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6 ICP 1




1. Background

Indonesia is a country with a large democracy. With a population of

280,000,000 citizens, Indonesia is the third largest democratic country

after America and India. This is the second time Indonesia has held

simultaneous elections. The first will be held on April 17 2019 and the

second will be held on February 14 2024. Elections are a means of popular

sovereignty to elect members of the council.

representatives of the people, regions, president and vice president which

are carried out broadly, publicly freely, confidentially, honestly and fairly,

Dynamics that emerged during the simultaneous elections in 2019 and

2024. where the KPPS in each village worked 24 hours a day.

The second dynamic is that there are simultaneous elections, so there are

many types of ballot papers (5 types of elections) and this makes it

difficult for the elderly to fold them again. There were even KKP officers

who fell ill even worse and some died.

The third dynamic is the large number of logistics that must be secured.

thus making the organizers at the PPK, PPS and KPPS levels somewhat

The final dynamic is when the Indonesian government carries out

simultaneous elections, which means electing members of the people's

representative council, the regional, president and vice president elect

members of the representative council. So the budget spent by the state is

also very large.

Based on the dynamics of problem that emerged during the 2019-2024

simultaneous elections, the author took the title “implementation

democarcy through simultaneous elections year 2024

2. Problem Formulation

1. How to carry out simultaneous election with luber and jurdil?

2. What are recommendation that we can give as long process of

simultaneous election?

3. Aim Of The Project

To be able carry out simultaneous elections with freely and fair

To carry out advantages and disadventages of the simultaneous elections


4. Research Methodology

This research use technical qualitative

5. Project Design



Munculnya Dinamika Pemilu Serentak Tahun 2019 - 2024

 Bagaimana cara melaksanakan pemilu serentak dengan Luber dan Jurdil
 Apa rekomendasi yang bisa kita berikan dari hasil pengamatan selama proses


21 - 28 March 2024 BLEM FORMULATION
15 - 20 March 2024


1 - 3 April 2024 4 - 5 April 2024


Democracy consists of two Greek words. namely demos and kratos, demos

meaning people, and kratos government.

Democracy is a system of government in which all the people take part in

governing, and the intermediary of their representatives, simply defined is

government of the people, for the people, and by the people.

With democracy, it means that people are free to express themselves and have

free opinions. so that a country that implements a system of government means

giving its people freedom.

Democracy guarantees the rights obtained by every citizen and prioritizes

consensus deliberation to take joint policies.

the people play a role in government. Because democracy is a system of

government. Because democracy is a system of government of, for and by the

people, citizens are involved in the process of running government and the state.

(not a descendant of the president)

The democratic system that has been implemented in Indonesia:

1.Parliamentary Democracy (19950-1959)

2. Guided Democracy (1959-1965)

3. New Order Pancasila Democracy (1966-1998)

4. Pancasila democracy reform (1998-now)

guided democracy after President Soekarno. Guided democracy is democracy

that is led by wisdom in representative deliberations in accordance with the 1945


Elections or general elections are a democratic process for electing people's

representatives or government officials directly by the citizens of a country.

The purpose of elections is to give citizens the opportunity to express their voices

and elect leaders who will represent them in government. Election results are

used to determine who will hold office, politics, etc.

function of elections:

1. people's sovereignty

2. form a government

3. important role in determining people's representatives

luber and jurdil are abbreviations for direct, general, free, confidential, honest and

fair. This is regulated in article 2 of Law No. 7 of 2017 (election law) which reads

as follows:
"Elections are carried out based on the principles of direct, general, free, secret,

honest and fair."

meaning of luber and jurdil:

-Direct: voters must vote in the election directly

-General: every citizen who has reached 17 years of age/married has the right to

vote without any discrimination.

-Free: people are free to choose according to the wishes without any pressed from

any people.

-Secret: voters' votes are secret and only known by the voters themselves

-Honest: every element in organizing elections must be honest in accordance with

applicable laws.

-Fair: every voter and political party must receive equal treatment and be free

from fraud

open proportional system voters can choose a list of names of legislative

candidates, the advantage is that there is a relationship between candidates and


Meanwhile, those who are closed can only choose the image, the politic group

itself will decide it.



1.How to carry out simultaneous election with luber and Jurdil?

The principles of elections are that they are free and fair. luber and jurdil are

abbreviations for direct, general, free, confidential, honest and fair.

Elections or general elections are a democratic process for directly electing

people's representatives or government officials. This is needed to convey votes

and elect leaders.

So, from the explanation above, we can implement elections in an overflow and

fair manner, namely:

1. We can vote directly by coming to the polling station in person

2. There is no coercion from other people

3. Choose leaders from conscience

4. keep the sound secret

5. We must act honestly in accordance with applicable laws

6. Be fair without cheating

2.What are recommendation that we can give as long process of simultaneous


As we know, the budget for this year's simultaneous elections has increased

drastically, reaching 3x. because this year the officials rented a new building for

their election location and added all new equipment. It's no wonder that the budget

has increased drastically, not to mention the meeting officers who have to fly out

of town for meetings. We don't need to rent a new building or buy new

equipment, we can use whatever space we have, but if we want to rent a building,

just rent it for one month, not one year. and we can use old equipment.

We can use the method in the Covid-19 era, namely online/zoom/online. So the

savings on airplane return include using existing equipment and also being able to

rent a new building, but only for a one month rental period.


As we know Luber and Jurdil attitude must we apply in our daily life. Not only

when Pemilu time. As a social cretaure we must apply to daily life for help us

communicate or survive. For example we work in a company, and our CEO give

us assignment that very Important, and our CEO trust us to do it. We don’t know

when is our luck time and our bad time. Its one of apply attitude of fairly (jujur)

and many things again. And also if there was our friend or other give us

something secret and we don’t tell to other, it one of attitude of secretive (rahasia)

and fairly (jujur).

As we know the budget of simultaneous election this years reach 3x than

simultaneous election in 2019. Because the KPPS is buy the new thing and flight

out of town to discuss. And they also rent a new building. Of course it out many

budget. How the way to save the budget?

1. Use the old thing

2. Not must rent a building

3. Use method online so not muse flight out of town

4. And the last if really want rent a new building rent only for one month.

1. English Dictionary

2. Example KTI

3. Youtube

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