Freewriting Skills IIT Bhubaneswar

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Presented by
Dr. Ramya Devi
Department of HSS
SOA University, Bhubaneswar
How do you overcome your anxiousness while writing?
How did you kickstart your thinking process?
What is Freewriting?

Freewriting is the practice of writing without a prescribed structure.

In freewriting, the writer allow thoughts to flow freely without
Freewriting is typically used early in the writing process to collect and
manifest one’s thoughts.
It is written in sentence and paragraph form without stopping.
Benefits of Freewriting

Freewriting increases the flow of ideas among those who experience

writer’s block.
Helps to increase fluency among second-language learners.
It allows the mind to vent ideas that would not ordinarily surface
under the conventional framework of writing.
It can also inspire some ideas you may not have thought of otherwise.
One can easily let go of their expectations and judgements.
Steps of Freewriting Process

To do a free-write, you need a writing prompt to help frame the

While freewriting remove all the distractions from your area.
Use a timer.
Write without stopping during the allotted time.
Tips for Better Freewriting

Let the ideas flow, and trust that there will be time for editing later.
Do write in sentence and paragraph form.
Do feel free to use an occasional word from your native language if
you can't think of the English word.
Do not worry about word count, sentence structure, and spelling.
After a predetermined amount of time, stop writing and evaluate what
is on the page.
Variations in Freewriting

In focused freewriting you set yourself a topic and try to stay on the
topic as you free write.

In loop writing you will focus on your ideas continually while trying
to discover a writing topic. After freewriting for the first time, you will
identify a key thought or idea in your writing, and begin to free write
again, with that idea as your starting point.
Sample Freewriting Topics

• A great place to see

• What animals can teach people
• What do I do to break the routine?
• Why are crime dramas so popular?
• Why I deserve the job?
• What if school sports were dropped?
• Five years from now, I will be

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