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April 23rd, 2021.


Dear Caroline,


This is to formally inform you of your Role change in Creditclan. After evaluating your
performance on your current role, the Management has decided to appoint you as Operations /
Human Resources Manager, effective from 1st April 2021.
You will be expected to carryout the following responsibilities aside others that may be
assigned overtime:
- Oversee / conduct HR duties such as recruitment, payroll processing, maintain and
update employees’ records, amongst others.
- Analyze and improve organizational processes.
- Work to improve quality, productivity, and efficiency.
- Promote a company culture that encourages morale and performance.
- Work with senior stakeholders.
- Ensure all legal and regulatory documents are filed and monitor compliance with laws
and regulations.
- Maintain relationship with partners/vendors/suppliers.
- Monitor the work of employees and provide feedback to improve efficiency and
- Oversee the day-to-day operations.
- Oversee the Agents team to ensure full execution of deliverables.
- Oversee the Customer Experience team to ensure proper customer service standards
are maintained.
You are required to report directly to the CE on every activity conducted on behalf of the
Cash Compensation:
Your net monthly remuneration for the position is NGN 200,000 payable in arrears.
Given certain milestones that have to be met in Q2 and Q3 of 2021 are met, you will receive
another salary upward review.

Thank you for all your hard work. Creditclan appreciates your efforts and achievements so far.

Keep it up!

Femi Bejide
For: Creditclan Tech Ltd

Kindly acknowledge receipt of this confirmation and send back same.

___Caroline Oderonke________________________________________________
Employee (Name & Sign)


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