Cindelaras 2

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Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl.

He lived with his father because his mother had died.

Several years later, his father decided to remarry a widow who had two daughters. [enters beautiful
scene and Glenn gets married]

Are you ready to cherish and love each other?

Indah and glenn : Yes, we are ready

[pemasangan cincin dan penebaran bunga]

One day, Cinderella's father went to another country. He was forced to leave Cinderella, his
stepmother, and his stepsisters. However, when Cinderella's father was away, her stepmother and
stepsisters treated Cinderella very badly

Glen : I'll go first. Take care of yourself, my daughter

Anjelly : yes father

After her father left, Cinderella was made a servant by her stepfamily

[saat Cinderella sedang menyapu kedua saudara tirinya sedang duduk dan memakan buah]

Ofir: wow this fruit is really delicious

Karina : yes I really like it HAHAHAHAH ( sambil melempar kulit buah )

Indah : hey Cinderella, what are you doing? Look at this floor, it's so dirty

Can't you just give it a good clean once? ( indah menarik anjjely dan menyiksa)

Anjelly: why do you treat me so badly? I am your family

Karina: what? Family? Hello, an ugly girl like you doesn't deserve to be in our family

Ofir: look at her, she smells so bad, you dirty woman, go away

One day, the king announced to the people that he would find a wife for the prince

nirel : O all the people, the king will find a wife for the prince. Get ready and attend the party at the
palace tonight.

Indah : hi my children, get ready for the party tonight. I want one of you to be the prince's wife.

Karina and ofir: OMG I will be the wife of a handsome prince

Ofir: only I can be the prince's wife, I will be rich ahahaha…Cinderella help me to choose clothes

Karina : no. she will help me, come here Cinderella

(memperebutkan cinderella, lalu ofir kesal dan mendorong cinderella. Lalu ofir dan karina pergi)

Anjelly : Mom, can I come?

Indah : no, you are very ugly, look at yourself you are not worthy. You can only help my daughter Get

[anjelly nangis)

Anjelly: why does this feel unfair

Fairy Godmother: woohoo

Don't cry my child, I will help you to the party

Anjelly: who are you? And my dress is torn, I can't go there

Fairy godmother: I am the fairy godmother, don't worry my child

Stand up nicely (sambil mulai menyihir) adakadabraaaAAAAHH

Anjjelly: wow this is very Magical

Fairy godmother: be patient, final touch (menyihir andreas dan shentia jd kendaraan)

Go to party my daughter but remember to go home before twelve o'clock at night

Anjelly: thank you fairy godmother, byeee

Cinderella was able to attend the party happily thanks to the help of her fairy godmother

In a kingdom, all the princesses were dancing but the prince was just silent as if he didn't seem
interested in the party

while everyone was talking suddenly Cinderella entered and everyone was immediately stunned

Adiel : who is that beautiful girl? ( menghampiri anjely)

Adiel : O princess, will you dance with me?

Anjelly: of course

It didn't feel like the clock was already twelve o'clock. Cinderella panicked and immediately left the

[Anjelly immediately runs until she leaves her shoes behind]

Adiel : hey princess, don't go ( adiel menemukan dan mengambil sepatu anjely)

The next day, the king held a competition to find the true owner of the shoes. So, residents lined up
to try the shoes

nirel: please line up princess

Uli: these shoes definitely fit my feet ( mencoba memakainya)

Firda : hey get out of the way, those shoes are mine. (memasukkan tisu ke dalam sepatu) look it fits

nirel: What is this, Miss (sambil mengeluarkan tissue), please leave.

Wahyu: hurry up, I want too [wahyu mencoba tapi sepatunya longgar trs nangis dan pergi )
Because there was nothing that fit the shoe, the prime minister and the prince decided to go to the
resident's house. And they arrived at Cinderella's house

nirel : O madam, how many daughters do you have?

Indah: only two my honour…….O my children, sit down, you will try to wear shoes

Karina : HAHAHAHHA these shoes definitely fit me [memakai sepatu namun tidak muat ]

Karina: no or no, these shoes definitely fit [namun tetap gaga]

Ofir: just give up, just try it on my feet [dan memasukkan sepatu]

Ophir ; no, what happened? Why don't these shoes fit?

Adiel ; let's just go home

However, when the prince and prime minister were going home, Cinderella was heard singing

Adiel ; You said earlier that there are only two princesses here ( adiel geram )

Indah : yes of course prince

Adiel: get out of the way

Indah: no no don't go {menghalangi pangeran}

The prime minister and the prince found the prince and tried to insert shoes into Cinderella's feet

Prince: please sit down (membawa sepatu dan memasukan ke dalam kaki cindera)

When he put it into Cinderella's foot, it turned out that the shoe fit and the prince felt happy

Prince: finally I found you, what is your name, beautiful princess?

Anjelly: Cinderella, my name is Cinderella

Prince: will you be my wife? ( berlutut dan memegang tangan anjely )

Cinderella: with humility, yes I want to be your wife, prince

The prince and Cinderella got married and lived happily in the kingdom

but her two half-sisters became servants

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