduction is accomplished by introduced the behavior g

g = γo KD KR KW < 0.7
go = basic value of the behavior factor dependent on structural type
KD = factor reflecting ductility class
KR = factor reflecting structure regularity in elevation
KW = factor reflecting the prevailing falure mode in stractural systems with walls
go = 0.20 ( for frame equivalent system according to EBCS 8 table 3.2)

KD = 2.00 for DC "L" EBCS 8 - Sec

Our building ductility class is low ductility (DC "L") ************* EBCS 8 - Sec 3.1.3 (3)

KR = 1.00 for regular structure ****EBCS 8 - Sec

Kw = 1.00 for frame equivalent structural system

Behavior factor

γ = 0.2 x 2 x 1 x 1 = 0.4

: . Sd (T1) = α β‫ﻻ‬

Where , α = αo*I = 0.05 x 1 = 0.05 ....................... for Addis Ababa

b= 1.25/T2/3

where T= c1H3/4
T= c1H3/4 = 0.075 x10.15 3/4
= 0.426

β = 1.2 S / T2/3 = 1.2 x 1.5 / (0.427) 2 / 3 = 2.500

g= goKDKrKw = 0.2 x 2 x 1 x 1 = 0.400

Sd (T1) = 0.4 x 2.5 x 0.05

Sd (T1) = 0.0500
Fb = Sd(T1)xW = 0.05 x W = 0.05 x W KN

Ft = 0.07 x T1 x Fb = 0.07 x0.427 x 0.05 x W KN = 0.0015 xW KN

W - Total permanent dead load

Fi = (Fb-Ft)(Wi X Hi )
S H j X Wj
Fb-Ft = 0.05 x W - 0.0015 xW = 0.049 x W KN

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