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iT THIRD EDITION: WORKBOOK JOAN SASLOW ALLEN ASCHER with Barbara R. Denman and Julie C. Rouse * | i 1 { i i | { ‘Top Notch: English-for Today’s World Level 1, Third Edition Workbook Copyright © 2075 by Pearson Fducation, Inc. All ighis ceserved. No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retieval system, or transmitted in any Torrn oF by any means, electronic, mechanical, hotocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the palor permission ofthe publisher. 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MMtustration credits: Steve Attoe: pages 10, 17, 35, 58 (bottom), 76; Kenneth Batelman: pages 60, 61, 64; Precre Berthiaumes page 82; Richard Buslew: page 49; Leanne Franson: pages 3, 31, 62, 68; Scotk Fray: payes 60, 61; Steve Gardoer: page 90; Brian Hughes: pages 13, 87; Stephen Hutchings: pages 5, 14,-40, 42,44: André tabries page 72; Andy ileyers pages 81, 82; Suzanne Mogensen: pages 29, 80, 85; DuSan Petrifié: page 22; NSV Productions: pages 30, 33, 39, 41, 58 (lop), 86, 87; Joe Sarver: page 46. 0-13.392815-2 ISENEA3: 978-0-13-392815-0 Printed in the United States of America 323456789 10-VON~19 1817 16 15 14 pexesoneft.comftopratch3e Contents UNIT 1 Getting Acquainted. . UNIT 2 Going Out. UNIT 3. Ree can AePeR ORRIN ee 2 UNIT 4 Food and Restaurants ...-- 2.2.22. eseee eee e eee ee ee eee ee 31 UNIT 5. Technology and You.......-++--+-+s+2--+ daw ee eee e eee 40 UNIT.6 Staying in Shape .......2+.cedeeeeeceeeceseeveeteeeees 50 UNIT 7 On Vacation. 2.0 cece cee n ne sec wesacncecncanscenseseces 60 UNIT 8 Shopping for Clothes UNIT 9 Taking Transportation UNIT 10 Spending WMoneyse cece sessed sere e cesses sees 85 1 Read about the famous person. Then check true, false, or no information, according to the website. Meet Uonel Messi Taw | exe [Sires] paw MEET LIONEL MESSI Given name: Lione! Family name: Messi Occupation: athlete (professional soccer player) Nationality: Argentinian Date of birth: June 24,1987 Personal quote: “My given name is Lionel, but my friends call me Le true false noinformation ° 1. His first name is Lionel. oa a a 2. His last names Leo. a a a 3. Heisanactor. a o a A. Heis martied. a o a 5. Mis nickname is Lionel. a a a 2° Match the ward or words with the same meaning. Draw a fine. 4. Wice to meet you. a not married 2. first name ING given name 3. lastname {t's a pleasure to meet you. 4 single g. family name Introduce Lionel Messi. Complete the quote. Use a formal title. £6 Pdike to intcoduce you te Choose the correct respanse. Circle the letter. 1. “Who's that?” a. Please call me Matt. b. Great to meetyou. That's my brother, Ryan. 2. “My name’s Sidney, and this is Sam a. Him Rachel. b. Ithink they're new. ‘¢. m from Australia. 3. “My aame’s Elizabeth, taut everyone calls me Ellie.” a. Let's say hello. b. sa pleasureto meetyou. c. td like you to meet Elie. 4. “Where are you frome” a. London. b. Twenty-five. & Astudent. Complete the information questions. Use contractions when possible. RA that? 4. Az Ill send youan e-mail. —______ ‘B: That’s Mr. Miller. your e-mail address? B: It’s une-yoshiko@videotech.cojp. 2. At her occupation? Sas Anil and Teme! from? 8: They're from Istanbul, | think. B: She's an artist. 3. As Your son's very cute. 5 ae he? 6A your new classmates? He's eight months old, B: That’s Marcos on the right and Pato on the left. umrt mr ‘ 7 Choose the correct response. Write the letter on the line. —— 1. “Howoldis Michael?” a 2. “Who's not here?” b —— 3. "Whatare your occupations?” © -—— 4. “Where are their friends from?” a —— 5. Where is Ava?” e —— 6. *What city is he from?” f —— 7% “Whoare your teachers?” 9. 8 Lookat the picture. Write a question for each answer. ‘They're my friends from computer class. 2s ee Br Theic names are juan and Paloma. Spain. Bz She's two years ofd. 9 Answer the questions. Use your own words. 1. “Who's yourteacher?” en ae 2. "What's your e-mail address?” en ‘She's over there. They're from Germany. He's three. Rachelisn’there. Their names are Mir. Park and Ms. Kim. ma singer, and he’s a student. He's from Tokyo. 2 3. “How olthare you?” aD ‘Botting Acquaimed 40 Unscramnble the wards to write sentences. 4. actor / wonderful /is / Suraj Sharma fa 2. fantastic /a J athlete [is j Lionel Messi 3. Juan Gabriel Vasquez f writer /is J great /a 11 Look atthe responses. if Ag Poaceae Ste Br No, Vor not. Vim Claire, ce English? No, they're not. They're Australian. _a student here? B: Yes, hes. fthink he’s new. 12 Lookatthe picture. Write short answers about the people. 1. Ace Andy and Tara students? Yeitheyare vert 4, are musicians / The Gipsy Kings / excellent 5S. beautiful /1s / Zhang Ziyi and actress 7 af singer 6. cheF [a Nobu Matsuhisa J famous # is, Complete the yes / na questions with be. 4. At —_______manied? i: No, Im not. I'm single. paces in the samecass? Yes, we are. ‘a good chef? 12 She sure is. oy J 4. AseLinda and Mike maried? oe acer 13 CHALLENGE. Write yes / no questions with be about the people from Exercise 10. 1. Suraj Sharma /in the movie Life oF Pi 2. Wonel tesst / a soccer player 3. Juan Gabriel Vasquez / a Simén Bolivar Prize winner 4, The Gipsy Kings’ songs / in French 5. Zhang Ziyi from Hong Kong 6. Nobu Matsuhisa / sushi chef. Can you answer the questions? Write short answers. Use contractions when possible. you don’tknow, guess. : 1. Yes,hein 4 rie 5. 3. 6. 4 Answer the questions. Use your own words. 1. “Areyouagood singer?” COX 2. “Are you a good athlete?” OX 3. “Ave any of your friends or family members famous?” sd 15 Read about where the people are from. Guess their nationalities. Use yes / na questions. 1. Ar “My hometown is Vancouver” 3. A: “Pm originally from London” B: i B 2. As “Vm from Beijing.” 4. A: “I'm actually from Istanbul” B: 2 B: 16 Answer the questions. Use your own words. 1. “What's yournationality?” oD. 2. “What's yourbirthplace?” GOOX 3. “What’syourhometown?” GOOX + A, “What's your occupation?” @OOX 5S. “What'syournickname?” Goa Hetinghcaed = 5 7 1B isis z : Dear Allen, | thavea problem. ity name's Chinese. I's Read the fetter and reply ant an intercultural exchange website, What's in a first name? In many countries Zhang Yin. Zhang is my last namne and ¥in ts ey it riame. in China, farily names are first and fiver faames are last. ('m a salesman and | often avel to English-speaking countries for business. When [fill out a personal information foren in English, Lite Yin in the box or first name and Zhang in Ue box for last name. Then people tall me Yin Zhang, When | introduce myself 2s Shang Yin, they call me Wir Yin. So sometimes | ‘say that my name is Yin Zhang. But | don’tfcel ‘Comfortable with that because that isn’t my real nnarne. What should Ido? Thang Yin Shanghat, China 4. Zhang Yin‘s nationafity is Chinese. 2. Zhang Yin's famity name is Yin. 3. Zhang ‘in is a computer programmer, 4, Zhang Yin is mastied. 5. in Chino, you say a person's family name first. mooogg Dear Yin, In English-speaking counties, when ‘you ask, “What's your name?” you always get the person’s given name first and the family name last. In China, and in many Asian countiles, including Japan and Korea, the ‘amily name is first and given name is second. To avoid confusion, try introducing yourself like this: “Him Zhang Yin. My first narne is Yin and, my family name is Zhang, Please call me Mt. Zhang.” Allen false no information a a Qo a Qo oO a n oO ao ead the article “Who Uses English?” on page 10 of the Studant’s Book again, Answer the KeSq. westions. 1. What is Me. Tanaka's wife's name? What is their son’s name? 2. What is Mr. Tanaka's first name? 3. What is the nationality of Ms. Marques’ company? 4, How does Ms. Marques use English in her free time? 5. How old is Me. itani’s son? &. tow does Me. leant practice English at home? unt é § { 49 Read abouta famous athlete. A RoperFaderer 1 Fodorer Express Professional a (Cenris pleyar) — August8, 1981 ne Swiss Basel, Switzertand : Wolleray, Switzerland interesting facts: Ho: ic pe speaks Swise- German, n boys bom in 2014, play video games. Now write a paragraph introducing Roger Federer. Use the paragraphs on page 11 of the Student's Book as a model. Lookat the responses. Write information questions. Use contractions when possible. 1. Az Whofs your name? Bz it’s Margaret. But my nickname is Maggie. My son? He's five. Be Yeafrom Turkey. AA £ B: They are my brothers. Their names are Ishaan and Mahin. Bk ee Br I check my work e-mail every day. Add apostrophes (1) to the possessive nouns. 1. fay parents nationalities? My moro is Korean, and my dad is irish. 2. Ourieachers namelstér, Springer 3. Rosas hometown Is Recife, in Brazil. A. The salespzrsans wife is from Canada. Her English is excellent. 5. Adriana has two boys and a girl. Her sons birthplace is Quito, buther daughters birthplace is New York a Complete each sentence with a possessive adjective from the box. teacher is ir. Micha: +. Anya and Simon are new students. 2. Mr, Vidal is a computer prograrnmer. ____—family lives in Paris. 3. Mrs. Ichikawa is from Tokyo. nationality is japanese. 4, Areyoua photographer? pictures are fantastic. 5. Fd like you to meet, sister Sarah, She's a musician. cassis at 9AM. Lucy and tare ina carmputer class. Complete the conversations with words from the box. whey thelr you your he his" she_—her__— we our 1. Az Who'sthat? “These are my two sons. 8: That's Ajit’s brother. name 8: Whatare ______names? Hs Raf Az Jack and Owen. As How oldis 2 B: Are _______ students? 8: Twenty-three, { think, As Yes, they are, 2. Az Are_______the new English teacher? Ak Ar Hi Hana, B: Yes, (am. B: Hello, Sui. Are. classmates ‘As bi, 'm Chung. What's —_ ag name? Yes, I think so. Is that_____ teacher Be David Lane. But everyone calls me DI. over there? B: Yes. ___ name’ Mrs. Kim. A; looks very youngl vert consi E Complete the sentences. Use contractions. 1. You don’t now where Liverpool is?______in England. : 2, ‘My job is wonderful. ________an interpreter, and | meet people from all over the world. 3. Ms. Kusefoglu's hometown is Konya.__Turkish. 4. His nameis Mr. Yu. a photographer. 5. Ourehildren are james and Lily. ___ sx and four years ald. ‘ 6, Irina and't ate from Moscow. ___ Russian. 7. She lives in Séo Paulo, but___ Brazilian. She's from Argentina. 8. Changis his family name._______ his given name. F Answer the yes / no questions with short answers. Answer the information questions with complete sentences. Use contractions when possible. 1. Is Lionel Messi American? 2. Whatis Mr. Messi’s occupation?. 3. Is Mr. Messi’s nickname Leo? 4. Ate youa fam of soccer? 5. WhereisRoger Federer from? oe OI eee ee rete eee eee eee eee eee eee % Are youatennis player?. = ‘8. How old are Mr. Messi and Mr. Federer? Neer A Look at the personal information. Correct the capitalization. name aang ickame: skinny Date of birth: september 16, 1968 ‘Occupation: singer, actor, songwriter Hometown: new york city : Parents’ Birthplace: puerto rico Favorite music: salsa : Favorite singer: rubén blades CetfingAcpaiet = Rewrite the following paragraph. Use correct copitalization. inia wastkowska is a famous australian actress. her date of birth is october 14, 1989. ins. wasikowske’s birthplace is canberra, australia. now she lives outside of sydney. she can speak english with twa different accents. this is great for her occupation. rns. wasikovesta has a brother and a sister, kat and jess. her mother is from poland. Write.a short description of Marc Anthony. Use the information ‘ram Exercise A. Use the paragraph from Exercise B as a guide. UNI 1. -Looicat the newspaper concert listings. Then complete the chart. (ttt 2 ef A ert GOA h Sccuaaunsnn WROR ECM" wicronran unas “Fekete 52 What kind of [ Whereisit? | What timeis | jow much are music? the show? tickets? latin’ 10:30 PM. [Riverfront Park _| $30 classical City Music Hall a - 2 What's your style? Check Not forme or More my style. Kind of concert Not forme More my style an aftemoon jazz concert in the park = a i alate night rock concert at a club Q a a dassical concert at a concert hall a a five salsa music ata dance club gq oO 3. Complete the paragraph with kinds of music and concert times. Use your own wards. Bike ___ music, but_____ music isn’teally my style. Aconcert i is too late for me, but a concert at. is perfect. aeardernen a Choose the correct response. Circle the letter. 1. “Whattime’s the show?” a. Atthe theater. b. On Thursday. < ALSO. 2, “I'm busy on Friday. Maybe some other trae.” a. How about Friday? 'b. Perfect! ©. Too bad. “Where's the concer?” a. inthe park. b. tn ten minutes. c. On August 2 4. “Areyou free on Sunday at noon? There's a great exhibit at Gallery Z” a. Fdlove to go. b. That's past my bedtime, <._ What time? Put the conversation in order. Write the number on the line, _1_ Meyou busy on Saturday night? 10:00 p.s1.2 Well, Ya ike to go, but that’s past my bedtime, __— Really? Sounds great! What time’s the play? ____ Mammo Mial is at the Community Theater. Av 10:00 nam. tt’satate show. No, Yer not. Why? _. Too bact. Maybe some other time. Complete the sentences with on, in, ort. 1. The movie theater is___ Dewey Street. 2. The playis noon, the park. 3. Anaisn’there. She’s___New York, 4, Hee classis____ the Cooper Music School. W’s ___ the corner of 2"'and Park, 5. ‘The talkis_..11:00____ the morning. 6. ‘The Shakira concert is. Friday, January 18°. 7. \can'ttall right now. I’m work. I'l call you when I get home. 8. Greati PI meet your in. front of the theater. twenty minutes. White questions with When, Where, or What time. Use contractions when possible. When'sthe pla _-_?__B the play's on Wednesday. B: The concertis at 7:00. 1B: The school is on Saddle Avenue. B: Michael's at work. B; My class is on Monday moming. Br The exhibitis at the Art Center. B: The author's talkis at 730. % Answer the questions. Use your own words. Use in, on, or at. 1. "Where is your school?” om 2. “Whattimeis your English class?” om __ 3. “Whenare you free this week?” 9 Choose the correct responses to complete the conversation. Write the letter on the line. ‘Az Excuse me. I'm looking for Palermo’s. @. Well, Pine Sueetis right around the corner. y Be Bb. I think itis. Do you know the address? > At Yes. s itacound here? © No problem. ; — 4. Palermo's? The tafian restaurant? Az W's 610 Pine Street. ' B: = ’ Really? That's great. Thanks. 10 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions. > 1. Where's the bookstore? 2. Where's the theater? 3. How dol getto the museum? iedown the sfreet from the café, 4, Howrde tget ia the bank? 5. Where's the postoffice? 6. How dol get to the school? Soyout 13 1" 12 Lookatthe map. Answer the questions. 1. As Where's the Metro Cinema? co zo 2. Az How do | got tothe City Art Museum? 3. Az Where's KB Banik? 4, A: How do Lgette the Newby Theater? 5. Az Where’s Chub 83? 6. Az How do | gekte Village Books? CELALLEN GE. Write directions from your home to your schoo! or a place in your comunity. Startatz {your addtess) Gon, — a (address of final destination) une, 10th Annual Asian Folk Festival Events Listin: Saturday, May 10*attho Pork Arts Centerin Rand Park Wg 8 a Children con make their own ond Par Kae MakingWortshap | Ghenean make The Park Ans Jopanose Play. ‘Watch mide schoo! students fram Theater hitdron’s Kabuld Group | Kaba,cJapan perform a trediiona play ‘The and Pork Javanese Concert Hear music featuring drums, eymbals, Band Soll | KiaiKanjong Gamslan Orchestra} and gongs from Java, Indonesia The Rand Park Koroan Dance: Soo colorful dencers from Suwon, Bond Shell | “Bu-cheChnn” Fan Dance Troupe | Korea pertotm aboaulfulfan danco The Park rts Chinese Nove: ‘Alovestory satin the besutiul Wi Theater The Storyoflows mountains in Southern China str taditons Aon treats on Chino, lopan Kora, nd edonsia. Fool sts wl bu apenn he pork om 1280t9 BP 1. When’ the Asian Folk Festival? 2. Where'sthe Japanese play? 3. What time’s the Javanese concert?. A. When tie Chinese movie. 5. What event is at 6:00 em? Complete the instant messages with information from the Asian Folk festival listing. Cisied ") Lara ~Conversation Tie Ei Aas Fol ee Sse A tte Safle Weln Andko tach te itl Raieelaaleeeonatate 4 ‘(tae umocmaicon +} Petersays: Hi, Lara. Are you free on P =| Lara says: Yes. Why? Peter says: The Asian Folk Festival isat the {_ jin Lara sae What kind of festival? = = : Peter says An Asian culture festival. Let'ssee... Theresa Chinese movie, aJapenese Korean f _]-andafavanese I Lar say: Really? Sounds the Fant @) ” | Petersays: I know youte amovie fan. Wantto see the movie? tare ays OK S1What time? Peter says: There' early show at [~~ Jansa late stow at 95. Lara says: Let's go to the early show-—9-45 is past my bedtime! G senate ‘1 15 Read the interviews on page 22 of the Student’s Book again. How would the people here Seq MNEWer questions aout their musical tastes? Check all correctanswers. i AOR ‘Matheus Rocha Wayne Seak Do you goto concerts? | Do youplayinaband? | Are youa music lover? Oyes Ono Oyes Ono Oyes Ono How do-you listen What's your favorite When do you listen to music? kind of music? ‘to music? Ooncps Orook/ pop Owhen | read Oon the Internet Ojazz Owhen I drive Oon theradio ORaB Owhen I prepare classes Oonmusie videos OLatin Owhen | eat OonTv music channels} OC classical COwhen I check e-mail Oonmy phone Obip-hop Owhen | exercise 1G Complete the statements with words from the box, based on information from the interviews Sg 07 page 22. of the Student's Book. voce shows jazz __ computer genres MP3s_—app 1. Rock, electronic, and hip-hop are Mr. Seak’s favorite music_____.. 2. Mr. Seok streams music with an _________ on his smart phone. 3 Mic. Rocha loves American ____artists. 4, Mr. Rochia.listens to music on his phone or his _______.. 5. Ms. Balchacin listens to orontine radi 6. Nis. Baldwin prefers. in small clubs. aur, WOMAD testivats cetebrate the international language of music... eceatas ee ae a WOMAG has held tare than Ree ieee ities IN A) ieee eure er Clo cats rey tates Pic hatreaae ieee CUE Wer Rees Rae ater You can sce a concert at the WOMAD festival. 2, WOMAD's a classical music festival. 3. WOMAD tickets cost $90. The musicians at WOMAD are from England. Complete the sentences. Wr 1. There are concerts ___ Saturday afterno jons. 2. The bookstose is___ my neighborhood. 3. 4 5. My bratherlives___ Rome. ‘The tecture fs____ an art gallery. {finish work two hours. in, on, or aton the Tine, 6. z 8 9 0. {tue false noinformation ooco Oooo ;Oo0o00 Vm busy ____ the moming. Chile is__South America. My house is__Carmel Road. The movie is aver___midnight. My parents got manied __ the 1980s. B Choose the correctanswer, Circle the Fetter. 1. Where's the play?” a. At The Grand theater. b. At730. © inthe evening. 2. “What time is the movie in the park?” 3. In March. b. Tomorrow. © AtiDs0. . “When's the concert?” 3. On Friday. b. On Ninth Avenue. © Atmy school. 4, "Whattimeis class?” ; & Inthe evening. b. ACB. Atthe bank. 5. “Where's her meeting?” a. On Tuesday. b, Atnoon, & Abad South Street, 6. "When's the art exhibit?” a. Inthe centerof town, b. In November. © Atthe Ciy Museurn, 7. “What time’s the talk?” a September 21. b. Today. ALT RM G Carnplete the event listings with prepositions of time and place, Write in, at, or on. eArts Week Your Band Plans Free Concert ‘The Swingtime Jazz Band's Grst free concert is at 8 rat. Monday tts Grand Hall, Wakefield Street downtown a Wellington. Call. 999-555-8443 for more information. Miracle Worker at Victoria University Victoria University presents the play The Miracle Worker 2:30 eM. 7-30 eas. Friday and Saturday, 4/23-—4/24, and — April 25. The performances are ___‘The Adam Concert Hall 7: Kelburu Read. 8 unre D Complete the conversations. Write questions with When, Where, or What time. Camplete the responses with a preposition. 1. A: Where’stheplay B: The playis_et_The Landry Theater. 2A 2 Br }thinkthe concertis__8:30. 3. As 2 Br The movie theater is___Park Road. A AS Bz The exhibit is ___Januery and February. E Think of an event you'd love to go to. Answer the questions. 4. What'sthe event? vi SD i a 7 an 2 When's the event? : recon atu z 4 3. What time’s the event? re ees niniasis 4. Where's the event? aay 1 5. Who can you invite? ' GD ee 6. Pretend to invite sameone. What do you say? : Gm A Gircle the subject and underline the verb in each sentence. 1. lowe live music at jazz clubs. ) 2 UZisa sock band from Dublin, Ireland. \ 3. Her parents arer’tfans of hip-hop music. 4. Mamma Mia! is her favorite musical. 5. My husband listens to music on his commute. ) 6. They download music from the internet. ' J, Salsa musicis fun to dance to. 20 Loolcuthe music survey on page 23 of the Student's Book, Reed the questions. Write your enswers in complete sentences. 1. Areyoua musicfen? 2. What's your favorite Kind of rusic? a 3. Who are your favorite singers? ‘4. When do you fisten (o music? 5, Do you goto concerts? OD. 6." Howdo you listen to music? GD ___ 7. Howe many songs are in your library? om _ ss Now circle the subject and underline the verb in each of your sentences, Check that gach sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. took at the mustesurvey nn page 23 oftthe Student's Book. Aska partner the questions. On 4 separate sheet of paper, write atleast five sentences about your partner and his. J Wer envasical taste. My partner's nome wre, - Ae ie Ext 1 Complete the chart. Use the Vocabulary from page 26 of the Student's Book. relationships : ip 4 Words for males Words for females ‘Words for males and females | , son daughter ehildren i ne 2 Complete the sentences with the correct family relationship. 1. My sister’s son is my 2. My mother’s parents are my 3. My mother’s brother's son is my > ' 4. Mysister’s__-_is my brother-in-law. ‘| 5. My brother’s daughter is my. 2 6. My wife's parents are my — = ay ' 3 CHALLENGE. Look at the family tree website. Complete the sentences. ‘Welcome tothe Daiton Family Tree =| ; LJ ) Thank you for visiting our web page. Please sign our guestbook! ts ; 1. Maureenisa daughter-ia-la , a yasisterinclaw _,anda_mother - . 2 Carttess_._._.__, nO eet Ed 3. Sethisa___,a. anda. PAR Hea 7 2 z 4 Complete the sentences. Use words from the box. 1. My cousin Karen doesn’t have any brothers or sisters. She’s 2. Maddie and her brother Thoms were bom on the same day. They're 3. Jake's morn and dad aren’t his birth parents. He's 4 Match the words with similar meanings. Write the letter on the fine. ——— 1. divorced a. martied but not living together —— 2. single b, exhusband and exwife 3. married ¢. planning to get married _— 4. engaged d. not married _—— 5. separated e. husband and wife 6. widowed f. husband or wife is dead Complete the sentences. Use live, have, or workin the simple present tense, 1. She's married. She in an apartment with her husband. 2. Me's single. ie _____a wife. 3. My sister is separated. She. a husband, but they. in the same house. 4A. She's engaged to-her co-worker. She and her fiancé with his wife, but they visit him on weekends. in the same office. 5. Kevin is divorced. His two children works has doesn’thave _ lives Juanita Diaz —____— in Puebla, Mexico. She ina restaurant. She z = tatin jazz, butshe___________rock music. She's not really a rock fan. She any children, but she. two nleces and one nephew. They in Tampico with juanita’s sister, Maria. ina Maria and her husband Roberto —___- school. They are bots teachers. UNITS ad at 9 Choose the correct response to complete the conversation. Write the letter on the line. a 8 Write yes / no questions and give short answers. 4 1. Az Do-they live in New York? S.A aa 4 B: Xesitieyde. __ oe B: ‘Ciiey live ew Ware ‘Gi ves wir parents | ae an 4 . Raya TRTG ® ie ai RTI 4 aa am eta Fe rf “hey dan tw in my baling} : ‘Way asad oes a thawte 4 AR BoA u be Tapeak igi at ORY & Cont irewamnany aeey ) | Aaja a. Really? That's fantastic. 7 Bz Actually, thave some good news and some badiews. —b. What’s new? a . What's the good news? ye Bz My niece just gat married. Oh, no. I'm sorry to hear that. vi a ‘©. What's the bad news? : B: Thanks! A y! Bs My brother and sister in-law just got separated. , a 10 Answer the questions. Use your own words. 1. “Do you tive near your parents?” , oe — 2. “Doyou have any nieces or nephews?” ' , 3. “Do you work? What do you do?” , Gn. See ue HL ‘name fannie: My parents got civored whem was very young. Aer ace years, my mother got marted again. er scion bs’ name ay. They have aur, Seeks : fst. enc ny” a5 tre young boys, jess and Avesy. Torthating two Hike brothers They Wve neniby, 30 sometinoes baby sit for them. ' ‘tM Read the information. Complete the statements. L * 1, Brianmais Ray's = 2. Gabby is Brianna’s —___ : 3. Katherineis Brianna’s. 4, Bearmaisfessand Avery's + 5. Brianea’s fathers Jess and Avery's. ats Complete the questions with do. ordoes. 1, Where: idan ive? 2. When. you listen to music? 3. What_____—-your half-brother do? 4. How often. Whattime — ‘work? 6& What____——-your friends call you? 7. How many brothers and sisters you __youge to the movies? "have? your husband goto choose the correct response. Write theletter onthe ling, = 4. "What does Alex do?” a. In Madrid with my half-sister. 2. "How many childcen does your sister have?” . At 630. 3. “Where does your mother ive?” & Heworks ata bookstore. sttow often do you call yourstepsiste?” We talkon the phone every day. 5. “Whottime do you gethomefrom work?” —_@. She has three. 6. “When do youvisityour grandmathei?” On Sunday aftemoons. 7, “What do youand your husband do?” g. We're both teachers. a Looks at the responses. Complete the questions. 1. A: ——Whot does ____Nick 4 Ay manner ches eee Br He's a computer programmer. @: Lonly have two. 2A yor cousins 5. Ay school? -% B: We goat 8 Br They live in Hong Kong 6.At atwin brother or BLAS __your mother sister? you? B: My fend Allison has a twin sister: Her B: She visits me every ye May. nameis Emma. Write a paragraph about someone in your family, Use these questions for ideas. «Whois 12 What’s his ochec relationship toyou? + Ishe or she married or single? + Where does he or she live? + How many children (or brothers and sisters) = What does ie or she do? does he orshe have? + How often / When do you see him or he? 16 Complete the sentences. Use words from the box. Ww sare different both ike but 1. Robert and Peter wear dark suits to work. They wear the same______of clothes. 2. Megan eats salads for lunch. Frank eats cheeseburgers and french fries. “They like_______ foods. 3. Blizabeth and her sister are identical twins. They took exactly: 4. Mike likes classical music, —__ Dave listens to rock and hip-hop. 5. My stepsister and [like the same music. We____ download show tunes and movie soundtracks. 6. Joe and Ryan both eat at this restaurant a lot. They like the____kind of food. Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. ie ton Sa [mary] ida wai [lami] 1. Mary andida________wearglasses. 2. Mildisachef,______ Jamie isn’t. 3. Antonio speaks English, but Yoko_______. 4, Jimisajazzfan, but'Vhomas_—____ Mee Btonied Family 25 48 Look at the questions and answers. Write sentences comparing the two people. 19 26 — Jane Mack Da you tke rack concerts? yes no ; Do you have aa 4P3 player? yes yes 4, Jone likes rockeconcerts, but Mork doesa’t. 2. Jane and Mork both hove MP3 players. Chris Lola Do you like coffee? yes yes Do you eata big breakfast? yes no faa aeeeseete eae 4 —— : Mia Rose Do you have a tasge fornily? yes no Do you five near your parents? no yes 5. eee nese eee reese 6 sieaneecesaeeeS aoe ee Joon sam Are you a staslent? yes no Do you work? yes yes z s Choose four relatives. Write each person’s name, relationship to you, ond one.similarity oF difference. 4, Blames ‘Similarity f Difference: —___— Gedeone} 2. Name: Relationship: Relationship: ‘Sinilacty { Differences (Gate one) 3. Name: Relationshi ‘Similarity f Oitverence: $$ {Grsecae) 4, Name: Relationship: ——_____—. ‘Simarity / Difference: — $$$ (Cisleone) una ‘ 20 Read the family advice column. Dear Dr.Neaman, just got engaged to a wonderful man. My fiancé, «hm. is widowed. He has two children from his first mantiage. His sonis eight and his daughter is five. lam divorced. thave one chid—a three- yeacokl son—from my first marriage. Fm excited about my new family, but Fm a litle woried, too. | know that relationships between slepparenis and stepchildren can be difficult. What can {do to make sure my new blended family is happy together? Eleanor D. Mesa, Arizona Hi, Eleanor, First of all, congratutations on your engagement! ‘There is one thing you should know—you are not alone. Blended families—in which atleast one parent has a child from another relationship—are very common in the U.S. More than 65% of Americans belong to a blended family. In fact, there are 2,100 new blended families every day. ‘You are corroct starting a blended family can be difficult. Getting married is exciting for the parents. But children may feel unhappy about sharing their birth parent's love and attention. ‘They may worry about their new family members. Wilf they have a good relationship with their new stepfather or stepmother? What will their new stepbrothers and stepsisters be Now read the sentences. Check true or fatse. 1. fimand his exowife are divorced. 2. Eleanor and jim have a son. 3. Ina blended family, at least one parent has a child from another refationship. “4 ES toanew home ar school. 6. with her stepchildren. eK nielmecuslitssy About 2,100 people in the U.S. live in blended families. Children ina new blended family may feel worried about moving Heanor may need a tong time to develop a strong celationship ‘ke? Moving to a new home and school is also stressful. With more people living together, children may have Jess personal space. ‘The good news is that many blended families Jeam to love each ofher. The bad news? Creating ‘a happy family takes hard work and a lot of time. Here are three important tips for new stepparents: + Be realistic: Everything won't be perfect in ‘the beginning. Expect that there will he some problems, + Be patient: It may take years fora good relationship to develop. Give the children the time they need. + Don't expect tn0 much: Give stepchildreri your time, energy. and love, but don't expect anything in return for now. Good luck! Dr. Neaman Dr. Gabriofle Neaman, Ph.D. Family Counselor true fase | o a} gq aj a o | o a} a Oo | o a} “The Etinded Fasty a7 2 Look at the website on page 24 of the Student's Book: again. What advice toes "Afr. Dad” shar. offer wo worried parents of adutt children fiving ot home? Write Do or Don'ton the line 1. Worry. 2. Helpin any way you can. 3. Ask, “How long do you plan on staying?” ‘4, Treatyour adult children like Kids. GRAMMAR-BOOSTER 5. Tell thenyou understand. 6. Talkto ther as adults. 7. Discuss paying for expenses and helping with chores. A. Choose the correct response. Write the letter on the line, 4, “Doyou aad your brothers play soccer together?” 2. No, hedlorsn’t. ___ 2. "Does your stepbrother work in a restaurant?” b. Yes, wedo. All the time. _.__ 3. "Doyour grandparents like music?” c. No, ! don’t, ____. 4 “Does your aunt took like your mothe?” d. Yes, they do. Very much. ___. 5, “Do you five near here?" e. No, shedorsn’t. _— 6. “Dotneed atic?” 4. No, you don’t. B_ Complete the conversations. Write short answers to the questions. 4. Az Does he ltivein Sydney? Bb: Noy he doesn’ ___ He lives in Melbourne. 2, Az Doyourfiiends like Chinese food? “They go to Chinese restaurants all the time, 3, Az Do youtavea big family? B: _Thave eight brathers and sisters. 4, Az Ooes your husband workin an office? B He's a musician. 5, Az Dowe need to buy our tickets now? Br We can buy our tickets on the train. © Complete the conversations. Write yes / no. questions with the simple present tense 1. Az He doesnftlike concerts. 4. Az (don't like rock music, 28 B: Doeshelike art exhibits? B: jan? 2. As My sisterin-faw doesn't eat meat. 5. As Uhave two brothers and one sister fish? B: any nieces and My stepfather doesn’tdrink coffee. nephews? tea? uNTs owe B Laokartie responses. Write information questions with the simple present tense. 1, Az Hourmay people do you have in your of fice, B: inmy office? About twenty or twenty-five people. 2. As Br Max? He works in London. BA 2 They usually start work at 8:00. AAS B: My mother. She calls me every night. S.A B: The Perez family fives here. 6A Bz Mona? She only has one sister: Bas Bz Hesees his cousins every summer. z 2? E Read each statement. Underline the subject and circle the object. Write two questions with who, ) one about the subject and one about the object. 2 My son. Vy b, Wha does your sonvititonce a month 2 My parents. 2. My grandmather fives with my aunt. a ‘My grandmother. bh. 2 My aunt. A 3. Nathaniel toves Beethoven. ) » Nathaniel. ; be. 2 Beethoven. 4, Elliot works for Mr. Kirn. ee EE CE SEER Ee es EELS RE ) es beeaea eee ee PEPE EE Ee EEE SES ESSEC SoS ee Re How many people are =: there in the world? Youcansee 1 population clock on this website: . ~ Naess 30 A Look atthe sports websfte. Complete each sentence with ans! or but. Ofatipo ws. Duncan

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