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DBMS > E-R model F Relowiora| Teel . + Coes Deverctorey CFD) , Normalization 7 SQL > Reationg Algeora , Relational Gleoilers, ? Wansaction Wanagement , Concuaneny, Grr} ? Ale organization , Thatey ee ee Hi- Absract in natuae, C Row fact) Ploamatier = — Data with added cay, Record :- Collecyion of logicate, elated arg, ext- < 601 Ry 530 > sinoilan, Database 4- Collection of ,Teroret (or) Collections ef lege, velates! daig. Woaragemant s Thaosgr Set of reopens PBMS :~ Collections _ of logeaity Hate chia and set of Ppoqans to acces Those data. Appiicostons =~ epomking ~ Telecommunications ~ Regenvation Sepsterns - Sales + Scienific applications Gaal of DBMS *- Eftectve Storage ont setsieval of Pala Lon Dems. Ds Database Pems R = “Wee Hrencrichital DB. DBMS. \ en Graph Nexon DB NOMS, abe. Relattenal DB ROBMS Odes ObjeciorienterDG — OODEMS Ree Object selattoral pg = ORDBMS, C ‘ oncepiual Tatabase, Design using G Eling Retain ship Cer). 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D Vescviptive atieibute :- — cohich qes information about the aretattonship seb oe Coke Person Key atintou ¢- pore eniqully Hentliey an ontty to the entity” See “el Dew of _“otionship set t- Specifies the no: of crane sets panttepates in svelastonship set. Sie wo entitles of tha Soma nity Set ) ) Unane : Relationship among Ore entity § —C Recunsug relationship Ser) » Binary Qeloiton ship Set t- The elotlenship among too anity sets. (ee <> a] So os FY 4) neany t= A Relotionship non, 7~ entiny sets 6 ) ] Key Consaaint :- An entity % acumgy oF a Key to nomen enti a? selottonship set Tey denoted tn E-R mogel ting 0 Avvo * "Bath cegentmant iy manage’ by armost ona employee * = ts [Ee] or eh Se - - B] Ravicigation Gnsinaint +- tf even eniiiyy Io THe HTYSCH PonkCipats tog eelakonship set is Gilles Aotol fonttipstien clenotect by deubie lie C ‘thick ling), Stremotse, TE Gallet Ponta parttetpatton. 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