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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs



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Former Member
November 27, 2014 | 5 minute read

OM – PA Integration Concepts
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In this document, I shall explain about the integration switches and how does they
 Like work in SAP.

In the SAP system the integration is controlled using switches. All the integration
 RSS Feed switches are stored in table T77S0. PA – OM integration is de�ned by PLOGI –
ORGA in this table.

If the value of PLOGI-ORGA is set to X that means integration is switched ON

between PA and OM module. There are other switches as well for PLOGI group,
but for time being we will only focus on this one.

E x a m p l e : O r ga n i z a t i o n M a n a g e m e n t

We shall further now see how the data is stored in Organization Management in
SAP HCM. For this we are considering only the below objects:

1. Organization Unit – Object Type – O

2. Position – Object Type – S

3. Job – Object Type – C

TCode used is PPOM_OLD.

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

Each object has a unique object ID, start date, end date, short text and

All this data is stored in HRP1000 table – here we shall take the example of
Organization Unit – 50001514 – Maintenance

All Organizational Unit, Position and Job objects created in Organizational

Management are also stored in Personnel Administration in tables T527X, T528B

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

and T513S respectively.

Table T527X:

Table T528B:

Table T513S:

Thus, this forms the PA part of OM. In OM the Org Unit and Position was created.
Due to the integration switches maintained in table T77S0, this gets populated
even in PA tables.

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

In OM Relationship plays a very crucial role. It de�nes how an object is related to

other object. The basic relationships used in this case are as below:

Org Unit Belongs To (A003) Org Unit

Position Reports To (A002) Position

Job Describes (A007) Position

In the SAP system, there are two types to relationships i.e. Top Down (A***) and
Bottom Up (B***).

User created only one of the two relationships, and the system created the other
relationship (reverse relationship) automatically. So each of the above examples,
we will have the following as well.

Org Unit Incorporate (B003) Org Unit

Position Is Line Supervisor Of (B002) Position

Position Is Described By (B007) Job

The following screen shows how the relationship data is stored in HRP1001 table.

In the above screen Org Unit 50001514 Reports to (A002) Org Unit 50000076.

Org Unit 50001514 Incorporates (B003) positions 50001552, 50001567,

50001581, 50001594, 50001600, 50001832

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

Position 50001594 Reports to (A002) Position 50000436.

Position 50001594 Belongs to (A003) Org Unit 50001514.

Position 50001594 Is Described by (B007) Job 50000584.

Now let us see reverse relationship for each of the above is stored in the system.

In the below screen we see Org Unit 50000076 is Line Supervisor of (B002) Org
Unit 50001514:

In the below screen we see that positions 50001552, 50001567, 50001581,

50001594, 50001600, 50001832 Belong to (A003) Org Unit 50001514:

In the below screen we see Position 50000436 is Line Supervisor of (B002)

Position 50001594

In the below screen we see that Job 50000584 is described by (B007) Position

I n t e g r a t i o n w i t h Pe r s o n n e l A d m i n i s t r a t i o n :

Now let us hire one employee in PA using Position 50001594:

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

When performing hiring action in the system, we select/enter position ID on

infotype 0000-Action screen. See the screen above. Once Infotype 0000 screen
is saved, we get Infotype 0001-Organizational Assignment screen:

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

We can see that as Position was maintained properly, and Relationships assigned
to each object type, the same was not required to enter manually, and system did
that automatically. This is exactly what PA-OM Integration does.

So how does PA – OM Integration Works?

Based on position selected in IT0000 screen the system �nds out which Org Unit
does the position belongs to and what is the job that describes the position. Both
these values are then captured in IT0001 screen as shown above.

Infotype 0001 data is stored in table PA0001 as shown below:

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

Here we can see Organization Unit (ORGEH), Position (PLANS) and Job (STELL)
being captured for employee number 101.

Employee Number 101 is also visible in PPOM_OLD as shown below:

Position to Person and Person to Position relationships are created in HRP1001.

In the following screen we see Person 101 is Holder (A008) of position 50001594

SAP system uses position 99999999 as default integration position. In cases

where user does not know the position on which employee needs to be hired, we
use default integration position 9999999.

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

This is maintained as PLOGI PRELI in integration table T77S0:

If the Integration switch PLOGI ORGA is set to X that means Integration between
OM and PA is active.

If the integration switch PLOGI PRELI is set to 99999999 that means that in case
user do not know the position number of any employee, in that case 99999999
can be used. This number autmatically gets populated during the time of
Separation also.

Let us now separate employee number 101 and see how the above scenario

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs


The below pop up appears:

Click on yes, and check for IT0001 in next screen:

In the above screen we can see that position has become default, but Org Unit
and Job still exists.
Alert Moderator
This is possible due to the integration switches maintained above.

Assigned Tags S t a n d a rd S A P Re p o r t s f o r PA- O M I n t e g r a t i o n

Following standard SAP reports are available for PA-OM integration.

HCM (Human Capital Management)

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OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

RHINTECHECK – This check report checks objects involved in integration for

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Former Member
November 27, 2014 at 11:28 am

Nice document.. keep it up...

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11 of 14 30-03-2023, 22:10
OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

Former Member | Blog Post Author

November 27, 2014 at 11:30 am

Thanks Veeram.



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Former Member
November 27, 2014 at 11:37 am

HI bhagysahree,

It is wonderful documents for those are new in SAP like me , I hope your are going to share
more relevant documents , which is very useful for fresher

Do you have any T i m e a n d p a y ro l l i n t e g r a t i o n documents or any steps , please share . i

do not have any how to do it , I need to integrate.



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Former Member | Blog Post Author

November 27, 2014 at 11:45 am

Thanks for your kind words. Do rate the document as per your liking. I will try to
make the required document and post it.



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Former Member
November 30, 2014 at 12:59 am

very nicely documented!

12 of 14 30-03-2023, 22:10
OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs



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Former Member
February 6, 2015 at 7:39 am

gud document come up with more docs

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Christopher Solomon
February 6, 2015 at 1:05 pm

Very nice explanation. Simple and to the point. Keep blogging!

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Former Member | Blog Post Author

February 9, 2015 at 9:13 am

Thanks Christopher



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Former Member
January 18, 2018 at 9:23 am

Hello All,

In My project I usually get this .. like T52b entry missing , 527X entry missing . And every time I have to run
RHINTE10 report.

13 of 14 30-03-2023, 22:10
OM – PA Integration Concepts | SAP Blogs

Is there any Permanent solution to it . I checked Plogi Orga switch is also active.

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