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Literature in English

Achilles STD. 7

Ex. I. Answer the following with reference to context:

Reference 1.
‘I first saw him on a lonely road leading to one of the remote mountain villages.’
1. Where did the speaker first meet the Rose-Beetle Man?
Ans. The speaker first met the Rose-Beetle Man on a lonely road leading to one of the remote
mountain villages.
2. Explain the meaning of the phrase fairy-tale air.
Ans. The phrase ‘fairy-tale air’ means that there was something magical about the Rose-Beetle Man.
He seemed like an imaginary character from a storybook.
3. What did the speaker hear before he could see the Rose-Beetle Man?
Ans. Before the speaker could see the Rose-Beetle Man, he heard a rippling tune being played on a
shepherd’s pipe, breaking off now and then to sing a few words in a curious, nasal voice.
4. Describe how the Rose-Beetle Man was dressed?
Ans. The Rose-Beetle Man had a fox-like face with large eyes. His dress was fantastic. On his head
was a hat with a wide, floppy brim. His shirt was worn. Round his neck dangled a cravat of
startling blue satin. The pockets of his coat bulged, the contents almost spilling out. His patched
trousers drooped over a pair of leather shoes with upturned toes. He carried on his back-
bamboo cages full of pigeons and young chickens and several mysterious sacks. He held his
pipe in one hand, and in the other he held a number of lengths of cotton, with rose-beetles tied
to each one.
Reference 2.
‘Excited by owning this pet, I wanted to get back home quickly to show it to everyone, so I hurried off
along the road.’
1. What made the speaker excited?
Ans. The speaker was excited to own a new pet.
2. What was the Rose-Beetle Man doing in the same place?
Ans. The Rose-Beetle Man was warbling his flute.
3. Why were Roger and Achilles rivals?
Ans. Roger and Achilles were rivals because both loved grapes equally.
4. Why did Achilles find Roger irritating?
Ans. Achilles found Roger irritating because Roger would always vigorously lick the grape juice that
Achilles had dribbled on himself.

Reference 3.
‘But the fruit that Achilles liked best was wild strawberries.’
1. How did the speaker know that Achilles liked this fruit the best?
Ans. The speaker knew that Achilles liked strawberries because he would become hysterical at the
mere sight of them.
2. How did Achilles eat this fruit, both the small and big ones?
Ans. Achilles ate the small strawberries in a gulp, whereas he would grab the big ones, take them to a
quiet spot and eat them at leisure.
3. What would Roger do to Achilles after he was fed?
Ans. After Achilles was fed, Roger would vigorously lick the juice that Achilles had dribbled upon
Reference 4.
… the family wandered about the olive-groves, shouting, ‘Achilles … strawberries, Achilles …’ At
length, we found him.
1. How had Achilles escaped?
Ans. Achilles escaped through the garden gate that was left open.
2. Explain why the family shouted ‘strawberries’ during their search.
Ans. The family members shouted ‘strawberries’ as they searched for Achilles because Achilles
loved strawberries and the family members thought that it could get him out of his hiding.
3. Where did the family finally find Achilles? What had happened to him?
Ans. The family finally found Achilles in a well. He was dead, and he could not be revived.

Ex. II. Answer the following questions:

1. How did the speaker react when he realised that the Rose-Beetle Man could not speak? What
does this tell you about the narrator?
Ans. When the narrator realised that the Rose-Beetle Man could not speak, he started communicating
with him through gestures. This shows the speaker was very perceptive, sensitive and
2. How did Roger feel at Achilles’ funeral? Support your answer with examples from the story.
Ans. Roger kept on wagging his tail throughout the funeral service that was held for Achilles, despite
the speaker’s protests. It could mean that he was missing Achilles or was happy that his rival
was dead.
3. How do we know that the Rose-Beetle Man cared well for his pets?
Ans. We know that the Rose-Beetle Man cared well for his pets as he had polished the shells of the
tortoises and decorated their front legs with little bows.
4. What made the speaker select one particular tortoise from among the rest?
Ans. The speaker selected one particular tortoise for it had a shell that was the size of a tea-cup and
seemed sprightlier that the others. Its eyes were bright and it seemed alert.
5. Do you think the speaker was an animal lover? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans. Yes, the speaker was certainly an animal lover. It is indicated by his fascination with the Rose-
Beetle Man and his tortoises. He had a dog at home and also got a tortoise. Later, when
Achilles died, he bought a pigeon from the Rose-Beetle Man. The speaker’s love for animals is
evident in his fond narration of animal behaviour.


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