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Texto 1
Asociación entre palabras y definiciones. Usted encuentra una lista de
ocho palabras clasificadas de A a H. Las preguntas describen una de las ocho
palabras y usted debe buscar la relación entre las dos y marcar la letra
correcta (A a H). Ejemplo: It is a hot liquid food. A. salad B. soup C.
cake D. juice E. soda F. yogurt G. bread H. ice-cream La respuesta es B.

1.- You make it with fruit and water, usually in a blender.

A) salad
B) soup
C) cake
D) juice
E) soda
F) yogurt
G) bread
H) ice-cream

2.- Doctor Montgomery! All your articles have been wonderful.

A) Don’t worry.
B) It’s a shame.
C) That’s nice of you.

Página 1 de 8
Texto 2

Escoja la palabra gramaticalmente adecuada para completar cada espacio.

Motorcycle riding dog

Yes, you’re not going crazy!! (0)_____ is a dog in complete control of a motorbike
and he’s (1)_____ around with his owner on the back. We can already see
(2)_____ this has begun to go viral on the internet!

Peter Gerungan and (3)_____ dog Sydney, who’s protecting his eyes with a
pair of sunglasses, (4)_____ be seen riding in Manado in Indonesia.

There’s clearly a very innocent relationship (5)_____ this dog and his owner.
(6)_____ they were in fact driving to a place people famously eat dog.
(7)_____ are trying to create conscience about dogs being pets, part of the
family but not food.

Not sure I would trust my dog to drive (8)_____ around, but it would be


(0) A. That

B. These

C. Those

La respuesta es A

3.- Escoja la palabra gramaticalmente adecuada para completar cada espacio. (6)
A) and
B) after
C) then

Página 2 de 8
4.- (4)
A) can
B) are
C) do

5.- Escoja la palabra gramaticalmente adecuada para completar cada espacio. (5)
A) below
B) between
C) Behind

Página 3 de 8
Texto 3

Lea el artículo y luego responda las preguntas.

Marque A, B o C.
p1 |heightWHAT TO DO AFTER HIGH-SCHOOL I was 18 years old, I had finished high-s

6.- What does the guest family take care of?

A) Housing and food.
B) Homework and food.
C) Health and clothing.

Página 4 de 8
Texto 4

Responda las preguntas de acuerdo con el texto. p1 |heightTHANKSGIVING As you might well kno

7.- What does the author think about thanksgiving?

A) That it is an important family event.
B) That it is of no importance.
C) That it is something superficial.
D) That people care too much about it.

8.- What is the author’s opinion about her family?

A) That they are not important.
B) That her family is terrible.
C) That they are very supportive.
D) That they always make fun of her.

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Texto 5

Lea el artículo y seleccione la palabra adecuada para cada espacio.

Marque A, B, C o D.

Colombia (0)_____over 80 indigenous tribes with a vast and rich culture.

(1)_____ them, there is the Awá people. They have a population of 32,555
and they (2)_____ the Awapit language. They live in northern Ecuador and in
the south of Colombia in the departments of Nariño and Putumayo. In 1987, a
reserve was (3)_____in northwestern Ecuador and the Awá people were entitled
to (4)_____ their own land. The only problem is that logging and mining are
illegally conducted in the area. The Awá are hunters and are especially good at
(5)_____. They have a unique cultivation system called “slash and mulch” which
is (6)_____ about clearing small parts of land and leaving everything on the
earth having some kind of compost fertilizing the soil (7) _______ results in
a perfect place for growing plants. (8) _______ parcels are cultivated two or
maximum three times. (9)_____, they are left alone for a period of seven years
to let the land (10) _____ and recover to be more productive.


A. Has
B. Had
C. Having
D Have

La respuesta es A.

9.- (2)
A) say
B) speak
C) pronounce
D) converse

Página 6 de 8
10.- (7)
A) where
B) who
C) whose
D) which

11.- (8)
A) These
B) Those
C) This
D) That

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