Legal Opinion

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1he parLles ln Lhls case are Mr 8udl as plalnLlff 40 years old buslnessman Lhe
cusLomer of 1 Secure arklng lndonesla 1 Secure arklng lndonesla ls a llmlLed llablllLy
company lncorporaLed ln lndonesla and Lhls company provldes parklng servlce ln
Ambarukmo laza as defendanL
1hls case sLarLed when Mr 8udl used Lhe parklng servlce of 1 Secure arklng
lndonesla ln Ambarukmo laza aL SepLember 13
2009 Mr 8udl was drlvlng hls new
Mercedes LClass wlLh Lhe reglsLer number A8 3887 CC Mr 8udl arrlved ln Lhe parklng
sLaLlon and goL Lhe parklng LlckeL aL 1000 AM When Mr 8udl was golng Lo go home aL
113 M he found hls car noL ln Lhe usual condlLlon 1he mlrror ln Lhe lefL slde was gone
When he open Lhe car Lhe uvu player and hls MaclnLosh noLebook was also gone Mr 8udl
sure had lock hls car before he lefL Lhe car ln Lhe parklng area
Mr 8udl asked 1 Secure arklng lndonesla Lo pay compensaLlon of Lhe loss he goL
when he use Lhe servlce 1 Secure arklng lndonesla refused Lo pay compensaLlon
because Lhe parklng LlckeL conLalns of exempLlon clause lL sLaLed LhaL 1 Secure arklng
lndonesla ls noL llable for any klnd of loss and ln[urles of Lhe vehlcle parked uslng Secure
arklng noL saLlsfled wlLh Lhe sLaLemenL of 1 Secure arklng Mr 8udl submlL Lhe case
before Sleman ulsLrlcL CourL

II Lega| Issue
1 ls Lhe sLandard conLracL ln Lhe parklng LlckeL valld?
2 Was Lhe conLracL made and performed ln good falLh prlnclple?
3 ls Lhere any undue lnfluence conLaln ln Lhe conLracL?

III Ana|ys|s
lndoneslan Clvll Code regulaLes Lhe valldlLy of agreemenL by glvlng 4 requlremenLs
of valld agreemenL ln ArLlcle 1320 whlch are
1) ConsenL
2) CapablllLy Lo enLer lnLo agreemenL
3) arLlcular ob[ecL
4) A lawful cause
1he flrsL requlremenL ls consenL 1he consenL ln Lhls sLandard conLracL has been achleved
alLhough Lhe oLher parLy (cusLomer) dld noL have chance Lo negoLlaLe Lhe clause ln Lhls
sLandard conLracL Lhe cusLomer's consenL expressed Lhrough Lhe wllllngness Lo use Lhe servlce
8oLh parLles ln Lhls conLracL also have Lhe capaclLy Lo enLer lnLo agreemenL Mr 8udl
ls a 40 year old men and 1 Secure arklng lndonesla ls a llmlLed llablllLy company who has
conLracLual capaclLy 1herefore boLh parLles fulfllled Lhe second requlremenL 1he ob[ecL of Lhe
conLracL ls Lhe parklng servlce ln Lhe area of Ambarukmo laza parklng area 1hus Lhe Lhlrd
requlremenL ls also fulfllled
A cause ls unlawful or forbldden lf lL ls forbldden by law or lf ln conLrary Lo good
morals or publlc order
lL means LhaL Lhe agreemenL shall noL conLaln any clause LhaL ls
forbldden by Lhe exlsLlng leglslaLlon norm and publlc order 1he AcL no 8 ?ear 1999 on
Consumer roLecLlon forblds sLandard clause lf lL sLaLes Lhe Lransfer of llablllLy of Lhe
ln oLher words Lhe AcL no 8 1999 forblds exempLlon clause ln sLandard conLracL
1hus lL makes Lhls conLracL ln conLrary wlLh exlsLlng leglslaLlon
8elaLed Lo Lhe publlc order lCC does noL clearly deflne publlc order Powever any
klnd of unequal sLandard conLracL leads Lo Lhe conLradlcLlon wlLh publlc order
1he unequal
conLracL ls consldered as subsLanLlve unfalrness whlch made Lhls conLracL lnapproprlaLe
Lhls case Lhe servlce provlder or 1 Secure arklng lndonesla has made unequal sLandard
conLracL clause by Lransferrlng Lhe llablllLy Any losses or ln[urles happened durlng Lhe servlce
shall be Lhe llablllLy of Lhe servlce provlder slnce when Lhe car ls belng parked ln Lhe area Lhe
servlce provlder has full conLrol of lLs area 1herefore Lhe exempLlon clause made by Lhe servlce
provlder ls conLradlcL wlLh law and publlc order lL means Lhe conLracL does noL fulflll one of Lhe
requlremenL of a valld conLracL
lCC obllgaLes parLles Lo perform Lhe agreemenL ln good falLh
Powever lCC does noL
deflne and explaln Lhe legal LesL of good falLh prlnclple nor oLher leglslaLlon 1herefore Lhe
legal LesL of good falLh prlnclple shall refers Lo Lhe docLrlne developed by scholars

lndoneslan Clvll Code (PerelnafLer lCC) ArLlcle 1337
AcL no 8 ?ear 1999 ArLlcle 1
Munlr luady nokom koottok (uotl 5oJot looJooq nokom 8lsols) 1 ClLra AdlLya 8akLl 8andung 2003 page 83
lCC ArLlcle 1338
ood falLh prlnclple ls dlvlded lnLo sub[ecLlve good falLh and ob[ecLlve good falLh

Cb[ecLlve good falLh ls Lhe sLandard or Lhe legal LesL of good falLh ln performlng Lhe agreemenL
lL refers Lo Lhe compllance of reasonable commerclal sLandard of falr deallng
lf one of Lhe
parLles acL ln a manner nonsensely and lnapproprlaLely wlll noL be a good defense Lo say LhaL
he honesLly belleved hls conducL Lo be reasonable and lnequlLable ln Lhls case lL ls noL
reasonable when a cusLomer who had pald cerLaln amounL of money for a servlce geL ln[urles
and losses caused by Lhe servlce whlle Lhe cusLomer had perform all means Lo secure hls car by
acLlvaLlng Lhe securlLy sysLem lL ls also noL reasonable when Lhe servlce provlder whlch should
have been had full conLrol over Lhe parklng area leL Lhe cusLomer's car damaged and sLolen
1herefore Lhe agreemenL made by 1 Secure arklng lndonesla was noL performed based on
good falLh prlnclple
1 Secure arklng lndonesla fully reallzes LhaL Lhe sLandard conLracL wrlLLen so
small ln Lhe parklng LlckeL has Lhe posslblllLy noL Lo be noLlced or read by Lhe cusLomer ?eL Lhe
servlce provlder use Lhls chance Lo creaLe exempLlon clause ln Lhe conLracL 1hls manner ls
obvlously conLradlcL wlLh equlLy and unreasonable 1herefore Lhe agreemenL was performed
noL based on good falLh prlnclple
A consenL ln Lhe conLracL shall noL be based on undue lnfluence undue lnfluence
means Lhe consenL achleved by one of Lhe parLles because of hls poslLlon or domlnanL

8ldwan khalrandy lktlkoJ 8olk Jolom kebebosoo 8etkoottok unlverslLas lndonesla lakulLas Pukum ascasar[ana
2004 page 193
lblJ page 94
1he parLy who has domlnanL poslLlon uses persuaslve approach Lo galn unfalr proflL
from Lhe oLher parLles
ln Lhls case Lhe servlce provlder or 1 Secure arklng lndonesla has
domlnanL poslLlon ln Lhls sLandard conLracL 1hls sLandard conLracL dld noL leL Lhe oLher parLy
Lo negoLlaLe Lhe clause and Lhe parLy ls forced Lo Lake Lhe conLracL slnce Lhe 1 Secure arklng
lndonesla ls Lhe only servlce provlder ln Ambarukmo laza and all Lhe laza cusLomer's car musL
be parked ln Lhe servlce provlder area ln Lhls case 1 Secure arklng lndonesla has obvlously
galn unfalr proflL from Mr 8udl who has paln Lhe servlce fee yeL Lhe servlce provlder dld noL
malnLaln and waLch Mr 8udl's car properly
Slnce undue lnfluence ls one of Lhe defecLs of consenL Lhe consenL ln Lhls
agreemenL became lnvalld ConsenL ls one of Lhe requlremenL of a valld conLracL 1herefore
undue lnfluence made Lhls agreemenL falled Lo fulflll one Lhe requlremenL of a valld conLracL

1he exempLlon clause ln parklng LlckeL as a sLandard conLracL made by 1 Secure
arklng lndonesla ls forbldden accordlng Lo Lhe AcL no 8 1999 on Consumer roLecLlon 1hus
Lhe clause falled Lo fulflll one of Lhe requlremenL of valld conLracL whlch ls lawful clause LhaL ls
noL conLradlcL Lo law and publlc order 1herefore Lhe conLracL shall be null and vold
1 Secure arklng lndonesla ls proven has made unequal agreemenL beLween Lhe
cusLomer 1he AcL of 1 Secure arklng lndonesla Lransferrlng Lhe llablllLy Lo Mr 8udl ls

Munlr luady sopto noLe 3 page 81
lnapproprlaLe and consldered as unreasonable 1herefore 1 Secure arklng performed Lhe
agreemenL noL based on good falLh prlnclple
1 Secure arklng lndonesla has been proven Lo have a domlnanL poslLlon beLween
Lhe parLy 1 Secure arklng also use Lhe domlnanL poslLlon Lo creaLe consenL wlLh Lhe
cusLomer on every clause Lhey make 1hus lL proves LhaL Lhere ls undue lnfluence on Lhe
consenL of Lhe conLracL (defecL of consenL) lurLhermore he consenL ln Lhls clause ls
consldered lnvalld 1herefore Lhls exempLlon clause shall be null and vold

Annlsa Syauflka ?usLlsla 8ldwan (07410128)

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