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Naked Forex

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The Wiley Trading series features books by traders who have survived
the market’s ever changing temperament and have prospered—some by
reinventing systems, others by getting back to basics. Whether a novice
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Naked Forex
High-Probability Techniques for
Trading without Indicators



John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

January 11, 2012

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Copyright C 2012 by Alex Nekritin and Walter Peters. All rights reserved.

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Nekritin, Alex, 1980-

Naked Forex : high-probability techniques for trading without indicators / Alex Nekritin,
Walter Peters.
p. cm. – (Wiley trading ; 534)
Includes index.
ISBN 978-1-118-11401-8 (cloth); ISBN 978-1-118-22435-9 (ebk);
ISBN 978-1-118-26244-3 (ebk); ISBN 978-1-118-23749-6 (ebk)
1. Foreign exchange market. 2. Foreign exchange futures. 3. Speculation.
I. Peters, Walter, 1973- II. Title.
HG3821.N45 2012
332.4 5–dc23

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For all gun traders as well as those rude and

cute possums of the world.
January 11, 2012

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Foreword ix

Preface xi

Acknowledgments xiii

PART ONE Naked Forex Trading Revealed

CHAPTER 1 The Fundamentals of Forex Trading 3

CHAPTER 2 Avoiding a Trading Tragedy 9

CHAPTER 3 Back-Testing Your System 25

CHAPTER 4 Identifying Support and Resistance

Zones 39

PART TWO Naked-Trading Methodology

CHAPTER 5 The Last Kiss 73

CHAPTER 6 The Big Shadow 95

CHAPTER 7 Wammies and Moolahs 111

CHAPTER 8 Kangaroo Tails 131

CHAPTER 9 The Big Belt 151

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CHAPTER 10 The Trendy Kangaroo 163

CHAPTER 11 Exiting the Trade 177

PART THREE Trading Psychology

CHAPTER 12 The Forex Cycle 203

CHAPTER 13 Creating Your Trading System 209

CHAPTER 14 Becoming an Expert 229

CHAPTER 15 Gaining Confidence 239

CHAPTER 16 Managing Risk 249

About the Trading Software and Video Tutorial 261

About the Authors 263

Index 265
JWBT642-Foreword JWBT642-Nekritin January 7, 2012 11:24 Printer: Courier Westford

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he Internet engendered the online trading phenomenon. One can

T trade anywhere there is a connection to the World Wide Web. The re-
sult has also been the creation of instant experts, trading gurus who
offer modern versions of snake-oil cures for traders. The web is flooded
with trading alerts, systems, and blogs that promise returns that will lead
to instant wealth. Most of the books in the field fail to provide actionable
knowledge. In this environment, Alex Nekritin and Walter Peters in Naked
Forex: High-Probability Techniques for Trading without Indicators pro-
vide an honest and effective presentation about forex trading that certainly
beginners need, and that more experienced traders forget they need.
Naked Forex makes some powerful points about trading forex that re-
ally apply to other markets as well. First and foremost, price is the most im-
portant indicator of all. All indicators are derived from price. Many traders
have forgotten this fact because computerization has made it easy to gener-
ate new indicators. Indicators work more like training wheels for learning
to ride a bicycle. They are temporary in their capacity to help traders build
their skills. They actually limit the evolution of a trader’s performance be-
cause they provide a disincentive to “listen” to the market. Naked Forex
goes into detail on how a trading signal that is indicator-based is inferior to
what Nekritin and Peters call a “naked” signal.
Another key insight that the book provides is the importance of know-
ing one’s personality in trading. Trading systems that are based on untested
algorithms that are purely technical will surely fail. Nekritin and Peters ar-
gue that trading systems should reflect decisions that traders would make
that are based on looking at charts. Manual backtesting, they suggest, is an
effective way to identify a trading system’s strengths and weaknesses.
A third major focus of Naked Forex is the concept of identifying sup-
port and resistance zones. The fact is that with the trillions of dollars that
float each hour through the currency markets, prices reach certain levels
and stop. One can try to figure out why they stop rising or stop falling. But
the job of the trader is to observe accurately where the price is and where it
came from. Price zones provide the naked truth about market sentiment. If

JWBT642-Foreword JWBT642-Nekritin January 7, 2012 11:24 Printer: Courier Westford

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a price breaks through a zone, no matter what the reason, it is a signal—and

a more powerful signal than any indicator. Nekritin and Peters call these
points of price action market scars. It is a good metaphor because markets
have memory and so do traders. The authors introduce the “last-kiss trade”
as a powerful tool in identifying when breakouts have occurred. The book
is filled with gems that provide visualizations of price action, such as the
big shadow, kangaroo tails, and the big belt.
As someone who has been training people on how to trade forex for
nearly 13 years, I welcome this book as one that stands out as a basic man-
ual on how to evaluate and trade the increasingly chaotic forex markets. I
will use it for my students.

Abe Cofnas
author of Trading Binary Options (Bloomberg) and
editor of The Fear and Greed Trader Newsletter,
Agora Financial, Inc.
JWBT642-bprefae JWBT642-Nekritin January 11, 2012 21:12 Printer: Courier Westford

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nfortunately, most forex traders lose out. Profitable trading is re-

U served for the select few. Expectations drive reality for many things
in life, and successful trading is no different. Most forex traders have
three preconceptions about successful trading. These are the three myths
of successful trading, and the structure of this book is based on each of
these myths.
Myth 1: Successful trading must be indicator based. The first part of
this book dispels this myth. There are many ways to profit in forex, some
of them do involve indicators, but indicators are not necessary for suc-
cessful trading. There are professional traders around the globe, many of
them good friends of mine, who use “naked” charts to make trading deci-
sions. In some ways, indicators delay the progression of the trader because
the focus is on the indicator, rather than price action. Indicators become
the scapegoat for losing streaks and often keep losing traders in a hold-
ing pattern. It is much easier for the novice trader to begin trading without
indicators from the beginning.
Myth 2: Successful trading must be complex. The second part of this
book is about naked trading systems. These systems are incredibly sim-
ple. Do not confuse simplicity with ineptitude. Although these systems are
simple when applied correctly, they may also yield big profits and build
confidence in your trading. You may view this as the meat of the book, the
most important section, but I disagree. I think the third section is the most
critical to your trading success.
Myth 3: Successful trading is dependent on the trading system. This is
probably the most widely held belief among traders. This is precisely why
there are thousands of trading systems on the market, all promising great
riches to the brave traders who pony up the money for the next Holy Grail.
Many veteran traders understand the importance of trading psychology.
Personal beliefs and attitudes toward risk are the greatest predictors of
trading success, and the trading system is not nearly as important as many
traders assume. For most traders, after years of trading, this fact becomes
apparent. The third section of the book concerns trading psychology and

JWBT642-bprefae JWBT642-Nekritin January 11, 2012 21:12 Printer: Courier Westford

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how you may both identify and change your thinking, because this is the
real driving factor in your trading success.
Many readers will continue to hold onto these myths. In fact, some
readers (those who believe trading success depends on the trading system)
will simply read the second section and begin trading the naked trading
systems. This is unfortunate. The first section is critical because it offers
reasons for price action trading (a new belief system) and a course of ac-
tion for becoming an expert at naked trading (new trading habits). The
third section is where breakeven and slightly profitable traders will learn
to move into the realm of the true professional trader. All sections of the
book are important, and it is my hope that by reading it you will find simple
methods for extracting profits from the market.
You can trade successfully without indicators. For many traders,
naked trading is both refreshing and easy to apply. You can trade success-
fully with simple trading systems. Simple systems are robust and powerful.
However, ultimately, your success as a trader will depend, not on the trad-
ing system, but on how you incorporate your beliefs and attitudes about
risk into your trading routine. I hope this book will aid you in your journey
to trading success.
I also hope that you keep in touch by stopping by the compan-
ion web site for this book, complete with live market trades, additional
tools, and new naked trading systems. You will find this on the Web at

Walter Peters, PhD

Sydney, Australia
October 2011
JWBT642-back JWBT642-Nekritin January 7, 2012 11:28 Printer: Courier Westford

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here are many people who deserve acknowledgment for this book.

T The list includes but is not limited to the following: Meg Freeborn for
patience and unique ability to turn rough stones into polished gems
(I know because I have seen her do it). Eddie Kwong deserves credit for
putting this book idea in front of the right people. Sean Lydiard is living
proof that six degrees of separation is fact. Arshia Bolour, who is a true
brother in every sense of the word. Abe Cofnas, for his patience and kind-
ness in helping me with the conversion from trader to trading author. Evan
Burton for believing in the book idea and making it happen. Colin Jessup
for his unique perspective on naked trading. My brother Ashkan Bolour,
who introduced me to the world of forex so many years ago. My parents
for unconditionally supporting me in every endeavor. My dissertation com-
mittee (and Dr. David Estes in particular) who taught me years ago how to
write so that others could understand me. My sister for always being there
for me. And to the first-line editor Melissa McConaghy—without your help,
I am certain this book would not have happened.



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