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Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices (EDU 406)

Critical Thinking and Reflective Practices (EDU 406)
Topic 1
bc180205132 USMAN KHALID

What you do in the classroom and how you behave should have been
carefully planned, informed by theory and experience and be purposeful.
presents a slightly different view. He regards reflection as having two
aspects: reflection in action and reflection on action.

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Reflective Practice in Social Studies

1994 •E. Wayne Ross
As reflective teaching has been a major concern in education with the movement
for increased teacher professionalism and involvement in all aspects of school
decision-making, the 10 articles in this volume address reflective practice in the
social studies with an emphasis on how reflection and inquiry can contribute to
both teacher and curriculum development. The six articles in the first section
present reflective practice as a way to link curriculum development with the
professional development of teachers. The four articles in the second section…
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… Conference on Self-Study of Teacher …
Using Peer Teaching to Understand Teacher Education Pedagogy
2008 •Alan Ovens

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Applied E-Learning and E-Teaching in …

The Alliance of Problem-Based Learning, Technology, and Leadership
2009 •Pirjo H Vuoskoski

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Adult Learning in the Digital Age: Perspectives on …

Using Moodle to teach constructivist learning design skills to adult
2010 •Yorlina Palomo

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Transformative Pathways: Inclusive Pedagogies in Teacher Education

Eva Dakich, PhD, marcelle cacciattolo
This paper reports a three-year study of Praxis Inquiry based developments in
teacher educa-tion undertaken by an international consortium of university
colleagues who have worked in Australia, Iceland, Latvia, and the United Kingdom.
Our study suggests that the attainment of inclusive community responsive
pedagogies—in schools and in teacher education programs—is situated in the
public/personal dialectic between the transformation of individual values, world
views, ethics and practice, and the sociocultural and structural factors that mediate…
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Adult Learning in the Digital Age: Perspectives on …

Collaborative Learning: An Effective Tool to Empower Communities
2010 •Hakikur Rahman

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Hoffman-Kipp, P., Artiles, A. J., & López-Torres, L. (2003). Beyond

reflection: Teacher learning as praxis. Theory into Practice, 42 (3), 248-
Alfredo J. Artiles

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… on Self-Study of Teacher Education …

Interwoven self-studies: Insights into team learning
2008 •Bobbie Turniansky, ‫ דינה פרילינג‬,‫סמדר תובל‬

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2012 Australian Collaborative Education …
Preparing for WIL: Online Career Development for IT Students
2012 •Annemieke Craig

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… Education Network National …

Horses for courses? A comparison of four undergraduate WIL streams in
2012 •Pierre Benckendorff

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Designing Contextualized Interaction for Learning

2010 •Marcus Specht
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Fostering Scholarly Approaches to Peer Review of Teaching in a Research-

Intensive University
Daniel Pratt
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Brain based learning applications to radiation sciences

Laura Alipoon
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Elizabeth Tompkins
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Handbook of Research on Transformative Online Education and

Liberation: Models for Social Equality InformatIon scIence reference
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
2010 •Maria Fragkaki
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Researching Academic Visions & Realities’ Academic Writing Conceptions
of Leadership Emergent Pedagogies
Majid Fatahipour
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Developing and sustaining new pedagogies: A case for embedding

language, literacy and academic skills in vocational education curriculum
Dr Angela Daddow, Amanda Carr
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Teaching and Teacher Education

Research into initial teacher education in Australia: A survey of the
literature 1995–2004
2008 •Joce Nuttall
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Ambuja Sahoo
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Student-Driven and Threshold-Concept-Informed Curricular Change

Marina Orsini-Jones, Fiona Lee, Mike Cribb, Ross Graham
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Designing a Master's Program in GIS to Meet Professional Expectations in

the Workplace. In, Perspectives on Masters Level Teaching, Learning and
Student Experience.
Chris Lukinbeal, Iris Patten
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School Science and Mathematics

The Role of Reflection in Elementary Mathematics and Science Teachers'
Training and Development: A Meta-Synthesis
2014 •Laura Saylor
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Moodle + traditional classroom training = Blended Learning The learning-

optimised symbiosis
Th St
Thomas Strasser
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4 Curriculum opportunities
Bernard Lisewski

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A Reflection on Teachers' Experience as E-Learners

2009 •Claire McDonnell
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[PDF]Communal reflections on the workplace

2011 •Carolyn J Woodley
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The Seventh International Conference on Self-Study of Teacher Education

“Let’s Talk about Sex, Baby; Let’s Talk about You AND ME”: Facing the
Challenges of Including Teachers’ Selves in Sexuality, HIV, and AIDS
2008 •Mathabo Senkepeng Khau
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Teachers College Record

Finding Freedom in Dialectic Inquiry: New Teachers' Responses to
2009 •Deborah Bieler, Anne Burns Thomas
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Confidence, risk, and the journey into praxis: work-based learning and the
teacher education curriculum
2011 •Alison Iredale, Wayne Bailey, Jane Wormald
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Emergent Reflective Dialogue among Preservice Teachers Mediated

through a Virtual Learning Environment
Claudia Khourey-Bowers
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Teacher Education and Practice

Teacher Education and Practice
Effective Professional Development in STEM Education: The Perceptions
of Primary/Elementary Teachers
2014 •Sharon Pelech
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… International Conference on Self-Study of …

Linking the Goals of Teacher Education with the Challenges of Teaching
Preservice Teachers
2008 •Rebecca Cooper
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Portfolio: A professional development and learning tool for teachers

Portfolio: A Professional Development and Learning Tool for Teachers
mohammed alsabri
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Vikrant Kumar
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Nguyen Duc Minh B1509127
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Collaborating across National Boundaries for Narrative Teaching and

Learning Part of the Adult and Continuing Education and Teaching
Commons, and the Higher Education
Theresa Y Austin, Theresa Y Austin
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Shah Faisal
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Educating the Future Foreign Language Professoriate for the 21st Century. Eds.
Heather Willis Allen and Hiram Maxim. AAUSC Issues in Language Program
B d h h d U i l i f d
Beyond the methods course: Using exploratory practice for graduate
student teacher development
2013 •Cori Crane, Peter Ojiambo
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Vignettes of Selected Asian Experience Vignettes of Selected Asian

Experience Open Educational Resources Open Educational Resources
อนุชัย ธีระเรืองไชยศรี
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9th International Conference The Future of Education

The Future of Education Conference Proceedings 2019
2019 •Pixel International Conferences
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A Future for All Teaching for a Sustainable Society

What can be a cornerstone or stumbling block in a relationship between
parents and teachers?
2018 •Tijana Borovac, Sandra Vuckovic
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Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Stories from the Field
“Connected” literacies: Virtual storybook reading and digital writing during
the COVID-19 Pandemic.
2020 •William Kerns
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Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic:

Stories from the Field
Innovative Online Instruction: Synthesizing Learning and Online Video
Game Consoles
2020 •Karla Kingsley, Zachary Ramsey
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Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). Available at
Teaching, Technology, and Teacher Education During the COVID-19
Pandemic: Stories from the Field
2020 •Regina Kaplan-Rakowski
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Educational Action Research
Literature review on the use of action research in higher education
2016 •paul gibbs
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Medical Education
Reclaiming a theoretical orientation to reflection in medical education
research: a critical narrative review
Elizabeth Anne Kinsella
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Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology

Critical Reflective Practice as an Approach to Developing Transformative
Sadruddin Qutoshi
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Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology

Indicators of Professional Development in Texts Written by Prospective
2015 •sabine vanhulle
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The reflective zombie: Problematizing the conceptual framework of

reflection in medical education
Mario Veen
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Music Education Research

Reflection in higher music education: what, why, wherefore?
Eva Georgii-Hemming
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