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The Effect of Using Animation Media on Students' Physics Learning

Outcomes in Linear Motion Material

This research is quasi-experimental research (Quasi Experiment) located at Pinrang. This
research was carried out in the odd semester of 2022/2023 with the aim of: 1) knowing
the comparison of learning outcomes of students taught conventionally and those taught
with animation media at Pinrang; and 2) determine the effect of using animation media on
the learning outcomes at Pinrang. The experimental research design used in this research
is in the form of a nonequivalent control group design with a test as the research
instrument which is carried out at the beginning (pretest) and end (posttest) of the
research. The population in this study were all class X students at MAN Pinrang,
consisting of 10 classes with each class (study group) consisting of 38 students.
Meanwhile, the sample in this study will be taken using the cluster random sampling
method. The results obtained are: 1) the average learning outcome score for students
taught using conventional methods is 7.2, while the learning outcome score for students
taught using animation media is 10.24. Thus, there is a difference between the learning
outcomes of students taught using conventional methods and those taught using
animation media; and 2) The Mann-Whitney test results show that the Asymp. Sig. (2-
tailed) is 0.000. Compared with the significance level, 0.000 < 0.05, which means that H 0
is rejected. So the conclusion is that there is a significant influence of the use of
animation media on physics learning outcomes in Pinrang. The research becomes a
reference for physics teachers in Pinrang to use animation media in the learning process.

Keywords: Animation, Learning Outcomes, Media, Physics

Received :
Accepted :
Published :
© 2023 Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika


and between humans and humans, so

that physics becomes the backbone for
the development of science and
technology (Abdullah et al., 2011;
Lehesvuori et al., 2023; Nurhayati,
Physics is a subject that studies nature
2014). However, students often
and its interactions, such as interactions
experience difficulties in learning
between humans and the environment
physics, even though physics learning
/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

should use an active, user-centered al., 2020; Ambe et al., 2024; John &
learning process to encourage the Bates, 2024; Sudarma, 2016). With
division of responsibility for learning advances in computer technology used
(Fandos-Herrera et al., 2023; Nasir, in the world of education to support the
2011). Low student learning outcomes learning process and improve the quality
in physics subjects are influenced by of learning, it certainly makes it easier
several factors, including 1) physics is for teachers to prepare learning media,
still considered a difficult and boring especially animation media. Animation
subject, 2) learning media is less varied is often used in the teaching and
so it seems monotonous, 3) the use of learning process to represent dynamic
outdated learning methods and models processes (Schneider et al., 2023; Suri et
(lectures), 4) minimal interaction al., 2022; Sukiyasa et al., 2013). The
between teacher and teacher and student advantage of animation in learning is
and student, making students passive in that it can help explain physics concepts
receiving learning (Fakhri et al., 2018; that are still abstract and difficult to
Said et al., 2023). Therefore, teachers imagine, encourage constructive
must have the ability to recognize and learning and make education more
explore initial knowledge and be able to meaningful and easier than conventional
search for and use alternative or other identification keys (paper-printed)
learning sources to change the teaching (Cotič et al., 2020; Jaafar et al., 2013;
and learning process which was Sani et al., 2020). The interaction
originally abstract and difficult to between teaching strategies such as the
understand into material that is use of digital media and emotional
interesting and easy to understand ; intelligence has an impact on
(Anggraeni & Kustijono, 2013; Johari & understanding physics concepts as a
Muslim, 2018). These learning tools and representation of learning outcomes
resources are called learning media. (Degner et al., 2022; Sakti, 2013;
Sutiani & Silitonga, 2017)

Learning media is a physical means for

conveying learning content/material Based on the results of observations, it is
such as: books, films, symbols, images, known that in Pinrang studying physics
audio, video and animation and so on seemed boring and scary so that students
which should be developed by were lazy about studying, which resulted
academics and practitioners with the aim in low students' physics learning
of increasing understanding or outcomes. In previous research, Indra
memorization. The educational process Sakti found that there was an influence
is more successful when technology- of animation media in the Direct
assisted media is used (Abdulrahaman et Instruction Model on students' interest in

/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

studying physics at Bengkulu City State outcomes of students taught

High School. Kadek Sukiyasa and conventionally and those taught with
Sukoco in 2013 with the results that animation media at Pinrang; and 2)
there was a significant influence from determine the effect of using animation
the use of animation media on learning media on the learning outcomes at
outcomes and motivation to learn Pinrang.
automotive electrical system material in
class high level of learning outcomes
and student motivation taught using
PowerPoint media. Similarly, Imam
Permana et al. concluded that there are
differences in physics concept
understanding of students who are METHOD
taught using animation media with
students who are not taught using
animation media in class X SMAN 3 This research is a quasi-experimental
Pinrang (Permana & Kadir, 2018) . research (White & Sabarwal, 2014)
involving two groups, namely the
experimental group and the control
group. In the experimental group,
students were given learning using
animation media. The control group
continued studying as usual or without
This research is different from previous
using animation media. At the end of the
research because it combines
study, both the experimental group and
experimental methods with qualitative
the control group were measured with
analysis, such as interviews or
the same measuring instrument.
observations, to gain a more holistic
understanding. Most teachers in Pinrang
do not use moving media such as
animation and video in the teaching and
learning process. Therefore, this
research is important to introduce
Pinrang teachers and students that The experimental research design used
animation media is a learning tool that is in this research was a nonequivalent
able to break down abstract physics control group design as shown in table
concepts to become more real. It is 1.
hoped that the results of this research
will become a reference for teachers to
use animation as a medium to attract
students' attention and improve learning Table 1 Research design
outcomes. The aim of this research is: 1)
knowing the comparison of learning
O1 X O2
O3 - O4

/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

(Sugiyono, 2017) The instruments used in this research are

test (pretest and posttest) and interview
instruments. The data analysis technique
begins with testing the instrument using
validity and reliability tests. Valid and
reliable instruments were used in the
research. The test results obtained are
O1 : Experimental class pretest tested for prerequisites, namely the
O2 : Experimental class posttest normality test and homogeneity test.
O3 : Control class pretest Next, a hypothesis test is carried out.
O4 : Control class posttest
X :The treatment in the
experimental class is learning
using animation media


- : Conventional learning model

1. Animation Media Used

This research will be carried out at

Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Pinrang, South
Sulawesi. The research implementation The animation media used is short
time is planned for the odd semester of videos which can be accessed via
the 2022/2023 academic year. The the YouTube application. Some of
population in this study were all class X these videos are as shown in the
students at MAN Pinrang, consisting of following images. Figure 1 and 2 are
10 classes with each class (study group) examples of an animation of
consisting of 38 students. Meanwhile, uniform linear motion and Figure 3
the sample in this study will be taken is an example of an animation of
using the cluster random sampling non-uniform linear motion.
method by viewing the population as
groups (Sugiyono, 2017).

/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

Figure 1 uniform linear motion Figure 3 non-uniform linear motion


Source: v=WlQBSm7eLyY

2. Instrument Testing

Figure 2 uniform linear motion

The 25 prepared questions were

validated using Pearson Correlation
item validation with the help of the
SPSS 21 application.

From the results of data analysis, 14

valid questions were obtained, then
their reliability was tested with the
help of SPSS 21 and the results
obtained were as shown in table 2

Table 2 Instrument Reliability Test


Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's N of Items

/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

.893 25

The critical value for the instrument

reliability index is 0.7. This means
that an instrument is said to be
reliable if it has an Alpha coefficient
value of at least 0.7. Based on table
2 above, it can be seen that the
Cronbach's alpha value is 0.893.
Figure 4 Histogram of Comparison
Thus, it can be said that the
of Physics Learning Outcomes
instrument is reliable and can be
used in research.

Data on student learning outcomes

from pre-test and post-test, both
control class and experimental class,
were tested for normality using the
3. Test prerequisites Chi square test. The basis for
decision making is if the Chi Square
(χ²) count < Chi Square (χ²) table,
then the data is normally distributed
(Sugiyono, 2017). After testing the
data, data was obtained where the
The average student physics calculated χ² was 20.274 while the
learning outcomes before and after table χ² was 5.991. This means that
the experiment can be seen in the χ²count > χ² table, thus the pretest
figure 4 histogram below. data for the control class is not
normally distributed.

Because one of the prerequisites is

not met, it means that the parametric
hypothesis testing requirements are
not met. Thus, homogeneity tests no
longer need to be carried out
(Sugiyono, 2017; White &

/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

Sabarwal, 2014). Therefore, data 4. Hypothesis test

analysis continued with hypothesis
testing using non-parametric

The hypothesis test used in this

research is a non-parametric
hypothesis test using the Mann-
Whitney Statistical Test assisted by
SPSS 21. The results obtained are as
shown in table 3 below.

Table 3 Mann-Whitney Statistical Test Results

Class N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks
Control Class 30 20.15 604.50
Physics Learning
Experiment Class 25 37.42 935.50
Total 55
Test Statisticsa
Mann-Whitney U 139.500
Wilcoxon W 604.500
Z -4.004
Asymp. Sig. (2- .000
a. Grouping Variable: Class

/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

Basis for decision making: If

probability > significance level (α =
0.05), then H0 is accepted or fails to
reject H0 (Sugiyono, 2017; White &
Before being used in conducting
Sabarwal, 2014). Conversely, if the
research, this instrument was first tested
probability < significance level (α =
on respondents outside the population
0.05), then H0 is rejected. The
whose cognitive abilities were not much
hypotheses for this research as are:
different from the population. Based on
the test results, of the 25 questions
provided, it turned out that only 14
questions were declared valid, while the
other were invalids so were discarded.
The invalidity of this question is because
H0: There is no significant
almost all respondents answered the
influence of the use of
same, both right and wrong.
animation media on physics
learning outcomes at Pinrang.

H1: There is a significant influence

of the use of animation media on
physics learning outcomes in Then pre-test in two classes, namely the
Pinrang. control class and the experimental class.
The control class is the class that
continues to learn using conventional
methods or learns as usual, while the
experimental class is the class that is
given treatment, namely the class that is
Based on the Mann-Whitney test taught using animation media. The pre-
results in table 4.8, it can be seen test was carried out before the two
that the Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) is classes were taught by the researcher. A
0.000. Compared with the pre-test was carried out to ensure that
significance level, 0.000 < 0.05, the cognitive abilities of the two classes
which means that H0 is rejected. So were equivalent. In this way, the
the conclusion is that there is a learning outcomes of students in the
significant influence of the use of control class and experimental class can
animation media on physics learning be compared. Based on the pre-test
outcomes in Pinrang. results, the average learning outcome
score for students in the control class
was 6.57 while in the experimental class
it was 6.88. This means that the
cognitive abilities of control class

/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

students are equivalent to the cognitive distributions using the Chi Square test
abilities of experimental class students. with the help of Microsoft Excel, it was
concluded that none of the data
distributions were normally distributed.
Thus, the prerequisites for conducting
The same instrument is then used again
hypothesis testing using the t-test are not
to collect data on student learning
met. This abnormal data distribution is
outcomes after receiving treatment,
something that usually occurs with data
which is then called post-test data.
less than 50 (Sugiyono, 2017). So the
Based on the test results, the average
next prerequisite no longer needs to be
score of students in the control class was
fulfilled. Steps that can be taken to
7.2, while in the experimental class it
obtain normally distributed data
was 10.24. From these data, it can be
distribution are by adding the number of
seen that there are quite large
respondents. However, this option is not
differences between the two classes.
possible considering the maximum
This data means that it can be said to be
number of students in the class is 35
in accordance with the researchers'
people. The next possible step to make
expectations that students who were
the data normally distributed is to
taught using animation media obtained
transform the data to logarithms. This
higher scores compared to students who
step also does not produce good results,
were taught conventionally. Maya found
so the best option is to test the
a similar thing that student learning
hypothesis using non-parametric
outcomes in science learning by using
statistical tests
animation media in class IV SD Telkom

The non-parametric statistical test used

Makassar has increased. Likewise with
was the Mann-Whitney test with the
Rina who found that the use of animated
help of SPSS 21. From the results of
media is related to understanding the
data processing, a very good conclusion
material can also be seen from the
was obtained, namely, there was a
learning outcomes (Ramadhan et al.,
significant influence of animation media
2023; Qurbaniah et al., 2023).
on students' physics learning outcomes
in Pinrang. Based on the results of
interviews with several students, it is
To find out the effect of animation known that animation media becomes a
media on student learning outcomes, the more interesting experience, thereby
t-test hypothesis test was used. The increasing students' enthusiasm for
condition for carrying out a t-test is that learning. Apart from that, animation
the data distribution must be normally media helps students easily remember
distributed and homogeneous. So the the physics concepts taught so that it is
next step is the normality test. There are easy to answer questions on the post
four groups of data distribution. Based test. A progressive drawing, as well as a
on the test results on the four data narrative context within whiteboard

/Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Fisika 3 (1) 2023 halaman

animation, fostered learning relevant

variables as well as learning outcomes
(Permana & Kadir, 2018; Schneider et
al., 2023; Sukiyasa et al., 2013).
Therefore, it is highly recommended for
teachers and schools to use animation
media in suitable learning materials so
The results obtained are in accordance that students' physics learning outcomes
with the results of previous research. continue to improve.
Where animation media has a positive
influence on student learning outcomes.
This animation media is suitable for use
on rectilinear motion materials,
electrical and automotive materials, as
well as fluid materials.

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