Suparco Personality Profiling - Psycholigical Test 2019

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SUPARCO Personality Profiling & Psychological Test

The test is same for all posts and designations.

Duration: Approx 2.5 Hours

Following events take place during this test:

1. Filling of the bio data form. It is a two-sided detailed bio data

2. Mental Ability Test (MAT): 70 MCQ with 5 options each within
30 minutes. Easy and bit tricky questions regarding shapes, series,
directions, simple math, and so on.
3. Sentence Completion (Urdu): 26 in number within 5 minutes.
The first few words of a sentence are given. You have to complete
the sentence.
4. Sentence Completion (English): 26 in number within 5 minutes.
5. Sentence Completion (English): 26 in number within 5 minutes.
6. Story writing: 2 stories, 3 minutes for each. The first two
sentences are given and you have to complete a story continuing
with those.
7. Words Association Test (WAT): 50 words, 10 seconds each.
Words are displayed by the examiner using flashcards. Each word
is flashed for 10 seconds. You have to write a meaningful sentence
using that word or anything associated with that word. E.g. if the
examiner displays the word ROSE. You can write a sentence using
the word, rose, garden, red, and so on.

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