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Magic c Letter Group – c, a, d, and g

Dear Families,
We have finished learning how to write the Magic c lowercase letter group. You’ll notice all the letters in this group begin with the familiar Magic c.
Reviewing this letter group reinforces correct start and formation of letters. Consistent practice promotes good habits and prevents reversals.

Use the activity below to practice this group of letters. Simply demonstrate one letter at a time on the top row. Be sure to say the directions out loud while
you model the letter. Then say to your child, “your turn,” and your child will write under your letter. For more information about our handwriting curriculum,

Magic c Letter Group

c a d g
Magic c Magic c Magic c Magic c
bump the line bump the line bump the line bump the line
up like a helicopter up like a helicopter up like a helicopter
bump up higher bump
back down slide down back down
bump bump turn
travel away travel away aim for corner
travel away

Adult Demonstration:

Child Imitation:

Referenced on page 57—3rd Grade Cursive Teacher’s Guide © 2013 Handwriting Without Tears®

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