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Project Description & Rubric for Business Analytics Course (2023-24)

This is a group project wherein the group members are expected to visit organization(s) to
understand their analytics maturity (ranging from no application of analytics to organization-
wide analytics strategy). The project can also attempt to capture other key aspects in their
journey towards on insight-driven organization such as, adoption challenges, typical use-
cases, compliance requirements, support from the leadership, alignment with the business
vision etc.
With regards to the deliverable, we expect an executive report covering major
themes/insights from the study, which can help leaders or analysts in the industry.

Rubric for Project Evaluation

Elements of Evaluation Value Excellent Good Average Poor

(12-15) (9-11) (5-8) (<=4)
CLO1: To understand the 15  The scope of the study  The scope of the  The scope of the  The scope of the
importance of data and is very well defined. study is reasonably study requires study requires
applicability of data-driven  Group has adopted a defined. more clarity. more clarity.
decision making in robust methodology to  Group has adopted  Group has  The adopted
organizations. collect relevant data. a good adopted a good methodology for
 The group has methodology to methodology to data collection is
considered good collect relevant collect relevant inappropriate.
number of data. data.  The group has
organizations/stakehol  The group has  The group has considered fewer
ders for their study. considered considered fewer number of
 Group has a very reasonable number number of organizations/stak
good understanding of of organizations/stak eholders for their
how data is being organizations/stake eholders for their study.
managed and utilized holders for their study.  Group has no
in the sample set of study.  Group has limited understanding of
organizations.  Group has a understanding of how data is being
reasonable how data is being managed and
understanding of managed and utilized in the
how data is being utilized in the sample set of
managed and sample set of organizations.
utilized in the organizations.
sample set of

CLO2: To analyze various 15  Demonstration of  Demonstration of  No structured  No structured

types of data and garner rigour in deriving reasonable rigour process followed process followed
insights relevant to either relevant themes from in deriving relevant in identifying in identifying
business or social context. the underlying data. themes from the themes. themes.
 Insights are highly underlying data.  Insights have  Insights have no
relevant to the  Some of the limited relevance practical
targeted audience. insights are highly to the targeted relevance to the
 The report provides a relevant to the audience. targeted
comprehensive targeted audience.  The report audience.
coverage on the  The report provides provides only a  The report does
analytics maturity of a reasonable partial coverage not shed light on
the organization or coverage on the on the analytics the analytics
the industry in analytics maturity maturity of the maturity of the
general. of the organization organization or organization or
or the industry in the industry in the industry in
general. general. general.

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