конспект уроку

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Хід уроку (Procedure)

Етап. Мета. Прийом. Зміст роботи

(Lesson stage. Aim.
Technique. Interaction.)

Етап І. Початок уроку.

(Lesson stage I.
Beginning activity)
T: Good morning, students! It’s such a pleasure to see you. Tell
1. Привітання, me, please, who is absent? Do you know why he/she is not
організаційний момент present? Now let’s start our lesson. The topic of our lesson is
(Greeting, facilitation). “Language”. Please, explain me a quote “A different language
is a different vision of life”.

(Студенти пояснюють)

Мовленнєва/Фонетична T: I’ve got a very funny phonetic drill for you.
зарядка(Warm up/Phonet
Any noise annoys an oyster,
ic drills).
But a noisy noise annoys an oyster most
(Студенти повторюють)

T: Wow! Good job.

Етап ІІ. Основна T: So, today we are going to describe charts and tables and to
частина уроку. find out how many and which languages people speak.

(Lesson stage II. Body) Where do you usually see charts and tables in your everyday
1. Ознайомлення з
новими лексичними (Студенти відповідають)
одиницями (Presentation
Т:This section is useful for students preparing for the IELTS
of new lexical units).
exam. In the first section of the writing students may have to
describe the key features of a graph.

Now let`s learn new vocabulary. Read and translate.

a) The approximate number

b) Approximately

c) A significant increase

d) There were no figures given

2. Тренування у e) However
вживанні нових
f) Over the period
лексичних одиниць
(Practice in using new g) Overall
lexical units from)
1a 2g 3b 4c 5f 6d 7e

(Студенти виконують завдання.)

T: Do you understand this words significant (large), figures

(numbers) and over (during)?

Okay, well done. Underline the linkers in the text. (However, in

addition, similarly, in contrast).

3. Практика в
T: And now, look at the chart. Read all countries and mind the
описуванні гістограми.
right pronunciation. (USA, Australia, UK, Malaysia, South
( Practice in describing of
the bar chart)
Africa, Barbados, New Zealand, Nigeria, Canada)

T: Read the name of the bar chart and answer these questions.

1 approximately or just under 80% 2 Nigeria 3

UK/Barbados/New Zealand all add up to 100%

T:Look at the other countries in the chart and make statements

about their use of English as a first and second languages. Then,
you have to read sentences one by one and translate.

(Студенти відповідають)
T:Well done. Now, look at the chart again and complete the

a uses/speaks English as a second language. B the number of

speakers of English as a first language in Nigeria. c speakers of
English as a first language. D speak English as a first or second
language. e is Malaysia. f the population uses/speaks English as
a second language. g 100% of the population uses/speaks
English as a first or second language. his just over three quarters
of the population. i the number of speakers of English as a first
language in South Africa.

T:Good job. Put the statements in a logical order.

T:Your home assignment is exercise 11, you have to learn all
new vocabulary.

T: So, you were very active today. I’m very pleased with all of
you! You’ll receive good marks. They are… . Thank you for
your work! Good bye! See you next time!
Етап ІІІ. Завершення

(Lesson stage III.


2. Підбиття підсумків

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