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1. How do you retrieve all columns from a table?

2. What SQL statement is used to filter records?
3. How can you join two tables? Explain different types of JOINs.
4. What is the difference between WHERE and HAVING clauses?
5. How do you count the number of records in a table?
6. How do you calculate average, sum, minimum, and maximum values in a column?
7. What is a subquery, and how do you use it?
8. Explain the difference between correlated and non-correlated subqueries.
9. How do you optimize a slow-running query?
10. What are indexes, and how do they improve query performance?
11. How do you insert, update, and delete records in a table?
12. What is the difference between TRUNCATE and DELETE statements?
13. How do you create, alter, and drop a table?
14. What are constraints, and how do you implement them?
15. What is a transaction, and why is it important in SQL?
17. What are window functions, and how do you use them?
18. Explain ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), and DENSE_RANK().

Today I gave an internal project interview, these are the SQL -questions they asked me.
Find the answers
1.List the emps who are not working in sales department.
2.list emps names,job who are without manager.
3.list the managers whose salary is more than his employees avg salary.
If possible find the answers in pandas, pyspark also..

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