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(1) A chess king tours an entire 8×8 chess board, visiting each square exactly once and returning
at last to his starting position. Prove that he made an even number of diagonal moves.
(2) Let P1 , P2 , . . ., P1993 = P0 be distinct points in the xy-plane with the following properties:
(i) both coordinates of Pi are integers, for i = 1, 2, . . . , 1993; (ii) there is no point other than
Pi and Pi+1 on the line segment joining Pi with Pi+1 whose coordinates are both integers,
for i = 0, 1, . . . , 1992.
Prove that for some i, 0 ≤ i ≤ 1992, there exists a point Q with coordinates (qx , qy ) on
the line segment joining Pi with Pi+1 such that both 2qx and 2qy are odd integers.
(3) Find all positive integers n such that one can permute the numbers 1, 2 . . . , 2n on vertices
of a regular 2n-gone that for any two neighbor numbers A and B, sum of A and B be equal
the sum of the diagonal opposite numbers of A and B.
(4) Intervals a1 , . . . , a2023 and b1 , . . . , b2023 on the line are given such that ∀i ∈ Z2023 , ai intersects
both bi−1 and bi+1 (indices are module 2023). Prove that there exists i ∈ Z2023 suth that ai
intersects bi .
(5) In a tournament, each of 15 teams played with each other exactly once. Let us call the
game “odd” if the total number of games previously played by both competing teams was
(a) Prove that there was at least one “odd” game.
(b) Could it happen that there was exactly one “odd” game?
(6) A one player game is played on the m × n of points rectangular board. A token is placed
on each point. Each token is white on one side and black on the other. Initially, the token
at top left corner vertex has the black side up, while the others have the white sides up.
A move consists of removing a token with the black side up and turning over the adjacent
tokens. Is it possible to remove all the tokens by a sequence of moves?
(7) An n × n board is coloured in n colours such that the main diagonal (from top-left to
bottom-right) is coloured in the first colour; the two adjacent diagonals are coloured in the
second colour; the two next diagonals (one from above and one from below) are coloured
in the third colour, etc; the two corners (top-right and bottom-left) are coloured in the
n-th colour. It happens that it is possible to place on the board n rooks, no two attacking
each other and such that no two rooks stand on cells of the same colour. Prove that n = 0
(mod 4) or n = 1 (mod 4).
(8) In a 40 × 50 array of control buttons, each button has two states: on and off. By touching a
button, its state and the states of all buttons in the same row and in the same column are
switched. Prove that the array of control buttons may be altered from the all-off state to
the all-on state by touching buttons successively, and determine the least number of touches
needed to do so.
(9) Some cells of a 11 × 11 table are filled with pluses. It is known that the total number of
pluses in the given table and in any of its 2 × 2 sub-tables is even. Prove that the total
number of pluses on the main diagonal of the given table is also even. (2 × 2 sub-table
consists of four adjacent cells, four cells around a common vertex).
(10) Is it possible to permute numbers 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, . . . , 2022, 2022 in a line such that for any
i ∈ [2022], between two i’s there exist exactly i other numbers?
(11) Let P be a convex n polygon each of which sides and diagnoals is colored with one of n
distinct colors. For which n does: there exists a coloring method such that for any three of
n colors, we can always find one triangle whose vertices is of P ’ and whose sides is colored
by the three colors respectively.
(12) Each of the points G and H lying from different sides of the plane of hexagon ABCDEF is
connected with all vertices of the hexagon. Is it possible to mark 18 segments thus formed by
the numbers 1, 2, 3, . . . , 18 and arrange some real numbers at points A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H
so that each segment is marked with the difference of the numbers at its ends?
(13) Red, blue, and green children are arranged in a circle. When a teacher asked the red children
that have a green neighbor to raise their hands, 20 children raised their hands. When she
asked the blue children that have a green neighbor to raise their hands, 25 children raised
their hands. Prove that some child that raised her hand had two green neighbors.
(14) Two squares on an 8 × 8 chessboard are called adjacent if they have a common edge or
common corner. Is it possible for a king to begin in some square and visit all squares
exactly once in such a way that all moves except the first are made into squares adjacent
to an even number of squares already visited?
(15) Let a set S of 2004 points in the plane be given, no three of which are collinear. Let L
denote the set of all lines (extended indefinitely in both directions) determined by pairs of
points from the set. Show that it is possible to colour the points of S with at most two
colours, such that for any points p, q of S, the number of lines in L which separate p from
q is odd if and only if p and q have the same colour.
(16) A rectangular table with 2001 rows and 2002 columns is partitioned into 1 × 2 rectangles.
It is known that any other partition of the table into 1 × 2 rectangles contains a rectangle
belonging to the original partition. Prove that the original partition contains two successive
columns covered by 2001 horizontal rectangles.
(17) Two players by turns draw diagonals in a regular (2n + 1)-gon (n > 1). It is forbidden to
draw a diagonal, which was already drawn, or intersects an odd number of already drawn
diagonals. The player, who has no legal move, loses. Who has a winning strategy?

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