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De FIANNA ena er ees ards Sco 38 SONS OF DANA ~"getivation/leaction “ilagertis ability after anenemy movement activation, ithe activated Unit ended theie movement within $ ofan area of uneven terrain, Resolve ashooting attack against this tnt, For Eis attack, you get 4 ors attack dice, NoSagaabilties may be triggered during this shooting attack. e3 ies 5 HEIRS OF MI, Orders(feaction Choose one of your units, located entirely within anarea of uheyen terrain Untilthe start oFyournext turn, no enemy unit can target itwith ‘shooting attack ora charge unless they are within VS, = THE OLD WAY Activation ‘Activate as many units as you have Heroes in your warband. Only units with a melee Armaur of 3 or less ‘may be activated thie way. you used a the first of these activations witnot generate any fatigue. SS Poti BONNACHTS Es 6 Bese} Activation 9] RISD a FIRBOLG Shooting Gain’ tack de ryouuseda iif each altack lewhichseore’eormor iis rectotel eutrstich oe aaa oS SIDHE ‘Shooting Discard allyotrattack dee. Unt the end oFthe turn, allaltack dice rolled ina shooting attack against the targeted unit get a bonus of +. aS ‘WAIL OF THE BANSHEE — ‘Melee or Shooting/Reaction Gain 2 defence dice, Each a¥ your defence dice get a bonus equal jo numberof Fatigue tokens the enemy unit has. pe a COMBAT BONUS eran eer Ec ACTIVATION POOL, oo Sed MOMENT OF TRUTH ‘Melee or Shooting/Reaction The Saga abilities step ofthis melee or shooting ends immediately. SPIRITS OF THE LAND © Melee or Shooting/Reaction ifyoururitis locate ently uithinan area oF uneven teri, cach oFyourderencecice gets “1 bonus a. 88 BLOOD OF KINGS | Orders + Hero Untilthe start oFyour next turn, allyour Heroes with the Resilience (1) special rule instead benefit rom Resilience (2) z o- BeB TRELAND'S HEART ‘Melee Hera You infic two additional automatic hits The first use of Resilience by the Hero during this melee does not inflict Fatigue on him, =e tioaShpe thvtltscb) scene PULAU UTA Pecan Beet te Sma ea Core ie 868 COMBAT BONUS Reavis Ne Sais or Shooting/Reaction ACTIVATION POOL Orders ‘Melee » Hearthguards and Warriors IFyour unit is ithin$ oF your Warlord, ‘gain 3 attack dice, defence ice, of amixoFboth (5 #you used a 4), Q (EI ‘THE LONG WINTER Orders Until the start oFyour gext tur, ‘no unit may charge orshootat a unit more than Mavay atthe start ofthe charge or shooting attack. el BLIZZARD Orders/Reaction Designate one of your units, All open terrain within VS of a Figure inthat unit.counts as uneven terrain Until the end ofthe turn, BLACK BEARS Melee Discard attackand/ordefence dice ‘equalto your current Armour to increase yaur Armoury 1 ad FROZEN WIND Orders/Reaction Place an L, measuring stick onthe table, sp thatleast one ends within Mi oF atable edge Every unit with atleast one madel touched by the measuring stick takes a Fatigue iO aiid Eby ‘WHITE WOLVES ‘Melee Reduce youe Armoury and gain both attackand defence dice equat ‘oyour new Armourvaive. 1 fyouused.a&, remove fatigue Somos BLOOD FEUD Melee Reduce your unit's Armour by 1 toreduce the opposing unit's Armourby 1 oR, Increase the opposing unit's Armour by toincrease your unit’ Armour by 1 2-62 frfe} BITING COLD Activation/Reaction ‘Tigger this abllty after the eesolution units charge, movement ‘rshooting activation. “That unit may not be activated again this turn. Eady oe ‘ : Paps ‘THE PACK Activation ~ Resolvea shooting attack against an enemy unt You may rll 2 attack dice foreach of your units within oF said enemy unit and containing at least 5 mocels NoSaga abilities can be riagered _— | ¥ jo) B| KING OF THE ISLES Orders LUntit the start of your next turn, ‘your Warlord’s Armouris 6 Untilthen, atthe start oFevery melee corshooting attack he is involved in, you, ‘may take an available Saga die roll it and place't on your Combat Bonus. eee RS HUSCARIS ore w a4 COMBAT BONUS ACTIVATION Activation ea Activation Sean as tivate aunt Sens or Shooting/Reaction or ent e Geer a ree tee ~NOBLE LINEAGE UNFORGIVING 3 SHOCK, Orders & Melee ‘Activation TumoneofyourinactiveSaya «The enemy unt suffers fatigue Activate aunt charge : iceto showa face of your choi You canne iongeruse enemyfatigue ‘The charged unit cannot close ranks : cn <8 uring this meles 8 e Re-rollasmeny ofyourinective™ Saga dice as youwant Gfyouusedaf, resolveboth effect, Oe pee DETERMINATION" CRUSH THE WEAK Melee Melee Gain3 dice attack defence ; FFthe enemyunit hasan Armour ‘ora mixof the iva) Orders/Reaction \ ‘The rst. unit activated during s the next activation phase wil suffer a fatigue atthe start oftsactivation 5 you use ate fest to units activated willoth suffer afatigue), ° — oy EXHAUSTION LORD OF WAR Orders Activation S Choose 3 units, r Remove all fatigues rom, : Each one suffers. Fatigue. your Wariord ny His Armouris® untilthe start SHIELDWALL , ‘ oF your next turn Melee or Shooting/Reaction % r % — Youmaynctactivate your Warlord Sean etaie a Cick ae cae © LIKE ROCKS 3 % ‘Melee or Shooting/Reaction You may e-rall any defence dice you wish.

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