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What is the Detective Conan Card Game?

This is a card game where you, along with characters from "Detective Conan," aim to solve a
case before your opponent does. Use your very own deck to gather evidence towards your case,
take action against the opponent's case, and reach for victory together with your partnered

How to win
Gather a number of "Evidence" greater than or equal to the "Case Level," then use your
Partner's [Case Closed] ability to win the game.
*More details later

Card Types
What You'll Need
To play the Detective Conan Card Game, you will need 42 total cards comprised of:
● 1 Partner card
● 1 Case card
● a 40 card deck

Deck Building Rules

● A deck is made of exactly 40 cards.
● It can have Character and Event cards. (Partner and Case cards can't be put into the
● You can have up to 3 copies of cards with the same ID.
*There is no restriction on the colors of the cards that you can have in the deck, but there is a
restriction on the color of cards that you can use from your hand in a game. (More details later.)

There is no limit to the color of the Partner card you use. However, some card abilities and Event
effects have Partner color requirements such as [Partner: Blue]. These effects won't work
unless your Partner is of the specified color.
Game Areas

1. Scene: Where Character cards are played onto (Up to 5 at a time). You can have multiple
copies of the same Character card in play.
2. Partner: Where the Partner card is placed.
3. Case: Where the Case card is placed.
4. Deck: Where the deck is placed.
5. Evidence Area: Evidence obtained during the game is placed here.
6. File Area: Files are placed here during the Auto Phase. The Partner is moved here after
using its [Assist] ability.
7. Remove Area: Place removed Characters or Evidence and used Events here.
8. Hand: Use cards from here. Do not show it to the opponent during the game.

Other than the Scene, there is no limit to the amount of cards that can be in each area.
Game Preparations
1. Place the Partner and Case cards face down at their respective spots.
2. Shuffle the deck and place it at its specified spot.
3. Using a random method such as rock paper scissors, decide the players that go first or
second. (The player who wins goes first.)
4. Draw a 5-card hand from the deck.
5. The player going first decides whether to mulligan their hand. If so, they choose any
number of cards from their hand to shuffle back into the deck, then draw the same
number of cards. The player going seconds then decides whether to mulligan as well.
6. Turn the Partner and Case cards face up, and the game starts!

Turn Steps
The game is comprised of back-and-forth turns made up of the following 3 Phases:
Auto Phase:
Take the following actions in order.
1. Make the Partner active. If it's in the File Area, move it back to the Partner area.
2. Make all the Sleep Mode Characters on the Scene active.
3. Draw 1 card from the deck and add it to hand. (Applies to the first turn player also.)
4. Take 2 cards from the top of the deck and stack them on the File Area one by one, in
order. (The first turn player only adds 1.)
Main Phase:
Take the following moves in any order. Fully complete each move before taking another one.
With restrictions, every move can be done multiple times and in any order.
1. Using cards from hand
2. Next Hint
3. Using the Partner's abilities
4. Use a Character's [Declare] effects.
5. Deduce
6. Action
End Phase:
1. Resolve abilities that activate at the end of a turn.
2. End effects that last until the end of a turn.
3. End the turn and pass on to the opponent's turn.
Card Positions

Active Mode/Sleep Mode

Characters and Partners are typically placed in upright Active Mode position. When making a
deduction or taking action, or cases like using [Declare] effects with a [Sleep⤵] requirement, the
cards are put into sideways Sleep Mode position. Turning a Character or Partner upright is
called "becoming active," whereas turning them sideways is called "sleeping."

When a Character is affected by a "Stun" effect, it is put into Stun Mode, and the card is turned
upside down. When a Character in Stun Mode would become active during the Auto Phase or
through an effect, it is put into Sleep Mode instead. Doing so removes the stun status.
● When affected by a Stun effect, both Active and Sleep Mode Characters are put into
Stun Mode.
● When a Stun Mode Character would…
○ Become active: Put to sleep instead.
○ Be put to sleep: Stays in Stun Mode. (Can't use [Sleep⤵] effects.)
○ Be stunned: Stays in Stun Mode. (Does not increase active count needed to
remove the status.)
Main Phase Actions
There are 6 actions that can be done during the Main Phase.

1. Using Cards From Hand

Main Phase actions can be taken multiple times in any order, but using a card from your hand:
● Can only be done once per turn
● Can't be done if a Next Hint was already used that turn

Use 1 card from your hand with a Level that is equal to or lower than the amount of cards you
have in the File Area. Characters are played to the Scene in Active Mode, while Events are
placed into the Remove Area after resolving their effects.
EX: A Level 4 card can be used if there are 4 or more cards in the File Area. This includes Partner
cards that are in the File Area after using [Assist].

Color Restriction
A card can't be used from hand or through a Next Hint if it's not the same color as your Case
* This doesn't apply to cards that are played through card effects, or cards that are used
through <Cut In> or <Spark>.
Up to 5 Characters can be on the Scene at a time, but if you were to play a new Character when
the Scene is full, you can do so by removing a Character that's currently in play. This action is
known as a Switch.
* Can only be done if the Scene is currently full.
2. Next Hint

Take the top card in your File Area (not counting Partner cards) and add it to your hand.
Afterwards, you can play a card from hand with a Level equal to or lower than the number of
cards in the File Area.
● The added card no longer counts as a card in the File Area.
● You can play 1 card per Next Hint. You can choose to not play any cards.
● Playing a card is part of Next Hint. It doesn't increase the amount of cards you can play,
so you can't play a card after the Next Hint is over.
● Can't be done if there are no cards in the File Area.

3. Using a Partner's Abilities

Partners have the following 2 abilities:
[Assist]: Move the Partner into the File Area. Then, if the File Area has 7 or more cards,
including the Partner card, the Case enters the Resolution Phase. (Flip the Case/Resolution
[Case Closed]: If your number of Evidence is greater than or equal to the Case Level, you win
the game.
● Both [Assist] and [Case Closed] require you to put the Partner to sleep. They can't be
used if it's already in Sleep mode.
● [Case Closed] can only be used if the Resolution Phase is active.

4. Using a Character's [Declare] effects

You can use the [Declare] effects of a Character that's on your Scene.
● They can be used even on a Character that was played that turn.
● They can be used even if the Character is in Sleep Mode. (Unless [Sleep⤵] is part of the

Ability Cost
If the [Declare] effect has a [Sleep⤵] requirement or effect text before the quotation mark,
that's known as the ability cost. The ability can be used if the cost is met.
● Cost text does not specify "your" cards, but opposing cards can't be used for your ability
● For examples like [Sleep⤵] or "Move to the bottom of deck" where a target isn't
specified, it refers to the Character with the ability itself.

5. Deducing
You can deduce with a Partner or Character that's in Active Mode. A Character can't deduce
the turn it is played onto the Scene. (This state is known as the Intro Mode.)

● The player going first can make a deduction on their first turn.
● There is no limit to the number of deductions a Partner or Character can make in a turn,
so they can deduce again if they become active.
6. Action
A Character that's in Active Mode can take action. A Character can't take action the turn it is
played onto the Scene. (This state is known as the Intro Mode.)
● There is no limit to the number of deductions a Partner or Character can make in a turn,
so they can take action again if they become active.'
Deck Refresh
When your deck runs out of cards, you perform a Refresh with your deck. When you do, shuffle
all cards in your Remove Area into the deck, and your opponent gains 1 Evidence.
● When the deck runs out of cards in the middle of effects that draw cards, gain Evidence,
or place cards into the File Area, perform a Refresh, then continue the effect.
● You do not Refresh when your deck runs out of cards during an effect that reveals, or
involves looking at, the top cards of the deck. Reveal or look at as many remaining cards
as possible, then continue the effect.
● When you would remove X cards from the top of the deck as part of an effect or effect
cost, you can not remove any cards if the deck does not have at least X remaining cards.

Order of Resolving Effects

When multiple effects activate at the same time, the owner of the effects decides the order in
which they resolve. If both players have effects that are activating at the same time, the turn
player resolves their effects first, then the other player resolves theirs.
● If resolving one of the multiple effects leads to new effects being activated, resolve all
effects that were already activated first before moving to resolve the new effects.

Specific Effect Rules

● Effects that don't include "may" in its text must be activated. If part of the effect can't be
resolved, resolve as much as possible.
● Effects with "Select up to X Characters" in its text refer to Characters on the Scene. If
there are no specific conditions, any Characters on either Scene can be selected,
including the Character that the effect belongs to.
● Effects with "Select up to X…" in its text can select 0 cards.
● If there are no specified targets for an effect, that effect affects the Character that the
effect belongs to.
● When an effect with a condition is activated, that condition is checked at the time of the
effect's resolution.

Icons that appear on card text have specific meanings:
● Ability/Effect Type
○ [Declare]: Can be used during the Main Phase. (See Page 9-10)
○ <Cut In>: An ability that can be used during a contact. (See Page 13)
○ <Spark>: An effect that activates when your Evidence is removed by an
opponent's action. (See Page 13)
■ <Spark> does not activate if Evidence is removed through a card effect.
● Effect Activation Timings
○ [When Played]: This ability activates when this Character is played onto the
○ [When Removed From Scene]: The ability activates when this Character is
removed from the Scene.
● Ability/Effect Conditions (If the condition is not met, the effect does not exist)
○ <During Your Turn>: Active during your turn.
○ <During Opponent's Turn>: Active during your opponent's turn.
○ [Partner: Blue]: If your Partner has the specified color.
○ [Resolution Phase]: If your Case is in the Resolution Phase.
○ [Bond: Card Name]: If your Scene has the specified Character. (The Partner card
does not fulfill this requirement.)
● Ability Restrictions
○ <Turn(1)>: This ability can only be activated or used once per turn.
■ <Turn(1)> abilities that are activated when their conditions are met must
be resolved. (You can not choose to not activate them.)
● Ability Cost
○ [Sleep⤵]: Sleep this Character that's in Active Mode.
■ [Sleep⤵] can not be performed on a Character that's in Stun or Sleep

Keyword Abilities
Some abilities are keywords that are defined as follows. They are bolded within card text.
● Haste: Can deduce or take action the turn it is played.
● Rush: Can take action the turn it is played.
○ If written as Rush [Character] or Rush [Case], it can only take action on the
specified targets during the turn it is played.
● Bullet: This Character's action can't be guarded.
● Mislead X: A move that can be taken when the opponent deduces. By sleeping a
Character with Mislead on your Scene, the Partner or Character that deduced gets LP-X
until that deduction ends.
○ Multiple Mislead abilities can be used at once on a single deduction.
● Investigate X: The opponent reveals X cards from the top of their deck and returns them
to the bottom of their deck. The revealed cards are taken in account of when resolving
the rest of the effect.
○ The opponent decides the order in which they are returned to the bottom of the

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